Oyinkansola Shobiye on LinkedIn: Is your blog readily accessible on your website? Yesterday, I came across… (2024)

Oyinkansola Shobiye

Copy and Content Writer ✍️. Education | E-learning | BA.eD English Language and Education

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Is your blog readily accessible on your website?Yesterday, I came across a website centred around spas and meditation. The thought of finding meditation tips seemed promising. However, locating the blog proved to be a challenge. Despite my efforts to search the website, my search left my eyes strained.Studies show that users take approximately 0.5 seconds to form an opinion about your website.Now I see how true it is.This experience highlights the importance of a user-friendly website layout, especially when it comes to essential features like a blog. In the digital space, where attention spans are short, ensuring that visitors can effortlessly find valuable content is crucial for your brand.A well-organized website not only enhances the user experience but also contributes to the overall perception of your brand. If users struggle to find your blog or any other key information, it could lead to frustration and a negative impression.Consider conducting a usability assessment of your website, ensuring that important elements, like your blog, are visibly placed and easily accessible. This simple step can significantly influence how users engage with your content and form their perception of your brand.Improve your brand's online presence and make your website into an engaging space for your audience. Send a DM and let's make your blog posts what your audience is craving for.It's Friday and I can't wait for Saturday so I can make my favourite meal. 😂Have a blessed and fun-filled weekend.PS: I don't know why my mouth looks like that in the picture if you ask me. 😂😂😂

  • Oyinkansola Shobiye on LinkedIn: Is your blog readily accessible on your website?Yesterday, I came across… (2)



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Francis Iriah

Social Media Content(Copy) writer & Ghostwriter| Helping brands and biz owners standout, get more lead & paying clients. I save you time by writing your content and copy. I write, you earn. How about that? Post @ 8am


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This is a good one. Easy access helps the reader to stay long on a site which improves the ranking and rating.Oyinkansola Shobiye

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  • Oyinkansola Shobiye

    Copy and Content Writer ✍️. Education | E-learning | BA.eD English Language and Education

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    Thank you so much AHZ Nigeria 😁😁 ❤️

    • Oyinkansola Shobiye on LinkedIn: Is your blog readily accessible on your website?Yesterday, I came across… (8)



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  • Oyinkansola Shobiye

    Copy and Content Writer ✍️. Education | E-learning | BA.eD English Language and Education

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    Happy Birthday to me 🎉🎉🎉In the melody of gratitude: Your grace, a symphony that found me, Saved, received, redeemed, sustained, by your hand. In every note of life's journey, your grace is the refrain, For another year, another chapter, your grace sustains.With each passing day, I am shaped by your grace divine, For another 365, I am grateful, Lord, for you are mine. What more could I seek, what more could I implore? In your boundless grace, I find all I need and more.With each sunrise, I'm reminded of your endless love, In the whispers of the wind, your grace echoes above. For every blessing, every trial, every tear and smile, Your grace is my anchor, my comfort, my guide.My heart is full of gratitude 🙏Happy Birthday to me 🥳🎂🎉🎉

    • Oyinkansola Shobiye on LinkedIn: Is your blog readily accessible on your website?Yesterday, I came across… (11)
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    • Oyinkansola Shobiye on LinkedIn: Is your blog readily accessible on your website?Yesterday, I came across… (14)



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  • Oyinkansola Shobiye

    Copy and Content Writer ✍️. Education | E-learning | BA.eD English Language and Education

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    Why is my content not helping me achieve my desired outcome?If you are asking this question, then maybe you have been writing for everyone.And content written for everyone is called GENERIC content.Generic content might tick the box of reaching a broad audience, but it rarely achieves your desired outcome. Here's why:🎈It fails to resonate on a personal level: Being in a conversation where someone talks about everything and nothing specific makes it hard to stay engaged, right? Generic content suffers the same fate. It lacks the personal touch that connects with your intended audience and their unique needs.🎈It doesn't solve their problems: People don't consume content just for fun (well, usually except they are reading a novel which is not the case). They're looking for solutions, inspiration, or information that addresses their specific challenges and aspirations. Generic content, lacking that depth, leaves them feeling empty-handed.🎈It lacks emotional connection: Engaging content goes beyond just facts and figures. It evokes emotions that resonate with the audience, making them feel understood and invested in the message. Generic content, devoid of emotional connection, struggles to leave a lasting impression.🎈It creates a sense of inauthenticity: When content feels like it could be applied to any audience, it raises a red flag of inauthenticity. Audiences crave genuine connections with brands and creators. Generic content fails to establish this authenticity, hindering trust and engagement.🎈Stands out for the wrong reasons: In a sea of content, generic pieces become forgettable and easily ignored. They fail to grab attention, spark curiosity, or leave a lasting impression. In a competitive landscape, this can be helpful to your brand visibility and message reach.Here is the key tip on how to write content that will help you achieve your desired outcome. 👇Write TARGETED CONTENT and not GENERIC CONTENT.Your audience is made up of individuals with specific needs.Creating content that speaks to their specific needs, interests, and emotions will help them overcome the pitfalls of generic content and build genuine connections that lead to engagement and action.Schedule a free consultation now: Let's chat about your specific content needs and how I can help you achieve your goals! (Click the link in my BIO)#consistencytourwithjenniferochada #contentmarketing #copywriting #contentwriting #contentstrategy

    • Oyinkansola Shobiye on LinkedIn: Is your blog readily accessible on your website?Yesterday, I came across… (19)



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  • Oyinkansola Shobiye

    Copy and Content Writer ✍️. Education | E-learning | BA.eD English Language and Education

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    3 Content Marketing Myths You Need to Debunk in 2024.Over the years, content marketing has progressed at a rapid rate. While certain strategies remain timeless others have become forever in the past.Here are 3 content marketing myths we need to debunk in 2024:🔮Myth 1: More Content is Always Better Content Today, quality trumps quantity. Invest in in-depth research, insightful narratives, and compelling visuals that truly engage your audience. Remember, it's better to have one impactful piece than ten forgettable ones.🔮Myth 2: Social Media is All You NeedWe all know that social media is a powerful tool but it's not the be-all and end-all. Relying solely on these platforms risks limiting your reach and hinders you from converting your ideal audience on a wider scale. Instead, diversify your content portfolio. Explore email marketing, podcasting, or even building your community platform. This multi-channel approach ensures your message finds the right audience, regardless of their preferred platform.🔮Myth 3: SEO is all you need for your contentOnce you have this mindset, you will probably be stuffing your content with keywords instead of building value.Prioritize topics your audience cares about, naturally, add relevant keywords, and focus on user experience. Search engines reward content that truly engages and informs, not just content that's "optimized."Instead of focusing solely on pumping out as much content as possible, focus more on;🕹️Quality over quantity: Create personalized content that resonates with your audience.🕹️Diversification: Reach your audience across various platforms and formats.🕹️Authenticity: Build trust and connection with your unique voice and message.🕹️Value: Focus on providing real value to your audience, not just chasing algorithms.Is this helpful? Like, comment and repost.Ready to ditch the myths and create content that truly connects and converts? Schedule a FREE consultation with me to discuss your specific needs and how I can help you craft a winning content strategy in my DM.#consistencytourwithjenniferochada #copywriting #contentmarketing #contentstrategy

    • Oyinkansola Shobiye on LinkedIn: Is your blog readily accessible on your website?Yesterday, I came across… (23)



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  • Oyinkansola Shobiye

    Copy and Content Writer ✍️. Education | E-learning | BA.eD English Language and Education

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    You've been trying to create brand awareness but not trying to create your brand identity first.You need to start from the foundation which is brand Identity.There are a whole lot of things to do when creating a personal brand....but starting with brand awareness on the list of things is like building a house without a foundation. Sure, you can stack bricks high, but without a sturdy base, everything comes crashing down. The same goes for brand awareness. You can shout your name from the rooftops, but if no one recognizes who you are or what you stand for, your message gets lost in the noise.Your brand identity is what sets you apart from competitors, resonates with your target audience, and forms the foundation upon which all other brand-building efforts are built.Before using promotional tactics or chasing follower counts, take the time to define your brand identity. Ask yourself:▫️What unique value do I offer my audience❔▫️What defines my voice and personality❔▫️What core values resonate deeply with me❔Clarify your brand's mission, values, and unique selling points (USP). Consider what sets you apart from competitors and why your target audience should care about your brand.Once you've established this foundation, it's time to put your brand identity into every aspect of your content. From the tone and style of your writing to the visual elements and messaging, ensure consistency across all platforms.Ready to turn up the volume on your brand?Book a 1:1 call. Get exclusive access to:🎀Quiz:Discover your brand's unique personality.🎀Template:Create your mission statement with ease.🎀Guide:Learn how to add your identity to every piece of content.PS: It's my first video on LinkedIn and that's my colleague and me at work. 🥰#consistencytourwithjenniferochada #copywriter #contentwriter #brandidentity



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  • Oyinkansola Shobiye

    Copy and Content Writer ✍️. Education | E-learning | BA.eD English Language and Education

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    SEO and creativity are not rivals...Instead... They are meant to create a balance in your content.You can't afford to ignore SEO, and neither can you afford to create dry and boring content.SEO provides the structure and the steps you need to follow to be seen. Creativity adds the flourish, the personality, and the moves that make your content truly captivating to your audience.Balancing SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and creativity in content creation is equal to walking a tightrope between visibility and value. Here’s how to strike the perfect balance:🪵Adding Keyword with FlairKeywords are essential, but don't let them become shackles. Add keywords easily into your content without sacrificing readability or authenticity. Create compelling titles and headings with your focus keywords while still piquing curiosity.🪵Content Structure and FlowOptimize your content structure for both search engines and readers. Break up text with subheadings, bullet points, and visuals to ensure readability while signalling relevance to search algorithms.🪵Creating High-quality Content Prioritize creating high-quality, valuable content that addresses your audience’s needs and interests. Yes, keywords are essential but they should serve to enhance the content rather than dictate its direction.🪵Long-Tail Keywords for SpecificityUse more long-tail keywords to target niche audiences and address specific queries. Long-tail keywords often have less competition which allows you to rank higher while satisfying the unique needs of your audience.Your Audience is Human. At the end of the day, you're writing for people, not machines. Focus on creating content that informs, entertains, and inspires. When your audience connects with your message, the search engines will naturally follow.Don't settle for mediocre content! Book a 1:1 clarity call with me and watch your content climb the search rankings.#consistencytourwithjenniferochada #copywriter #contentwriter

    • Oyinkansola Shobiye on LinkedIn: Is your blog readily accessible on your website?Yesterday, I came across… (30)


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  • Oyinkansola Shobiye

    Copy and Content Writer ✍️. Education | E-learning | BA.eD English Language and Education

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    Ever wondered why that ad made you click "buy now" in 0.5 seconds? Or how a single email turned you into a brand loyalist? The answer lies in the effective use of persuasion techniques.You probably think it is a mind control kinda thing..But in the real sense, it's about understanding your audience, their desires, and creating words that resonate deeply with them.No one is going to buy if your copy is bland. You wouldnt too if you were in their shoes right?There shouldnt be a gap in communication. See your copy as a bridge connecting your product/services with your ideal customers:💚 On one side: you, with your product/service.💚On the other side: your ideal customer, with their needs and problems.💚The bridge: your copy, filled with persuasion techniques like ⤵️:💜Compelling storytelling: Transport them to a point where your product solves their problem. Forget lengthy tales. Its not about that. For example, you're selling a productivity app.▫️Feature approach: "Organise your tasks, set reminders, track progress...all in one convenient app!"▫️Storytelling approach:Imagine waking up without that nagging feeling of overwhelm. You open the app, your tasks neatly organized, and a sense of calm washes over you. Setting reminders is a breeze, and tracking your progress feels like a game . Each completed task a satisfying victory. No more scrambling last minute, just focused work and the sweet taste of accomplishment. This is the power of [your app name] – your stress-free productivity journey starts now!💜 Emotional triggers: Get them emotional.Tap into their desires and fears. Intensify that problem they have.But approach this with caution. Your audience are real people with desires, goals, and anxieties.▫️Emphasise their desires: What do they crave? Security, belonging, success, joy? Show how your offering fuels those desires.▫️Acknowledge their anxieties: What worries them? Loneliness, failure, missing out? Offer solutions that relieve those anxieties.▫️Tap into positive emotions: Inspire, motivate, and uplift. Show how your product/service promotes hope, excitement, and a sense of possibility.💜Features + benefits: Show them how your offering improves their lives. For example: If you're selling a fancy new blender.▫️The feature approach: "This blender boasts 2000 watts of power, 12 variable speeds, and a titanium-reinforced blade!"While impressive, it doesn't connect with the customer's emotions and desires.▫️Now, flip the script with benefits: "Whip up silky-smooth smoothies in seconds, grind nuts for homemade nut butter, and crush ice for frosty co*cktails. All with one powerful, easy-to-use blender that saves you time and effort in the kitchen!"💜Social proof: Let others sing your praises through testimonials and reviews.💜A clear call to action: Tell them exactly what you want them to do (buy, subscribe, etc.)What are your biggest challenges with persuasion in copywriting?

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  • Oyinkansola Shobiye

    Copy and Content Writer ✍️. Education | E-learning | BA.eD English Language and Education

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    Ever poured your heart into a blog post, only to be met with silence? You have been missing out on the magic ingredient for your keyword research. 👌🏽The truth is, even the most captivating content can fall flat if it doesn't speak the language your audience craves. That's where keyword research comes in.You probably didn't know but not all keywords are created equal. They come in three different forms:💡The informational keyword researchThe informational keyword is for you if you are looking to create informative, engaging content that answers your audience's questions and provides value. Usually, it is without the intention of selling anything to them. The audience you are writing for are curious souls looking for knowledge, and eager to learn and understand. For example, you will be looking at "How to Fix a Leaky Faucet" or "Best Books on Cooking Intercontinental Foods.💡The translational keyword researchTranslational keywords guide buyers towards the perfect product. Your mission? Become their trusted translator, highlighting features and benefits that address their specific needs. For example "best noise-cancelling headphones" or "affordable hiking boots." 💡The commercial keyword researchThe commercial keyword research is for you if you want to shout about your amazing products or services. Your ideal audience is ready to buy but needs a final nudge. You will be the persuasive guide, showcasing your offering as the solution to their problem and using strong CTAs to convert them. For example, "discount codes for winter jackets" or "best Black Friday deals.Knowing the form that aligns best with your writing goal will help you choose the right keywords for your content.So, which form aligns with your writing goals?New to content writing and feeling overwhelmed by keyword research? Share your biggest struggles in the comments or send a DM and let's crack it together.Happy New Month.❤️PS: Thats my #womancrushthursday 🤗 A woman of great knowledge. Beautiful inside and out.#consistencytourwithjenniferochada #keywordresearch #copywriter #contentwriter

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  • Oyinkansola Shobiye

    Copy and Content Writer ✍️. Education | E-learning | BA.eD English Language and Education

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    Let's be honest....Sometimes our creative self is fueled by pure willpower (and maybe with a little of caffeine 😂. I'm guilty much🤭). Which camp are you in?Vote and tell us your biggest creative breakthrough in the comment section. ⤵️

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Oyinkansola Shobiye on LinkedIn: Is your blog readily accessible on your website?

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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.