Wycombe general election guide: Q and A with all candidates for July 4 (2024)

WELCOME to your general election guide, featuring interviews with all nine candidates standing for the seat of Wycombe.

Over the last few weeks, the Bucks Free Press team have been hard at work trying to track down all 38 candidates standing in the seats that we cover.

Before you dive into reading the interviews, let’s have a look at the history for the seat of Wycombe.

The parliamentary constituency covers around 71,000 residents. Its boundary has been changed ahead of this election so it will no longer encompass Hazlemere or Holmer Green, instead stopping at Tylers Green, Downley and West Wycombe and stretching down as far as Fawley, bordering with Oxfordshire.

READ MORE:Wycombe election candidates quizzed on Gaza, buses, housing

It has been held by the Conservatives since 1951. Since 1900, it has been largely represented by the Conservative Party aside from five years for the Liberals in early 1900s, eleven years for the unionist party in 1924 (sir Alfred Knox) and six years for Labour in 1945 (John Haire).

Steve Baker, the incumbent Conservative MP, has held the seat since 2010. Facing him again in this election are some familiar faces from the 2019 cycle including Toni Brodelle (Lib Dem) and Khalil Ahmed, who last time stood for Labour but this time is standing as for the Workers Party.

Conservative: Steve Baker

Wycombe general election guide: Q and A with all candidates for July 4 (1)(Image: Bucks Free Press)


Occupation:Formerly Wycombe’s MP, Software Engineer, and RAF Engineering Officer.

Constituency you are standing for:Wycombe

Claim to the area: I have lived in Wycombe for many years, including before I was selected. I became involved in Wycombe Homeless Connection in its early days through Speen Church. I have been Wycombe’s MP for 14 years, working hard to deliver for our area and represent our whole community.

1.What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?

Undoubtedly, the cost of living, local healthcare provision, and our schools are among the most pressing of concerns facing people in Wycombe. I have been proud to have made real progress on these issue over the past 14 years and will continue to treat them as my top priorities.

2.What causes will you be championing?

I am proud of all I have done to help improve the quality of our healthcare here in Wycombe. If returned, my top priority will be continuing the fight for a new Hospital. I am confident that before the election was called we were well on the way to securing the necessary funding, and now I want to finish the job.

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Among my other priorities will be tackling the cost of living, building more new homes in the right areas, improving our roads and infrastructure, and continuing to champion our local schools – which are already receiving record levels of funding and I have delivered a new SEND school opening for Wycombe children in September

3.How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

We must also protect our glorious AONB.
I have long championed giving local people more of a voice in development: residents need the incentives to say yes, but the right to say no.

4.How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

I have spent my time in Parliament championing the prosperity of all local people. I am proud of my efforts fighting to keep people’s bills down with a pragmatic approach to reaching Net Zero, and by fighting inflation. I championed changes to Universal Credit and Local Housing Allowance, winning important battles to ensure we have a safety net which we can afford, and which works for those who need it.

But there is much more to do be done. I will continue to support those affected hardest by the cost of living, while fighting to keep bills down and lowering taxes, so hard working people can keep more of the money they earn.

5.How will you help reduce crime?

I am proud of my record working with TVP PCC Matthew Barber in significantly reducing crime rates. Incidents of burglary in the Thames Valley region are down by 36% since 2019, while neighbourhood crime has also fallen by 14%.

I am proud that the Thames Valley Police exceeded the Government’s ambitious target for police recruitment by a significant margin. In the next year, TVP will recruit 150 additional officers to tackle priority issues for local people – more officers than ever before. Additionally, we have made great strides on tackling rural crime – down 19% over the past year or so – and the misuse of nitrous oxide, which has now been made a Class C illegal substance.

I know there is more to be done, and I hope to continue this work into the next Parliament.

6.What car do you drive?

An old one. Otherwise withheld on security grounds.

7.What's your favourite film or TV show?

John Wick

8.When was the last time you cried?

A tear on my cheek? Sunday. Outright weeping: November 2022.

9.Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

I have not.

10.What hobbies do you do in your free time?

Skydiving, trail running, fast catamaran sailing, and motorcycling.

Labour: Emma Reynolds

Wycombe general election guide: Q and A with all candidates for July 4 (2)(Image: Bucks Free Press)

Age: 46

Occupation: Managing Director, TheCityUK (trade association for financial and related professional services)

Constituency you are standing for: Wycombe

Claim to the area: I live in the local area (Holmer Green) and my kids go to a local state school.

1.What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?

1) The cost of living crisis, in particular, high rents and mortgage payments, food and energy bills 2) NHS waiting times and getting an appointment with the GP
3) Public transport - the cost of it and also in some cases irregularity and unreliability

2.What causes will you be championing?

There are many causes I will champion including the following:

1) investment in Wycombe hospital to protect the services that we have.
2) Reduce NHS waiting times and deliver better access to GPs.
3) Ensure better access to mental health treatment for our young people including Labour's promise to employ 8,500 mental health specialist (including one in every secondary school).
4) Deliver more affordable childcare - as a mum of two young children and a working parent, I know how difficult it is to find the right childcare and how expensive it is.
5) Promoting policies which tackle climate change. 6) Preventing the disgraceful dumping of sewage in our rivers.

3.How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

I love our local countryside - it is what attracted us and many others to move here. Labour will plant three new national forests in England and create nine new National River Walks.

4.How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

Labour is the party of working people and we are determined to tackle the root causes of the cost of living crisis and food poverty. We will deliver economic stability and bring down interest rates, unlike the economic chaos created by Liz Truss and this Conservative government. We will ensure low paid workers are paid a decent wage by making the living wage compulsory for employers. We will end zero hours contract and get rid of fire and rehire. We will also establish GB Energy, a publicly backed energy company, to deliver more affordable clean energy and close the loopholes on the gas and oil companies and ensure a proper windfall tax raises more money from the wholesale energy companies.

5.How will you help reduce crime?

Local residents often complain to me about anti social behaviour and crime. According to a recent poll by Savanta, 82% of adults say they are experiencing or witnessing anti social behaviour in their local area. Labour will recruit 13,000 neighbourhood police offers to crack down on anti social behaviour, introduce tough new penalties for offenders, scrap effective immunity for some shoplifting introduced by this Conservative government and introduce a new specific offence for assaulting shopworkers. We will also create a new network of youth hubs and deliver a better deal for the next generation.

6.What car do you drive?

BMW 3 series

7.What's your favourite film or TV show?

Silent Witness

8.When was the last time you cried

I love reading books. Some of the best stories make me cry. I recently cried at the end of reading Fortune's Rocks by Anita Shreve but I won't explain why because it would be a big spoiler!

9.Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?


10.What hobbies do you do in your free time?

Playing football and cricket with my kids.

Lib Dems: Toni Brodelle

Wycombe general election guide: Q and A with all candidates for July 4 (3)(Image: Bucks Free Press)

Age: 50

Occupation:Teacher and Member of the House of Lords task group on Human Rights and the Middle East (War crimes – Syria/Palestine)

Constituency you are standing for:Wycombe

Claim to the area: I have lived in Wycombe since I was 3 or 4 years old. I grew up in Downley, attending what is now Disraeli School, then Wycombe High School. I live, work and am raising my children here. I’m involved in lots of initiatives to support our community.

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?

From speaking with people here in our community, it’s clear that there are many issues, but I would say the main issues here in Wycombe are the economy/cost of living crisis, access to NHS services (GP and dentist appointments, as well as lengthy waiting lists) and lack of appropriate education, support and mental health provision for children and young people

2. What causes will you be championing?

Aside from continuing my human rights work, particularly in relation to Syria and Palestine, I am committed to ensuring that Wycombe has a state-of-the-art hospital which fully meets the needs of a community the size of ours, as well as tackling the care crisis, which puts additional pressure on the NHS due to a lack of appropriately funded care. I will also continue to champion fair access to assessment, support and provision for children with additional learning and wellbeing needs, including tackling the mental health crisis in schools. As a Green Liberal Democrat, I will also continue to champion a proactive approach to tackling the climate crisis, including ending our dependency on fossil fuels, investing in renewables and ensuring those who are on low incomes have free insulation and heat pumps to both cut fuel bills and speed up our transition to Net Zero,

3. How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

Buckinghamshire Council has a huge role to play in protecting our green spaces. Many of the threats to our local green spaces, such as the development being forced on Gomm Valley, stem from previous decisions that Conservative councillors have made despite strong local opposition. Decisions made according to developer greed, not local need. Beautiful chalk valleys such as Gomm Valley should have protected status. The Liberal Democrats would also aim to establish three new national parks – including one here in our beautiful Chilterns – to preserve our natural environment for generations to come. I would work with Bucks Council to ensure the planning department is adequately funded to improve planning outcomes and give our green spaces the protection they deserve.

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

The Conservatives have badly mismanaged the economy and ordinary families are now paying the price, being forced to choose between eating or heating their homes. The botched Brexit deal and lack of commitment to investing in cutting-edge technologies has left our economy in disarray, with Wycombe families footing the bill. I would fight for a reversal to tax cuts for billionaires and banks, as well as tackling sky-high food and energy prices through National Food and Home Energy Upgrade strategies.

5. How will you help reduce crime?

I know from speaking to residents in Micklefield that they no longer feel safe due to the recent stabbing, and I was concerned to read the statement made by Chiltern Rangers this week that they have removed nearly 100 discarded needles from Castlefield Wood. Far too many criminals are getting away with it, and violence against women and girls remains horrifically high. We have to bring back proper, well-funded, representative community policing, where offices are visible, trusted, and focused on preventing and solving crime. I would push for an end to the expensive and wasteful role of Police and Crime Commissioner, redirecting funds where they are most needed. Further to this, I fully support the Liberal Democrats’ pledge to ensure that police attend and investigate all burglaries. We all deserve to feel safe in our own homes.

6. What car do you drive?

A Ford Ecosport 1L, but I barely drive it as I walk whenever and wherever I can.

7. What's your favourite film or TV show?

I haven’t had a TV for years, so tend to catch up with things online. I quite like historical dramas, and am a big fan of The Handmaid’s Tale and Bridgerton. I love the way that Nicola Coughlan, who plays Penelope Bridgerton, is using her platform to raise awareness of apartheid and genocide in Palestine. My favourite film… that depends upon my mood, but I really like the Hunger Games movies. Cool Runnings is an old favourite too.

8. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

It’s human nature to be curious about things like that, but personally, I’m not a fan. I lost my dad to lung cancer, so I’m also against smoking. I think we need to do a better job of tackling the root causes behind why so many people get sucked into smoking, excessive drinking and taking drugs. All of that will also help to ease the burden on our NHS.

9. When was the last time you cried?

I cried this morning – and regularly do - when reading about atrocities being carried out in Palestine. Aside from that, I went to a concert recently, and the words of one of the songs reminded me of my lovely dad, who died 14 years ago. So, I sang along with tears running down my face. He taught me a lot about the person I want to be, and I miss him.

10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?

I tend to be very busy with my teaching, humanitarian and political work, but I do make sure I get to spend time with the people I love, particularly my children. I’m really blessed to be mum to two brilliant young women who I would choose as my friends if they weren’t my children. I also really love dancing and live music, so I try to check out the music scene in Wycombe when I can. It means a lot to me to support local community initiatives and businesses, so I get along to as many events as I can. I’m creative, and I love to spend time painting, writing and cooking. Ultimately though, spending time with family and friends is what matters most to me when I’m not working.

Green: Catherine Bunting

Wycombe general election guide: Q and A with all candidates for July 4 (4)(Image: Bucks Free Press)

Age: 49

Occupation: Recruiter

Constituency you are standing for:Wycombe

Claim to the area: I've lived in the area for 11 years and my sone goes to state school here.

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?

Energy and food poverty, a dire lack of health and social care and poor-quality housing stock. All painful in a cost of living crisis, and will require work urgently as we experience more extreme weather patterns due to climate change.

2.What causes will you be championing?

People and the planet simply. People deserve food and energy security, and to live in safe, affordable and well insulated homes. Delivering this for people, will also result in lowering carbon emissions, vital to avoid the worst impact of climate change, and to secure our children's futures.

3.How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

By influencing Bucks Council to change their ways! They don't take the threat to our Green spaces seriously, and the local authority is the custodian of our natural environment. I'd champion the use of brownfield sites, and more robust protection for green spaces, as well as nationalisation of our water companies to stop the pollution to our rivers.

4.How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

There is enough food for all, but prices are too high, and we waste too much. Changes to government policy could save this wastage. In my village, we have worked with local coops who now all freeze food that is not sold at the end of it's sell by date, and we redistribute this. It's a trial, and it works! Initiatives like this are easy wins, but there is nothing in it for most food companies right now. In terms of energy poverty, homes need to be insulated as a priority, creating local jobs, which will boost the local economy, and will also lower people's energy bills. We should also be promoting community energy schemes and growth of solar and wind turbines. Every council or government owned building should have solar panels on them, and we need to make them affordable for all residents. We can attach the cost to the home and take this from stamp duty when the home is sold, negating homeowners from having to pay and encouraging private landlords to invest.

5.How will you help reduce crime?

Everyone has the right to feel safe, on the street, in their home, and online. By making a career in the police force more attractive, but crucially, challenging the root cause of crime. Investing in a greater sense of community, focusing on improved life chances for young people, and tackling poverty.

6.What car do you drive?

A fiat panda which really needs a wash! Also an electric bike because I struggle with these hills, even having grown up in Devon!

7.What's your favourite film or TV show?

Has to be Harry Potter! All of them!

8.When was the last time you cried?

Last week when practicing a presentation for sustainability graduates. I got to the part about us having breached 1.5 degrees of global heating. We have a beautiful planet, and ideal conditions for us to thrive (which is why we have), but we are taking that for granted, and ruining it for ourselves.

9.Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

I think most 49 years have haven't they? Neither prohibition, nor the policing of low level drug offences have reduced use, and consequently have had no impact on the size of the criminal market. Greens will push to decriminalize personal possession of drugs.

10.What hobbies do you do in your free time?

I run a community fridge which I love. Community is everything, and so worthwhile. I'd promote spending more time in the community to everyone, it's great for the heart and soul. I also love getting out in the Chiltern hills with my two rescue dogs. I am challenging myself to grow more vegetables and am very proud of my swiss chard this year so far!

Reform UK: Richard Phoenix

Wycombe general election guide: Q and A with all candidates for July 4 (5)(Image: Bucks Free Press)

Age: 60

Occupation: Chartered Surveyor

Constituency you are standing for: Wycombe

Claim to the area: Live and work in High Wycombe

1.What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?

Homelessness – shrugging of shoulders and acceptance is unacceptable. Action is needed! Set up a team, promoted and lead by Wycombe’s MP to include the key players, homeless individuals, Bucks Council, Wycombe Homeless Connection , Twenty11…amongst others.

1960’s Hospital with no A&E – Comprise a strategy with all stakeholders for a new hospital, lobby, lobby and lobby again!! Wes Streeting will not like me.

High Street – It is historic, it is attractive, it is the face of High Wycombe retail – create a taskforce that brings together, Bucks, Council, landlords, Wycombe Society, Wycombe Assembly, Bucks NU to champion and promote to ensure that it becomes a magnet for restaurants and artisan retail.

2.What causes will you be championing?

The Homeless, The Hospital, The High Street.

3.How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

By ensuring that brownfield sites are developed upon to release the pressure on social hosing in particular as well as private. I am a Chartered Surveyor, I understand planning and development.

4.How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

Reform UK’s Contract policy is best suited for this – ‘ZERO INCOME TAX FOR FIRST £20,000 EARNED’

5.How will you help reduce crime?

Reform UK’s Contract policy of ‘40,000 NEW FRONT LINE POLICE OFFICERS IS A B****Y GOOD START!’

6.What car do you drive?

Hyundai Sante Fe

7.What's your favourite film or TV show?

Match of The Day, Nothing to Declare and Columbo

8.When was the last time you cried?

Good question – At my Uncle Jim’s funeral recently - a very kind man who never said a wrong word about anyone.

9.Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

Not a great question – I am really anti-drugs and have always veered away from them, even marijuana. Was there one occasion on holiday a long, long time ago. Wow I am boring!

10.What hobbies do you do in your free time?

I play chess online with the app Lichess – I have a low rating, it is really frustrating Learning Spanish on Duolingo – I am just above a beginner level, I have done 770 days consecutive; I have been going to Mallorca for 50 years and can still only order a beer and the bill!

A bit of Wordle which I am quite good at.

I am a member of The Gym in Wycombe…..you would recognise me by the slow walking pace on the treadmill.

I sometimes walk Rosie the dog, feed Monty the cat and try to stay out of earshot when there are domestic jobs to be undertaken.

Climate Party: Ed Gemmell

Wycombe general election guide: Q and A with all candidates for July 4 (6)(Image: LDRS)

Age:30 going on 57 (shocking, am I really that old?!

Occupation: Leader of the Climate Party, Buckinghamshire Councillor, Managing Director of a national science charity. Former army officer, city lawyer and entrepreneur.

Constituency you are standing for: Wycombe

Claim to the area: I live and work in Wycombe

1.What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?
a. Cost of Living
b. Health and hospital facilities
c. What the future holds for young people given the current climate crisis and failing economy
d. In addition, a substantial number of local people are very concerned with the ongoing conflict in Gaza

2.What causes will you be championing?
Rather than simply ‘championing’ causes, I’m already working on a number of areas locally
a. Creating better opportunities to inspire young people
b. Attracting innovative business to Wycombe
c. Improving health related outcomes locally – this certainly includes pushing hard to get A+E back in the area but it’s more than that. It encompasses all aspects of local health provision, bringing the community together to identify what our main problems are (such as difficulties in getting GP appointments, lengthy hospital waiting lists) and how we, as a community, can start to solve this proactively.
Nationally, the Climate Party is working to ensure
d. British leadership of the new clean industrial revolution. With 92% of global economies under a net zero commitment, this is the direction of travel and we must grab this opportunity and get Britain leading the way to create investment, jobs and futures in the UK and locally in Wycombe. Then we will have more money for our NHS, defence, education and potholes, etc.

3.How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

a. I’ve been working on this for years. I founded the Bee Squared project which has run in many areas in Wycombe, Buckinghamshire and elsewhere in the UK, successfully creating more wildflower spaces for our bees.
b. I protest against excess; I’ve stood with residents in front of a developer’s bulldozer intent on destroying a protected orchard to make way for housing.
c. As a councillor, I am constantly fighting to protect nature and reduce the destruction of green spaces that results from housing development in Wycombe and from infrastructure projects such as HS2 and East West Rail.
d. I’m involved in creating a local Neighbourhood Plan in Hazlemere where I live that specifically protects a network of green spaces and local trees while increasing biodiversity and canopy cover. I’m pushing for additional plans to be created for the unparished areas of Wycombe.
e. In addition, we need to protect our waterways and unique chalk streams from pollution which means bringing a motion to Buckinghamshire Council to try to do that.

4.How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

a. We are the only party with a clear national industrial plan, one that will protect Britain from bouncing from one cost of living and energy crisis to another. Our bold vision places Britain at the forefront of innovative clean manufacturing sectors that can successfully boost British prosperity – we need a bold national mission that in turn benefits local residents
b. I’m already working on a project locally to better insulate 3000 homes and install renewables and battery technology that will eliminate any energy issues for these residents for decades to come. We intend to expand this approach to more homes in the area.
c. We need to provide more affordable, environmentally sound homes and social housing locally either through new builds or appropriate conversion while systematically protecting our green spaces. Through improved local planning laws, all these new houses need to be fit for the future - highly insulated and incorporating renewables - to ensure all residents are more able to weather increasing living costs.
d. I’m already working to attract new business to Wycombe through the creation of a local eco-business hub which would provide more jobs.

5.How will you help reduce crime?

a. Through a combination of community liaison with local police and support for local law enforcement. Equally important is ensuring there are enough engaging local opportunities for youth to inspire them and provide a brighter future. Then we should look as a community on what we can do to help ourselves.

6. What car do you drive?

A Nissan Leaf which is electric and has a tiny 24 GW battery but I love it and would never go back to petrol or diesel. It is so cheap to run that I got the entire value of the car back in the first 3 years of ownership!

7.What's your favourite film or TV show?

a. A Dog’s Purpose – I love dogs!

8.When was the last time you cried?

a. During the ‘Love Wycombe’ event in Wycombe recently. The event brought back memories of the dream that I had in June 2019 when my sons were 10 and 12 (for context, I’m a single father having raised them completely on my own since they were 2 and 4). In this dream, my sons were adults returning home in their army uniforms; camouflage trousers, berets etc. They enter the living room and announce they’ve just come back from Europe where people are being shot to prevent them from accessing drinking water. They say they realise they could be killed but they have good flak jackets from the British Army and huge guns. They tell me poorer people with smaller guns are being shot to stop them using water so that I, and other people like me in Britain, can continue to live the comfortable lifestyle our nation has enjoyed for decades. Then they both point their fingers at me and say together “You knew about this 20 years ago didn’t you and what did you do about it?!” At that point, I woke up crying and stuttering “but I have a job, a mortgage, I have to look after you!” In that instant I knew what I need to do. I put my feet on the ground, swore out loud and promised myself that from that day on, I would focus purely on climate issues in order to provide a future for my children. Five years later, I’m holding firm to that commitment.

9.Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

a. No. Never
b. I like beer and now brew my own. It’s great fun and fantastic tasting beer (most of the time!). There are a few funny instances, like the time I took some good friends for an Indian meal locally to thank them (Helen and Matt than you again!) for supporting me as a single parent for years. The Indian restaurant we went to is BYO. Of course, I brought along my own beer and in the middle of the meal opened one of the bottles, The beer exploded all over me, my meal and the table. They were very polite and didn’t laugh too much. I though had to put up with beer flavoured biryani – an acquired taste!

10.What hobbies do you do in your free time?

a. I also play hockey for Wycombe Hockey Club which is fantastic fun (used to be a rugby player but getting older). I run a lot and do the Park Run on the Rye whenever I can.
b. During autumn and the winter, I like watching my sons play rugby and hockey for their schools and local clubs (I’m chief taxi driver) – that along with my own hockey commitments takes up most of my spare time!

Independent: Ajaz Rehman

Wycombe general election guide: Q and A with all candidates for July 4 (7)(Image: Bucks Free Press)

Age: 53

Occupation: Director of a construction company.

Constituency you are standing for: Wycombe

Claim to the area: Have family in area, have worked in the area. Have been endorsed by a political pressure group 'Wycombe For Change'

1.What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?

Lack of Adequate healthcare (lack of emergency facilities in Wycombe, GP appts being hard to come by), Cost of living (Food insecurity, too many children living below the poverty line even within households who on the face of it have reasonably paid jobs), affordable housing linked to income not to market rates (Large developments can and should be linked to income and still be viable).

2.What causes will you be championing?

All of the above as a PRIORITY.

3.How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

1. Implement Strong Legal Protections
2. Promote Sustainable Development
3. Enhance Community Engagement
4. Increase Funding for Conservation
5. Educate and Raise Awareness
6. Monitor and Enforce Regulations
7. Support Biodiversity and Ecosystem Health
8. Expand and Connect Green Spaces

By implementing these strategies, we can ensure that green spaces are protected, enhanced, and enjoyed by current and future generations.

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

Fairer pay to workers, minimum wage set to local costs rather than same everywhere nationally, Wycombe is very expensive compared to northern towns yet wage standards are the same. We need a nationally owned energy company to protect our energy supply and reinvest our profits for the benefit of our nation. Food poverty is a CHOICE made by our leaders! Billions spent overseas yet we have our children eating from foodbanks.

5. How will you help reduce crime?

Campaign for more local police officers. Community policing builds trust and relationships which provide security and peace of mind. The inturn would immediately reduce crime within local areas. Community police should be running educational programmes within schools and local community centres to educate children and adults on the dangers of falling on the wrong side of the law.

6. What car do you drive?

Audi Q7

7. What's your favourite film or TV show?

Carlito's way

8. When was the last time you cried?

Only today after seeing a beheaded Palestinian baby, with young children of my own it breaks my heart seeing these images.

9. Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?


10. What hobbies do you do in your free time?

Love football avid fan of Liverpool. Also enjoy restoring cars to their former glories. Apart from that most of my hobbies are now are around my family and what they enjoy. Must be getting old!

Workers Party of Britain: Khalil Ahmed

Wycombe general election guide: Q and A with all candidates for July 4 (8)(Image: Bucks Free Pres)

Age: 52

Occupation:IT Manager

Constituency you are standing for: Wycombe

Claim to the area: Lived here since the age of 4 (1977)

1.What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?

Cost of living, Food insecurity, Healthcare provisions

2.What causes will you be championing?

Save Wycombe hospital
More social and affordable housing
Improve public transport
Crime and policing
Championing local businesses
Eradicate food insecurity
Local democracy

3.How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

Ensure planning laws are robust enough to ensure that there are no loopholes to allow developers to build on these areas. Ensure the local council maintains these areas to the highest standard. Protect these areas with covenants where possible.

4.How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

Provide more financial support for struggling families, understand the cause of why the family has come into the situation they have and provide professional help where needed, i.e. seeking jobs, education and training, mental wellbeing, relationship support etc.

5.How will you help reduce crime?

Increase neighbourhood policing numbers, promote more people to become part of neighbourhood watch, provide education on how people can protect themselves and their property from crime, facilitate regular drop in sessions by the police at local community centres, local shopping precincts and schools

6.What car do you drive?

2014 Skoda Octavia

7.What's your favourite film or TV show?

The Apprentice

8.When was the last time you cried?

Almost every time I see images from Gaza

9.Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?


10.What hobbies do you do in your free time?

Problem is, I have no free time

Independent: Mark Smallwood

Wycombe general election guide: Q and A with all candidates for July 4 (9)(Image: Bucks Free Press)

Age: 32


Constituency you are standing for: Wycombe

Claim to the area: I moved to Wycombe for my wife and love it.

1. What are the three biggest challenges facing the people of your constituency?

The biggest challenge facing the very youngest people in our constituency is their right to life. In 2022 (the last year for which statistics are available) 1,919 unborn babies were killed just in Buckinghamshire through abortion. This has been the life or death issue for every election since the 1967 Abortion Act was introduced; 10 million lives have been lost since then; its time that Act was repealed.

Wycombe hospital is facing a £100 million repairs backlog. This is less than the cost to the NHS of funding abortions each year. Couldn’t the £100 million+ that the NHS spends on abortion be put to better use saving life rather than destroying it? If I were elected as MP I would seek to defund abortion on the NHS and fight to get that money spent on Wycombe Hospital!

Third, the cost of living: however this presupposes the opportunity of living: if I were elected I would seek to enshrine the right to life of every human being from conception.

2. What causes will you be championing?

I will be championing the cause of human rights. Human life begins at conception (ask a biologist!) – you were an embryo once! Human rights should begin when human life begins.

3. How will you protect the area’s green spaces?

Green spaces are one of the many blessings that presuppose a basic right to life; we must make sure that all people whether they are ‘wanted’ or ‘unwanted’ are given the right to enjoy all the blessings of life.

4. How will you ease the effects of the cost-of-living crisis on residents and alleviate food and energy poverty?

Those with plenty should ask themselves the question of whether they can afford to support the work of the various foodbanks in Wycombe.

5. How will you help reduce crime?

Almost all crime proceeds from a basic disrespect of the human person. How can we expect people to respect each other when we tolerate the violence of abortion in the womb? If you doubt whether abortion is violent go and see for yourself by looking at www.abortionreality.com.

6.What car do you drive?

My wife and I share a Hyundai i10.

7.What's your favourite film or TV show?

I loved Stranger Things – when will the next series be? Who knows!

8.When was the last time you cried?

Marley and Me – I am a dog lover!

9.Have you ever taken illegal drugs and if so, what?

As a professional teacher I strongly discourage the use of illegal drugs!

10.What hobbies do you do in your free time?
Walking, Swimming, reading and cooking (never try to do any combination of these activities!)

Wycombe general election guide: Q and A with all candidates for July 4 (2024)


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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

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Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.