in perfect condition. Has 6 isire wheels, peautniii tini-n in terior. $2500. Originally told lor $005 BUYS A 1910 MODEL C-8 100 P. DE LUXE SEDAN, 8 wira wheels.
Perfect in every detail. Originally told lor $2300. $so5 BUYS A Ml MODEL CENTURY 8 gEDAN. rorfee.t condition. 1 $095 BUYS A 20 MODEL CENTURY 8 SEDAN, thoroughly conditioned, ALSO A COMPLETE STOCK OF COUPES Yon can't afford to pass this opportunity by.
FIGUEROA WEstmore 2857, CHRYSLER '28 lniwnal 80 Roadster. Special Locke body, side mounts, etc. Runs perfect. Value at $8oll. PIERCE-ARKOW SALES SERVICE 1044 HOPE ST.
WEslmore 8371, CHRYSLER M0-77 SEDAN Immaculate In every detail. Shows good care. Fully equipped. Big value. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO.
1820 S. Flrncroa. WEstmore 702fl CHRYSLER '28 72 coupe. New rubber. In good condition.
Terms. Full price $395. GREER-ROBMINS, 648 S. Western Dunkirk 1380. CHRYSLER 70 sedan, 1930.
Chrysler 70 roadster, 1930 $095 wire wheels, fender wells. 8H00 ml $100 down. Trades. 1201 S. Figueroa CHRYSLER 75 roadster, 1929.
Called away on business. Don't want to store car. Will sell very reasonable for immediate disposal. 1854 S. Western.
CHRYSLER "85" 1029 sedan, 4 U.S. Roy al tires, seat covers, excellent finish; motor reconditioned. Wonderful buy. 403 N. Roxbury Dr.
OX. 1134. CHRYSLER 1931 8 coupe, rumble seat. Very clean. Local car.
Will sacriliee for $1075, Sen today at 0157 Hollywood Blvd. Open euemngs. CHRYSLER 8 Coupe. 1931 $995 Chrysler 8 sedan. 1931 $995 (i wiro wheels, fender wells, 6100 mi.
$200 down Trades. 1501 3. Figueroa CHRYSLER '28 Imperial 0 7-passenaer ae dan. New rubber. Good mechanically Full price $595 Terms.
GREER-ROB BINS. 648 Western. DU. 1380. CHRYSLER 1929 75 town sedan.
Car in perfect shape, will give a ton In tr bar gain. Must sell today, loofi Norlh Western ave. 0Hn evenings. CHRYSLER Six Roadsler. 1930.
ca or terms. Phone Rochester 1 further information. 08 for CHRYSLER 28 72 $385. Beautiful finish, motor A-l.
Terms $99 down 7171 Santa Monica Blvd. CHRYSLER '20- sport roadsler. New tires, original finish perfect. $545 $95 down 3300 WASHINGTON CHRYSLER '2l)-ti5 sport coupe. Beautiful $135 down.
1010 Figueroa. CHRYSLER. '27 finer 70 roadster. Rccou titionrd, $.135. 3815 S.
VERMONT CHRYSLER '28-72 sport roadster. Bar gain. Private. 1309 W. Washington CHRYSLER 72 Wild all Is.
mode's, 634 S. '28's. II wire Figueroa si CHRYSLER '27 70 coupe. $95 down. New rubtier.
A buy I oooo l'asadena Ave. CORD 1930 convertible sedan. $1195. $270 down. Trades.
1201 Figueroa DELAGE sedan, (soilo fed, in. Renault coupe. '28's. Terms. 1201 S.
Figueroa DE SOTO 30 8 de luxe aedan. sold 1931 New tires, $005. down, WE. 1700 (Helnles close out.) 220 W. PICO DE SOTO '30 0 de luxe aedan.
Black, new tires. $545. down. WE. 1700.
tHeinies close out.) 220 W. PICO DE SOTO 8 sedan, latest '30. $475. Re duced lrom $000. Beautiful car.
1854 S. Western. DE SOTO 8 special aedan, late 1930. Abso lutely original. Few miles.
$585 Terms. (149 W. FLORENCE AVE. DE SOTO M0 8 sedan. Run only 7 months.
aennce. ir28 w. 7TU. DE SOTO 8 late '30 sport coupe. Guar $595.
terms. n95Q 8. VERMONT. DE SOTO 1930 8-cyliudcr roadster, driven very little, 7001 Hollywood Blvd. DE SOTO 0 sport roadsler, '29, very clean $385.
4308 SUNSET. OLympia 2704 DOBI.E steam. 192j phaeton, 5785, 12 Calif, to 3 lop $950. ATl.mtic DODGE M0 Senior tt roadster. 4 speeds Driven about 7600 miles.
0 wire wheels, fender mounts, rumble seat Exceptional value. $095. THOMI-JVV HE JARNETTE CO. 15.14 S. Figueroa.
WEstmore .1110. DODGES DODGES Largs selection, all prices, all models Buy from the distributor. ELTON MOTOR CO. 1330 8 FIGUEROA. DODGE '29 1 1.
coupe, perfect Dodgo Ml 8 D.C. cabriolet. 795 1621 N. VINE ST. CRanitn 7088.
GRnnltn 517,1 hlti DODGE coupe, late '20, lor $145. A-l tires. Jlnish le motor. 4.108 SUNSET BLVD. OL.
2704 DODGE coach D.A. model, 1020, for sale by owner. Will sacrifice. 1448 Princeton Santa Monica. DODGE '20 A good one.
$30 down. 3931 S. VERMONT. DODGE 1929 D.A. Do Luxe Sedan.
comU- tlon perfect. $.175. 1435 OAK ST. DODGE '20 sedan, $95. Big used car sale s.
w. Chevrolet, Vermont at lorence DODGE roadster. '2(, A-l condition, new tires, cheap. Phone ATlantic 6583 DODGE 192N O's, wire wheels. $00 down.
Trades. S. Figueroa DUPONT convertible aedan, 1930, run less than 9000 miles. 6 wire wheels. Sell or trade.
Terms. 1201 9 Figueroa. DU PONT 1020 special custom-built sport roadster. Cadillac dealer, 7001 Holly wood Blvd. Hollywood 4700.
DURANT fl 60 sport roadster, very lale 1929. Equipped with 0 wire wheels, fender wells, many other extras. Will sell at a real bargain, full price, $206. Terms. 500 SO.
FIGUEROA ESSEX 19.10 SEDAN Without a doubt as clenn a used ear that money can buy. Original paint new- tiros, mechanically A-l. Carricf OR I'll GUARANTEE, $495. Also duplicate In 1030 coupe for $405, MURPHY MOTORS, 111(1 S. Flower, Open evenings nnd Sundays.
ESSEX 1031 SPORT ROADSTER. A niuy liltlo speedster type with rum- nm less man days oiu ami lully guaranteed. $085. murphy Motors, mo s. Flower.
Open evenings and Sundays. ESSEX 1931 COACH A beautiful-little car and fhsj latest series at a real sacrifice, $585. MURPHY MOTORS, 1110 S. Flower. Open evenings and Sundays.
ESSEX 1929 sedan Every detail shows good care. Special price. Easy terms J. BALDWIN. 1124 S.
I igueroa. ESSEX coupe, '29. super six. $245. la-au tiful original finish, perfect mechani cally.
New tires. 1854 S.i Weslern. ESSEX '29 sport coupe, finest original con dition. $350. 4.117 BROADWAY.
ESSEX '20 COACH. FIRST $20 TAKES IT. HURRY 3052 8. VERMONT ESSEX '29 a to 4-door sedunB. fine condi- tion, $2.15 up.
4317 S. BROADWAY ESSEX Sedan, lain '29, A-l condition. Must sell. Bargnln. Owner.
AL.0S59 SSEX SPORT COUPE. $260. CLEAN CALL CRestvlew ,15.12. ESSEX lale 28 coach, motor overhauled. total.
4317 S. Broadway A-l. FORDS -l-peeial used car sale Cuuput rnndler At sedan. Your own tuni.s t3 of suod standing Davis 7300 Wesinr" TW 11 Mf FORD Ml ile luxe sedan, excellent condi tion SACRIFICE, your own terms li People of good standing Davis Hirk-ho. 7:100 WESTERS TW 11.11 FORD Mi caln wlct.
driven 1 tin per fect, guaranteed. Terms or trade. .150 N. Cm lion Beverly II 1 11 Open and Sundays. FORD MO cabriolet.
7000 mi. Liberal UT0M0BILES AUTOMOBILES 285 CO-OPERATIVE SALE REDUCTION'S 1931 Graham Standard 6 lown sedan 1J.10 Graham Paige fl wire wheels. 1029 Graham Paige iSSS 015 sedan, side mounts 'fil 2" sedan. fl wire wheels. aide mount 69 3929 Chrysler "75" coune Hi 19U Chevrolet coach 52 19 Pontine sedan 62 1929 Nash Special convertible coupe 3929 Auburn "8-80'' sport sedan 4t 1928 Hudson 4-passenger coupe .1 ,.1929 Chevrolet coupe 3 3928 Essex coach 192,9 Ford roadster Easy Terms.
Trades Accepted KKtl (iAKli.MA.,, LTD. 122.1 S. Figueroa. Open Sun. -evening! NASH 1921) Standard tt sedan, line thai 445.
Nash special tt sedan. $32 1521 N. Vine St. GR. 7088-5171-517 NASH MO cabnoh spec! at 1528 standard 8.
$550. In 7TH ST. NASH '29 special sedan. Just a wonderful car. $105.
4317 S. Broadway. NASH '27 Special 0 Sedan. $250 lull Price G. W.
lielzer. 0000 Pasadena ave OAKLAND '28 coacli. 6 good tires, uphol stery A finish perfect, overhauled $295. terms. An exceptional value.
THOMPSON DE JARNETTE CO. 1534 8. Figueroa WEstmore .1117. OAKLAND 8 sport sedan, very late 1930 In perfect condition. Will sell at at bargain, full price $885.
$105 down Terms. V07 SOUTH FLOWER OAKLAND 1931 de luxe sedan, tt wire wheels, metal tire covers, low milea easy terms. 1739 4th. Santa Monica OAKLAND 1929 8 5-passeoger coach fine eondlion, $375. OXford 65.13.
OLDS 1929 coupe sedan, your choice $395, terms 1230 8. Flgueroa St PACKARD IN HOLLYWOOD flfiOO SUNSET BLVD. We offer a fine choice ot body type In lale model s-naranteen Packard lrom 1927 to 1.931 model, refinisheri in beautiful color and every 1 conditioned exactly as represent' Our stock of other makes include Buick, Auburn. Lincoln, Chrysler, Salle and other standard makes, all Prieod to sell. Thone GR.
2194 fo information. PACKARD DE LUXE SEDAN Beautiful 1929 Standard 8 model 8211. Has champagne and ravenwooc brown finish with side mount anc metal tire covers. This car has bee thoroughly reconditioned and guaran teed. This won't last.
See it today Terms and trade-ins it desired. EARLK C. ANTHONY, INC. KFI 3 000 S. Hope St.
KECA Open evenings Sunday. WE. 0334 PACKARD 833 snort roadster. 1331 series driven 1500 miles. F'ully equipped Formerly owned by local party 111 Hollywood and has had exceptional care.
Must tell at a real bargain $1.15 down. Guaranteed and 18 months to pay. 507 S. FLOWER ST PACKARD 8 3025 sedan, 10,000 miles, or Chrysler 1920 coupe. 15,000 miles Cheap for cash.
H. W. Hanco*ck. Builiiiganie Brentwood Heights PACKARD '25 0 roadster, privately owne excellent tires, engine recently overhauled, roomy rumble, classy appear ance. $225 for cash.
10310 Bannock burn Dr. off Motor Ave. PACKARD rt Standard Sedan, very latest 1927. Equipped wun new tire: up holstery and finish perlect; mechani cal condition A-l. laken in trade Will sell at a real bargain, full price $485.
terms. 600 S. Flgueroa Street PACKARD Standard 8 sedau. b28. Late tt disc wheels, fender wells, trunk rack.
This car has had the best ol care. Privately owned. Must sell $985 arrange terms. Car can be teen a 1215 S. FIGUEROA.
PACKARD convertible coupe. MO-7-33 Year old, 18.000 excellent condi tion. tan arranso terms. 483 Orange In-, PACKARD '29 do luxe eight model 6.1. sedan.
6 disc wheels, must be solo lodav. no reasonable offer refused 1315 K. Vine St. Open evenings. PACKARD aedan.
1930. 8 wire whec a. fender wells. A family car. Driven les than 8000 miles.
Bargain at $1295. $345 down. 8 A. HCTTKKER, 1308 S. Fleiierea PACKARD 1928 De Luxe 633 Sedan An economic good-looking car snlcndid condition.
Fully guaranteed PIERCE-ARROW SALES SERVICE 1014 S. HOPE ST. WEstmore 8171 PACKARD 0 sedan. 1927 $395 Packard 0 sport phaeton, 1028.. $49o FVnrier wells, 0 wire wheels, new tires.
$110 down, n.m a. rttur.twA. PACKARD 8 SEDANS 1929-1030-1931. Reconditioned. AD solutely trnaranteed.
OXford 7001 PACKARD late '20 4-passcnser coupe, jus overhauled. A-l nnlHrt tire. Kl sacrifice for $250. L'Niversily 3748 PACKARD tt 1W28 do luxe sedan. 626.
Ex cellent condition, fcacrilice, only S0fO 2515 S. MAIN ST. PACKARD 1029 640 8-cylinder roadster. 8 wire wheels. Cadillac dealer, 7U(U Hollywood Blvd.
HO. 4700. Open evenings PACKARD, sedan, a pip. tt-piy tires. Hn rry.
3019 S. Figueroa PACKARD 1929 ti-40 8-cyliuder club se tlan. 8 wire wheels. 7001 Hollywood. PACKARD 1920 833 sport phaeton.
luxe equipped. 7001 Hollywood Blvd PACKARD 103O 720 6 sedan, de luxi equipped. 7001 Hollywood Blvd PEERLESS Ml Standard 8 Loupe, uweu short time by executive 01 tills llrm Marvelous condition. See this car am get our low price. 10:15 S.
Flgueroa PEERLESS 8 1029 sedan. New tires, per feet original limsll. $2iiu uown. lOvJ. S.
FIGUEROA. 1TERCE-AHROW "81" 1928 Sedan. Seldom do we have this popular monei 10 01 for. Smart looking and economical to operate. Finish, upholstery spotless Exceedingly splendid value at $1185 J'lERCE-ARHOW SALES SERVICE 1044 S.
HOPE- ST. WEstrnmn 8371 PIERCE-AH ROW "81" 1928 Sport Road sbr. 0 wire wheels, new tires, cer tamlv n. lot of car for $1085, PIERCE-ARROW SALES to SERVICE 0400 SUN-SET BLVD. Hillside 2131 PIERCE-ARROW '21! coach, light, econo mical, benuliful.
Driven by lady. cash. 2509 N. REACH WOOD DR. PIERCE-ARROW MO C.
5 sedan Cadillac dealer. 7001 Hollywood mvq PONT1AC MO sedan, all black, new tires. $195. A gpecial. down.
YYE. 17i. I Heinies close out.) 220 W. Pico PONTIAC '28 coaeh, new Dayton tire. Motor overhauled, ine car.
sieai at $25. 4317 8. BROADWAY. REO 1931 8.15 ROY AL SEDAN A-l condition, guaranteed $.13. HERBERT WOODWARD.
INC. REO DISTRIBUTORS 1329 S. Flgueroa St. WEtmnre 6485 REO '28 Flying Cloud de luxe sedan $305 ORIGINAL FINISH. TIKES NEW.
$95 down. Trades. 1201 S. Figueroa REO Flvinir flout sedan. 28.
only run 25.000 miles. Perfect condition, $i00. Call 1015 KENISTON AVE. ROLLS-ROYCE phaeton and sedan, sell or trace. zui b.
riv.ur.noA. STEARNS-Kintht 8 de luxe coupe. '29 Excellent condition. Priced to eii today. .117 W.
17TH ST. STUDKBA KEIt '20 President State cabrio let, tt wirsj wheels. Repossessed. Assume $125, Continue contract at $24.75 per mo. for 18 mo.
Total cash price $405. HARRISON FINANCE CO. 2820 S. FIGUEROA OPEN EVENINGS SUNDAY STUDKBA K.K It Dictator 8 Club Sedan, ver.v late 1030; upholstery, flnlsh. and tire equipment like new; mehanically perlect.
Must see to appreciate. Will -sell id, real burifain, $105 down, Guar indeed and 18 months to pay. 607 SOUTH FI.OWrER STREET. STUD HAKE It 1029 Commander "8" Cab riolet. One of the finest car in town Show perfect cars.
Special at $785. Hollywood Paul O. Hoffman Co. (ill HOLLYWOOD BLVD. HO.
"nn M'L'HEBAKER 1927 0. Custom aedan, up holstery, finish and tire are REALLY like new; mechanically PERFECT, li you are looking for a BARGAIN set this. 40.1 N. Roxbury. Dr.
OX. 1134 STLDEI1AKER '28 VICTORIA REGAL Cost $2000. Sell $325 to settle Doc tor's estate; mechanically perfect, new tires. 900 S. Man-field.
WY'. 994 STUDEBAKKR '29, $200 equity. Will ell for $100. A C. eontraef, $29 month.
YVY. 847" STUDEBAKER 10.10 Presidents' 8 e.lan will lacrlfien equity. See car at 1121 2rt anta Monica. Ph. 23858.
STUDEBAKER 1930 President 8 convert ible coupe, fl wiro wheels. Cadillac dealer. 7001 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. STUDEBAKER MO President 8 brougham. fl wire wheel.
Cadillac dealer. 7001 'HOLLYWOOD BLVD, HO. 478. STUDEBAKER. 10 SEDAN, conditjon, $550, No 0075.
Eight. Perfect flRefill STUDl-'BAK III 0 t-onveriilile 'eotipe '29 down. Trades. 534 8. Fis $295.
$80 Heron. STUOf.RAhER (I roadster. Ml. 2u'0 s-ierillce equity. Owner, CI.
14'i0. Additional mis nniTer ihTs heeding will be 285 IlS A-L P-R Y'ou will 'he impressed with the. neatness of our car display, particularly noting the "lewncss of large, heavy cars expensive to operate. Y'ou will observe the extreme cleanliness of every car. indication that here is merchandise worthy of the inspection of the most critical.
You will find on any type demonstration that these cars are in excellent mechanical condition and that we do not take undue chances in backing them UP with our written guarantee. You will see plain figure price tags on every car and thai these prices are well within the trend of the times. Those who have not lately investigated used car values will he surprised at the low-ncss of today's prices. Y'ou will be quoted an allowance on your present car for trade-in that indicates its full retail worth, because do not wholesale our trades, but sell them at one of our other stores. You will feel that chance is eliminated by our written agreement lo exchange within five days should you decide some other car in our stock would tint you belter.
Y'ou will he surprised at our most reasonable time payment plan. Terms as low as 25r down and El months to pay. We do our own financing, effecting a most worth-while saving. MANY CARS $350 TO $750 Some as low as $100 Others lo $1250 "00 cars in our slocks Your choice for Days. Sights.
Sundays. Phone WEslmore 8204 or F263. ff-l-L-L-Y-S D-I T-R I B-U-T-0 R-S 1333 S. FIGl'EROA ST. "At the big WILLYS Neon signs." BUICK '29 Big tt eporl roadster, classy cream black paint.
New upnoister tng $505 4000 BROADWAY BUICK late 1027 Master 0 sedan, peife, every wav, sell cheap, no dealers. Ol. 1005. Apt. 104, hurry.
llCH li 11120 Master sedan, good condi lion, new rubber. $050. 18 15 so. stn Alhambra. Phone BUICK '27 standard coupe.
A-l condition. $205. Terms. 4317 S. BROADWAY BUICK '25 master conch.
A-l condition $15 down. 4408 W. Adams. BUICK '20-28 4-pasKcnifer coupe. Kecomll tinned.
$105. ,115 1. VERMONT BUICK '27 standard brougham, now tires had fine care 4317 HHQAPWAi. BUICK sedan. $535, used car salt) S.W, Chevrolet, Vermont at Florence BUICK 1030 Muster coupe, tt wire wheels.
excellent condition. $000, ok. nn. BUICK '28 47-S sedan. Guar.
Only $415 0815 VERMONT. BUICK '20 20-40 2 coupe. Cadillai deal. er. 7001 Hollywood mvn, iio.
4700 BUICK '28 Master sedan, by owner, dealer. tJ7 S. ARDMORE, No CADILLAC sedan, very late 1030. Has wire wheels, wind wings, many otuer extras. This beautiful sedan formerly nwneit hv local narlv forced to sell In perfect condition throughout.
Will sacrifice for only $1785. $305 down. Accent car in trade. Guaranteed. 18 months to pay.
507 SO FLOWER CADILLAC 8. 1031. 5-pascnger sedan, tt wire wheels, sum mountings, useu demonstrator, mileage .1500. Must be sold. Dealer going out of business OX lord 754S.
130 S. Crescent lti verly Hills. CADILLAC Victoria V-03. Excellent con imi Sc niiiiearanee. Late 1024.
coin fort, sterling service. No longer need sacrifice for $250 cash, or what havi you? Mr. 1015 Ingraham St WAshinttnn 7802. CADILLAC 31 V12 TOWN SEDAN. 0 win wheels, side mounts.
Run 1000 miles. Leaving oily Need cash. No reason able offer refused. 1832 GRACE, Hoi lywood. Gl.adstonc 1 51 0.
CAD1LLA0 1028 town sedan. Very popular model in exceedingly good condition. Reduced to SI 160. Terms and trades PIKRCE-ARIIOVV SALES A SERVICE 1014 S. HOPE ST.
WEstmore 8.171, CADILLAC '28 custom scilall $01l; Cadillne 102!) town aedan iouti Cadillac '28 roup m)5 FENDER WELLS, (I WIRE WHEELS $105 down. Trades. 1201. S. Figncroa CADILLACS.
102 sedans, coupe. $00" Cadillacs, 1020 sedans jiimio Fender wells. 0 wire wheels, new tires, $200 down. Trades. 1201 S.
Flgueroa CADILLAC 1030 353 VH 6 aedan. 0 wire wheela. 7001 Hollywood Blvd. Holly wood 4700 Open evenings. CADILLAC '30 452 V-lU ultra custom club sedan, tt wlro wheels.
Cadillac dealer. 7001 Hollywood Blvd. CADILLAC 1020 314 sedan. A beamy. On ly $315.
2515 Main, near Adams. CADILLAC J020 convertible coupe. 341-B tt wire wheels, new tires. Private par ty. $1250.
EM. 4200. CADILLAC '31 370 V-12 town sedan, fl wire wheels. Driven less than 10.000 miles. 7001 Hollywood Blvd.
CADILLAC '28 U41-A V-8 sport phaeton, tonneau cowl, tt wir wheels. 7001 Hollywood Blvd. HO. 4700. CADILLAC '30 353 V-8 5 sedan, 0 wire wheels.
7001 Hollywood Blvd. Hol lywood 4700. CADILLAC DEALER CADILLAC town sedan. 1020. excellent condition.
$1,175. Easy terms. Phone WYoming 1418. CADILLAC, '28-341. fl wire, coupe, rumble seat, will sacrifice, give real bargain must sell -today.
1315 Vine Si. CADILLAC '20 341-B V-8 town sedan, 7001 Hollywood Blvd. HO. 4700. CADILLACS.
1027 s. A-I, $105 A $205 $0 down. Trades. 534 S. Figivroa CADILLAC TOWN sacrifice.
1028 SEDAN, '30. E. Mist, Long REAL Beach cITandleIv 4 sedan. $'75. Good vondi- Hon.
Owner, 1330 Jinny HE, 7805. CADILLAC '28 341-A V-8 town sedan, wire wheels, 7001 Hollywood Blvd. CADILLAC Wheels '30 353 V-8 7 Imperial, ti wire 7001 Hollywood Blvd; CADILLAC sedan, lalfl -5, 4 wheel -brakes. $100. Phono Pasadena Terrace 7200 CHEVROLET sport roadster, very late 1030.
8 wire wheels, fender wells upholstery, finish and tires like new Mechanically A-l. Taken in trade Will sell at bargain, full price $3U5. Terms 500 SO FIGUEROA CHEVROLET 1P31 de luxe cabriolet, driven 1400 miles. $128 In extra equip ment. bur sacrifice, new tan color, du ro fenders.
G.M.A.C. terms. A. E. Nugent, Lot 421 La Urea.
CHEVROLET '28 Coach, $276 Cash, owned hy private party, going East. Fully equipped. A-l condition. 4 new tires. Can seen at 703 8.
Ilobart Sat. Ik Sun Fltrroy 4722. CHEVROLET '28 conch, runs splendid. finish tires good. If Interested in good car for little money see this one lnilo'N Western GRinite 8248 CHEVROLET '31 de lne sedan, driven lew months by our olllco manager.
sac-riliee. flO-riiiy guarantee. Clc-viol'd Mild Western It OLE -sedan. '30. Trunk A all ex tras ail-day gtlarunttie, $150 down C- M.A.C, lerms.
Oin-n evenings. MEL-DEN. 4074 8. Vermont! CHEVROLET coach 20, mush like new. Must sell.
$275, terms. Privately owned. 32!) E. 57 St. AD.
5531. CHEVROLET 1030 sedans, coupes. $3Iiy $0 flown. Trade. 534 8, Fitnisroa UTOMOBILES 285 DON l.EE GREATEST PRICE IN QUR HISTORY USED CAR SALE COMPARE OUR CARS AND VALUES CADILLACS $385 LP MO-452-V-lfl Sedan: 6 wire Couiw; fl wire '30-370-V-12 Sedan; 6 wire Sedan; tt wire M0-353-V-8 Sedans; wood '30-353-V-8 Coupe; 6 wire '29-341B-V-8 Sedans; wire 4 wood Coupe: 6 wire '28-341A-V-8 Sedans: wire wood '28-341A-V-8 Limousines; wood 28-341-V-8 Phaetons; 6 disc '27-314-V-8 Sedans: wood wheels '20-314-V-8 Limousines; wood '27-314-V-8 Coupes; wood A wire LA SALLES $450 UP Mt-315 Sedans; wood wheels Sedans; wood 6 wire '30-340 Coupe; 5 or 8 wire 'KIM-IS Sedans; wood wheels '20-328 Roadster; wood II wire '28-303 Sedan; wood 0 wiro '2S-303 Coupe: wood wheels '27-303 Coupes; wood 6 wlro OTHER SEDANS $105 CP Ml -8 Cord Convertible Phaeton Suits Le Baron; tt wire wheels 020 Packard: 8 wire wheela '30-8 De Soto 20-H 135 Franklin: fl wire wheel '2-8 Lincoln Le Baron.
6 wire '2-fi Reo; 8 wire wheels '28-8-443 Packard Club; 6 dio 28-fl-52d Packard 27-6-443 Packard Club 28-fi-27 Buiek '2S-8 Hupmobile: 6 wire wheels '8-4-52 Chrysler OTHER C0UTE3 $105 TTP Ml-R-SflS Buick; fl wire wheels MD-6-B4C Buick: 5 wire wheels '30-4 Ford Convertible 28-4 Chevrolet '2-8 Lincoln: fl wlro wheels '27-5-75 Marmon; 8 wire wheels MANY OTHER MAKES $100 UP BLDG. 1070 W. 7TH ST. riCO A FIGUEROA LOT 1048 W. 7TH ST.
good condi tion. $275, easy terms. Open nights Sundays. DUNHAM for Washington Los Angeles, WE. 4421 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE.
Lata aeries. Excellent in every respect. Ha had wonderful care. Good paint, up holstery. tires nnd mechanically A MURPHY MOTORS, 1110 S.
Flower Opn evenings and Sundays. CHEVROLET, very lale 10.11 de luxe sport coupe, 0 wire, wheels, fender wells, perfect condmnn. forced to sacrifice G.M.A.C. terms Bv owner. 3rt MANHATTAN PL.
WAshmgtr.n 0058 CHEVROLET 1031 sedan, trunk A rn many extras, perfect condition thru- out, $585, terms. 0155 Sunset. HO. 85.10. CHEVROLET sport roadster.
MI, CJwf $270. Will take $175 for my enulty or clear used car in trade. 22220 Satieoy Canogn Park, phone CHEVROLET coupe, very lata 1030. In perfect condition. Taken in trade, will sell at a real bargain, full price.
$395. Terms. 500 SOUTH FIGUEROA CHEVROLET 1931 sport de luxe sedan Just nicely broken in. A remarkable value at the low price asked. Terms, J.
V. BALDWIN. 1417 8. Flgueroa CHEVROLET '29 coach. Original finish, good tires.
Mechanically o.k. Will take small car in trade, saermee $21111. Terms. 1005 N. Western.
GR. 8248 CHEVROLET '28 standard coupe, thor oughly reconditioned, new tires. Real buy. Ford agency. 7820 S.
Vermont CHEVROLET 1931 special sedan. 1930 se- dan. snort coune roadster. Must sell make offer. NeLeod.
1019 S. Figueroa CHEVROLET'S. Fords, Essex It Olhers. connes. roadsters, seflans.
tourings 510 to $35 down. 3fl.11 VERMONT CHEVROLET '31 Coach. $525, easy terms A-l in every detail. See- it today at Geo. W.
Rufzer. Jr. 0000 Pasadena Ave CHEVROLET 1931 sport roul-ler. Rumble seat, all soort extras, io.ij. lerms.
J- V. BALDWIN 1417 Figueroa CHEVROLET Ml sport coupe. $535. Per fect. SHAFER'S.
8989 Santa Monica Blvd. OX. 8011. Open evenings. CHEVROLET '31 6 -passenger Victoria coupe, subject to $500, mike offer for equity, cash, nld Kprd.
TR. 8001 CHEVROLET 10.11 sedan. 3000 mile ill sell equity for cash, or trade, A real bargain. 7.14 So. Berrndn.
CHEVROLET COACH. 1920. newly finish cd. Sacrifice, $2i5. Terms.
Private owner. .120 E. 57TH ST. CHEVROLET Ml do luxo sport sedan. wire wheels, snappy, clean A perfect every way.
$595. 1302 W. Washington CHEVROLET 1931 5-window coupe, per fect condition, $550 cash. 5083 West 20th st. OR 8183.
CHEVROLET 1930 coupe. Beautiful sage- green finish. Guaranteed. Only $425 .1. V.
BALDWIN. 1417 S. Flgueroa CHEVROLET '31, sport roadster, original finish, excellent condition throughout, $550. terms. 0455 Sunset.
HO. 8530 CHEVROLET '29 coune. original finish good tires, only $245. 3-day free trial. 22i0 Colorado Eagle Koek CHEVROLET coach '27.
Don't miss Oil at $145. Terms. 1840 Colorado Blvd. Figle Rock. CHEVROLET de luxe sedan '30.
or terms OL fine con 2408. onion, cash CHEVROLET '20 convertible coupe. Privately owned. Very clean. GR.
8.19(1 CHEVROLET victoria sport coupe. Ml, 4200 mi. Owner sacn lice, $595. AN. 1205 CliEYROLbl 20 coach.
Looks and runs rood $20 down. 3931 S. Vermont CHEVROLET "29 cabriolet. Excellent con dition. $295, .1815 S.
VERMONT. CHEVROLET MO coach, new tires, $395 terms. 4408 W. Adams. G.M.A.C.
CHEVROLET '29 coupe. $275. New tires Finn shape. Hurry. 4317 S.
Broadway CHEVROLET '28 landau sedan, beanlilul condition. $205. 4.117 S. Broadway. CHEVROLET '29 sport roadster, $250 full price.
Private. 18.11 W. 24 EM. 001 7. IlEv UOL1 coupe, '29, by owner, some terms.
Collins. DHcxel nslfl. CHEVROLET, lale '29 comic. $300, extra clean. paint, private.
MO, 17088 CHEVROLET 10.10 -sedans, comics, $305 $80 down. Trades. 5.14 Flgueroa. CHEVROLET '20 seilitii. Big sale.
8 Chevrolet, Vermont at Florence. CHEVROLET '28 sport coupe, $il)5, 1 Simla Monica Blvd. $50 down. 71' HEVUOLET '28 couch, perfect condition, $225, $75 down. Molter.
UN. 2H03. CHEVROLET Ml online. 0000 mi. Perfect.
Snap, $105. 4141 S. CtTRYSLFR BARGAIN Laics 1031 8-cylinder coupe. The snappy 2-tono beige job with fl wire wheels, side mounts and. metal tire covers.
This' ear hat been driven only 1030 miles and is In perfect condition A genuine buy. Terms. KARLE C. ANTHONY. INC.
KFI 1000 8. Hope st. KFCA Open evenincrs.nnd Sunday. WE 03.14 CHRYSLER 75 sport roadster. ery lat est 1B20.
Equipped with Double Eagle neavy-uuty tires, wind wings, many other extras. Thit beautiful roadsler formerly owned by local parly and taken in trade. Will sacrifice at a real bargain $585 Guaranteed, 18 nvontha 10 fiofl S. FIGUEROA CHRYSLER 75 1 edan '29, repossessed, As-coiillnne contract at $30 18 mo. Total cash price some $14o, per mo.
I01 $1.05. HARRISON' FINANCE CO. 220 FIGLEROY OPEN TKNIvr.S'- SUNDAY '20 ti5 sport coupe, new il'o'o. new -Day ton tins. Mechanically A-l.
Musi sell al -onee or trade for smull coupe or roadster. Mr, 'I-conard. 5950 Hollywood Blvd. GRimte 211, CHRYSLER 75 Sport Coupe, 1920. Chrysler 05 Coupe, 1029- $295 $05 down Trsftss.
5')4 S. Firneros AUTOMOBILES 285 RELIABILITY WHEN YOU purchase an antomohili from PAUL HOFFMAN INC you receive more than tha car you visualize. MANY YEARS of business integrity in back ol your purchase. A FINANCIALLY sound institution protects your transaction. HONESTY and integrity mean more to ut than tha sale 01 an automobile CERTIFIED STUDEBAKERS 1P28 td Sixet and 1931 -Eights Reduced $50 TO $350.
THESE REDUCTIONS together with the RELIABILITY of PAUL HOFFMAN makes an Ideal combination for the discriminating buyer. THESE CARS move fast ears nt present on harj have not averaged over 12 days In onr possession. CONFIDENTIAL arrangements made to pay out of your Income. PAUL G. HOFFMAN CO.
1250 S. Figueroa St. WE. 4.108. Open Sundays.
Open Evenings. FORD lale 1930 suort coupe, new rubuer original finish, 30-day guarantee. Easy term. S. NERNEY.
Santa Monica Blvd Hollywood 2188 FORDS, 1930s, all models $30 ords, 1929s. all models 20 Ford 1931 custom 495 $95 down. Trades. 5.14 S. FORD 1931 sport roadsler.
Driven 30O0 mL Perfect bargain. G.M.A.C. lerms. A. E.
Nugent. Chevrolet dealer. L01 421 S. La Brea. FORD ludor sedan '30, repossessed.
Assume $85. Continue contract at sw.15 pi mo. for 18 months. Total cash pric $325. HARRISON FINANCE CO.
2820 S. FIGUEROA OPEN EVENINGS SUNDAY FORD '30 cabriolet, special Miiier-Seoiield head. inhcld carburetor, fender wells, trunk, special paint. Terms trade. Guaranteed $505.
350 Canon Beverly Hills. Open eve nings and Sundays. FORD DE LUXE SEDAN. 1031 Chromium radiator grill, motor meter wind wings, chromium tire cover. On ly run 3000 miles.
A Co-operative Salo special at $505. JOHN A. WOOD 5948 Pacific Huntington Par FORD town sedan, very lata 1930. Tin beautiful sedan immaculate through out. Must see to appreciate.
Taken in trade, wili sell at a real bargain $95 down to responsible parly. Term on balance. 500 SO. FIGUEROA ST FORD Town Sedan 1930. Guaranteed $495.
Easy terms. Open nights sun DUNHAM for FORDS Washington ft Los Angeles. WE. 44' 1 FORD Sport Coupe, very latest 1921), with onset brake, lias II wire wheels, fend er wells, many other extras. Will sell at a real bargain.
$85 down. Term 011 balance. 500 S. FIGUEROA ST FORDS, Ml. 1 town sedan.
1 tudor sedan 1 de luxe sedan. I cabriolet. 1 vic toria, used very little as courtesy cars Fully guar. Low terms, long-trad' Harris. Ford dealer.
230 W. Manchester, FORD '29 roadsler. rumblo seal, rc finished pew top. new glass, in tact everything in it satisfy the particular bu er. Terms if desired.
1715 S. Grand Ave Open Sunday 10 to .1. FORDS. Ml Victorias, convertible spor coupes, standard roadsters coupes. IK luxe $435 to $545 Esimnre 1 700.
(Helnie's Close Out.) 220 W. Pico FORD roadster, very lute 193u. H.isi coiru gated flash. Double Eagle heavy-duty tires: upholstery and finish like new Will sell at a bargain, full price. $335 Terms.
5011 SOUTH FIGUEROA ST FORD. Ml. sport coupe, one mouth oid Only tiOo miles and many accessories' If you are looking for real bargain call at GREEH-HOHHINS. 54 SO. WESTERN.
DUnkirk 1380. FORD Ml Victoria house car. Driven wild care. SACRIUCE, your own terms to fieople of good standing. Davis-Dirk ioIz, 7300 S.
FORD Ml convertible black coupe. White tires. $545. Vt down. WE.
1700 (Heinle close out.) 220 W. PICO FORD 1931 Victoria. Al shape, private owner, 4524 Vj Wlllowbrook Ave. nr. Santa Momea Vermont.
FORD 1931 latest series. Town aedan. 8 wire wheels, trunk, etc. Only $045 J. A.
NADEAU, 1100 E. Slaiison FORD roadster Ml. pun based May Sell equity $175 Ic full coverage. 14 1110. to pay.
$.14 20 mo. OL. 3082. FORD convertible cabriolet, Perfect condition.
Full price only $175. Easy terms. 511 5th st. FORD. $200.
terms, no chariKS. 4-door. 3-window sedan. .1207 Garnet st, ANrelus 2 2 28. FORD late '29 coupe, run 12.000 miles A-l condition.
Private owner. New tires. $275. Terms. Fl.
4059. F'ORD town sedan. Ml. run 5000 ml. No scratches.
Many extras. Private party. Miiorinee. mom wen worm ave. FORD 11120 coupe with rumbla seat, A-l condition.
$240 cash. 611 N. Helio trope Dr. MOrningsidn 14R87. FORI) '31 coupe.
Blue As cream. Free wheeling. $475. Vi down. WE.
1700 (Heinies close out.) 220 W. PICO FORD MO cabriolet, new two-tone tan fin ish, very attractive. Terms. Ford deal er. 1817 E.
FORD MI do luxe radster. latest out Brown lob. $485. down. WE.
1700 (Heinies close out) 220 W. PICO FORD town sedan, 00 BeauLUul condi tion. New tires. $125 down, lerms to suit Ford Agency. 7820 S.
Vermont FORD lale Tio sport coupe. New dileo, perfect throughout, guar. Sacrifice. $285. terms.
3953 S. Vermont. FORDS. '29'. MO's, Mi's.
ALL MODELS guaranteed. LOW AS $245. Ben Fahy. H2(i w. mn st.
or 8a7 Furueroa FORDS. A' all models from $175 up. Low as $05 down. Sweitzer Shorlcll, Ford Dealers. 7820 S.
Vermont. FORD '29 sport roadster. 0 wire wheels for equity $100: monthly payment $18, 12 mos. Fhnne NOrmandy 71do FORD 1931 sport roadster, original finish See this one at $405. Reg Flldge, M455 Sunset.
HO. 85.10, FORD 1930 town sedan, form fitting seals, original finish. $495. Terms. Reg Fudge, 0455 Sunset.
HO. 8530. FORI) Tudor lale 1930. Very good condi tion. 2.1" down.
1840 Colorado Blvd. Eagle Rock. FORD Tudor 1920. Black paint, orange wheels. Small down payment.
1840 Colorado Eagle Kick. FORI). 1030 cabriolet, newly Panned. splendid condition. $376 cash.
0908 LEX IN ((TON AVE, GRnnile 0810. FOKD. 1930 town sedan, very clean, forced sale. Must sell today, bargain price 100(1 NORTH WESTERN AVE. FORI) coupe, black, 31.
runiblo seat. 6 mos. old; run 7000 miles, perfect condition, only $406 cash, OL. 8105. FORD Tudor 1928, in very line condition throughout.
Owner leaving cify. 240 ty 1 anon Jir. tjxioril 1027. FORD late '20 sport coupe, rumble seal. A-l condition, must sell.
Very libera) term. $225, 1052 47th st. FORD 1 He '20 ro aiisli'i, Slid down. 7171 laid a Monica Blvd. FORD '30 cabriolet.
Terms $9i 171 Santa Monica jiivd. down, FORD lale '30 sport roadsler, perfect. $37 5. Call Mon. Owner, FORD 1927 coupe, clean, wire wheels.
5. Owner. CRestview 12495. FORD Phaeton, Inte MO. ha had best of care.
Price $398. CRestview 654, FORD 192U Cabriolet Coupe, condition 225. 14.15 OAK ST. perfect. FORD Ml) tudor.
perfect original condition. $305. Terms. 4.117 S. BROADWAY.
FORD MO sport coupe, low nuleuee. Per fect throughout. $385. 2701 FORDS, 1930s. 1931.
Trades. ALL MODELS S. Firneros $05 down 1201 FORD '29 coupe. Original limsh. Al tires.
2025 San Fernando Hd $75 down FORD COUPE. 19311. Run only nino mile M. MUST stfi.L, SYeamore FORD town sedan, 1774 '31. 7000 371 st nil.
Owner RE 7-135 sa en flee FORD 1030 coach. Good oudiiion. rty-WTTMEti. vale wner. 409 1-4 S.
F'ORD '20 roadster. Price $50. A-l mechanically. SANTA FE AVE. FORD Victoria on 11 pa '31.
must sell. Pit- vste owner. S11 41rd Si. UTOMOBILES 285 MADDUX INC. Offers some wonderful values in all makes of high-grade late model used can.
LINCOLN'S 1910 7 De Luxe Sedan 39. in 4 Sport Phaeton 1929 7 De Luxe Sedan 1929 6 Convertible Coupe 24 2.1 4 Convertible Coupe C2.M 1929 2-passenger Judkins Coups 246 50 OTHERS Including Lale Model TACKARDS- TI CADILLACS Each Car Carries THE MADDUX GUARANTEE Liberal Terma and Trade. MADDUX. INC. LINCOLN DEALERS 1059 S.
Figueroa. CLadsione 5176 FORD von pa, '25. Nice condition. Private. 943 WEST 17TH ST.
FORD '25 ccupe, $24. .114 N. $27; also 25 road-o-r, Normandie. OL 031 FORD '29 sport eoiipe, bcautilul condition Perfect niei hanic.illy. $275.
AL.9H30 FORD roadster, late '29, excellent condi tion. $250. Owner. REpublie 950 FORD 1030 convertible coupe, scil lequity reasonable. HE.
2070. my FRANKLIN SPECIAL: ON OUR OWN EASY TERMS Franklin 1931 sedan, 153 $2450 Franklin '28 sedan Airman 12.. 74 Franklin 1925 sedan, 11A 43 Studehaker '27 Commander sedan 345 adillae '29 341-B town 6dan. 134 Chrysler '29-05 roadster 48 Buick 60S Ml special 9o Chrysler 77 1930 sedan 89 Pierce-Arrow '20 80 sedan 46 Willys-Knight 70 '20 195 AND MANY OTHCKS FRANKLIN MOTORS, INC. 1030-52 S.
Flower St. WEslmore 912 i' RAN KLIN 1930 145 6-naHsenuHi wdan low mileage, absolutely pericct. Regular 00 day guarantee. $lo75. also 1920 series 11 sport sedan.
$425. Blum Cleveland. 1388 W. Washington. FRANKLIN 1028 5 sedan.
Hail best care. 7091 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. of kan ivlin '28. 2nd wines Airman sport Began, 1111111 urand lllvd. OL, ,1724 JA.L1N sport sedan.
extra tire, paint. A-l. Owner. OX. 7242 itAUii.
f. 20 oouiw new tires, per fect throughout. $105. Better hurry on tins. .1,1 1 1 liitH.A DWA Y.
GRAHAM-PAIGE 021 4-door de luxe dan, very latest 1929. Equipped with natural wood wheels, lender wells new (Ires, wind wings, many other extras; upholstery nnd finish like oew mecnauicail.v perlect Must see to ap preciate, win sell at a real bargain mil price Easy terms arrant ei 6(17 SOUTH FLOWER STREET GRAHAM-PAIGE 015 coupe, late '29, epeciu, wire wheels, excellent eon ditioi, throughout, owner going East must sacrifice today, $42r cash terms arranged. OX. 5922, 60S la Beverly Hills. GRAHAM-PAIGE 192S special 014 Coupe A-i condition.
Good tires, $Sa down in.i r'iguerna Street. GRAHAM custom 8 converUble coupe. Mil A 1. $195 down. 1201 S.
Figueroa si HUDSON SEDAN. LATE SERIES 27. This car was originally sold late In Nov. ot 192,. Has latest type over ic-aii motor and is as clean as nnv J9U car in our stock.
A MURPHY i.m MURPHY'S LOT, 1124 S. Flower St open Evenings and Sundity. HUDSON 8 Sport Sedan, very lata 1930 Has id mounts, wind wings, trunk raeK. Lqiiipp-it with new tires. Lp- noiMery and limsh perfect; niechani eally A-l.
Will sell at a bargain $175 down. Guaranteed and 18 mos lo Pay 507 SOUTH FLOWER HUDSON 19,10 DE LUXE BROUGHAM 8 wire wheels and fender wells, origi nai unisn anq new tires, carries a JU 1 HI'HY GUARANTEE. MURPHY MOTORS, 1110 S. Flower. open Evenings and Sunday.
HUDSON COUPE. LATE SERIES 1928. Paint and upholstery pet feet, ail new lire. Mechanically A-i. A MURPHY special.
(4o. MURPHY'S LOT, 1124 8. Flower St open evenings una mmttnys. HUDSON 1031 SPORT COUPE Driven only 3000 miles, Perfect, ORIGINAL GUARANTEE, $085. MURPHY MOTORS.
1110 S. Flower Open Evenings and Sunday. HUDSON 8 town sedan. late '31. I'm wheeling.
Run 900 miles. Owner must sell. $205 down. Trade accepted. 1015 vvesicrn.
hcjimjn sport coupe. lull pn-e Easy terms, 137 E. Hunting Ion. Arcadia 211.1, HUDSON 29 sedan, side mounts. $435.
very nice. 4141 S. BROADWAY. HUP Century 8 '29 de luxe roadster. 6 wire wheels, side mounts.
Ion of other extras. A real buy. $595. W. K.
18M4 S. Figueroa IIUPMOBILES dc luxe coupe, 0 wire wheels, forced sale will give tre mendous oargant, must sell today fro, esp-ru ave. Open evenm HUP Ml H-S sedan, tree wheeling lent condition. $1500. Or take smaller car lor equity.
Owner, HE. 013.1 HLP.MoliILK 1930 8-cyluider convertible coupe. 7001 Hollywood Blvd. HO. 4700 Lu ISALLF, 1931 a), convertible coupe.
0 wire wheels. Plenty of extras, driven less than 300(1 miles. Cadillac .1101 Hollywood Blvd. HO. 4700.
LA SALLE sport phaeton. '27. 303. tires and paint, 0 wire wheels, perfect coniniion, a lieanty. $750.
Call 110 2217 or 2280 W. 23HD, LA SALLE 1930 .140 V-8 convertible coupe, 0 wire wheR 7001 Hollywood jiivii. mi. tiiiii. open evenings.
LA SALLE 10311 340 sport roadster, fi wire wheels. Cadillac dealer. 7001 Hoi lywood Blvd. HQ, 4700, Open evenings LA SALLE '30 town sedan. Al.
driven carefully hy owner, $.1460. DR. ,110. A SALLE '30-340 sport roadster. $1450.
0048 W. WASHINGTON BLVD. L. SALLE 1929 328 V-8 sport roadster, wire wheels. 7001 Hollywood lllvd LA SALLE 1929 ,128 coupe, tt wire wheels.
V-8 convertible 7001 Hollywood LA SALLE 19-Hollywood 8 303 V-8 7 aedan. 7001 lllvd, Hollywood 4700. LA SALLE convertible coupe, late '27. A-l coniiition. Owner.
TRinity 5234, LINCOLN Dietncn convertible coupe, very laiesi iuo. tquippeo with heavy uiny vires: upnoisicry ana limsh hue new; mechanically perfect. Will sell at a real bargain, full price S105 $245 down. Guaranteed and 1 merit hs 10 pay 607 SO. FLOWER STREET LINCOLN TOWN SEDAN.
19.10 6 wire wheels, fender wells, run only 12O00 miles, perfect condition. A real laeriliee. $2495. GREER-ROBB1NS CO. 1100 S.
Figueroa. WEstmore LINCOLN 2-wmdow sedan, 1924 mod lully equipped. Taken in trade. Will soli at a real bargain, only $195 'lerms can be nrrantred. 600 Ptcin-rnu LINCOLN.
run les than 7000 ml. Fcrlect In every respect. Cost $5500. Sell for $2900 cash. No trado.
A. O. Gen. Beverly Hills. LINCOLN '27 model sport Phaeton, $3I5.
wire-wheels, lenuer wells, new lires. $1 25. down. Trade. 1 201 S.
Figtieroa LINCOLN 1027 convertible couiie. excel. lent condition. 7001 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood 4700.
Open evenings. LINCOLN'S, 1928s. Lincoln. 1927. $195 down.
Trades, 1201 S. Flgueroa. LINCOLN convertible coupe model, $525. Phone owner. H.
D805. LINCOLN III 7 7 sedan, wheels, condition, 7001 Hollywood Excellent LINCOLN '27 sedan. $405. Big used car sain. S.
YV. Chevrolet, Vermont at FIoren-e. M.ARMON "78" 1929 -De Luxe eauiiitil 2-tonn tan limsh. Will sacrifice below market value. $185.
H. C-O-O-K. 1831 S. MOON sport roadster '20 full price A-l condition. 4309 Fountain OL 2704 NASH '29 advance sedan, 4 new tires, re- linished, thoroughly overhauled and guaranteed, upholstery like new.
Bargain at $045. Terms. THOMPSON DE JARNETTE CO. 1001 S. Figueroa.
WEstmore ,1117 NASH COUPE'. 1929, $400. A nifty little standard Job Just refln-Ished and In excellent mechanical n-tlition. Certainly priced to ell at $395. MURPHY'S LOT, 1124 S.
Flower St. Open and Sundays. NASH MO standard kedan. 4 new tires. mechanically overhauled.
Original blue finish perfect, $045 TERMS. THOMPSON DE JARNETTE CO. 15.14 3 Figueroa. WEstmore 3111. NAH Ambassador Advance 0, 192 New rubber, trunk rack, extra tire, IliioiiiilHiut.
A steal at $495 Terms. 31 i S. WOTKKN. EX. 13 NASH 1.931 lug 8.
$1095. du luxe Run few wei-M 98(1 miles 8 wire wheels, $270 down. 1201 S. NASJI '2D-120 sedan. $4ll, big iiT 7v sale, i s.w.
Chevrolet, Vermont at Florence. AUTOMOBILES We can supjiiy you with all marine hardware, nails, brotue s-'rews, gal vanined nails, bolts nnd other maienal required the of your boat, also reverse gears, water pumps propeller and boat plans. We give you tlio Is iii lit of our .1 years' experience in the hotting line Mail orders promptly tilled. EMIL AARUP Los Anjreles' only exclusive marine store, nil S. Main A.
AX. snap 40-Foor yawl. 4-cylindcr Scripi. Good canvas, saooo. 45-foot cruiser, launched 1930 twin entrines, fully equipped for In people.
Your chance to save $50oo on a practically new yacht. t. Mackeniie, 1300 Angelus ave, DU $000O IF deposited with us this week will buy a fine, fast, power yacht Actual cash value more than $20,000 Details confidential, excepting to bona fide, interested parties, rossible terms Harry 0. Wilson Fool of Av.ilon Wilmington. Ph 12R(t 40 Open co*ckpit Xwiti sciew.
Stevens built sleeps 0 A-l. $5500. 30 Auxiliary SInrcoiii rtggial sloop 1-man boat, cruised Alaska. $4500 BROWN'S BOAT SERVICE CALIF. YACHT CLUB.
Open Sundays. Wilmington 330 14 FT. mahogany runabout, used twice Took 1st and 2nd place Iree-for-all rairs. With Johnson junior Like new. Trailer.
Also 111 ft. runa bout wilhoilt engine. Bargain. 4271 La Salle, l. Niverity Hill 5.
37-FT. ALU EN SCHOONER Mahoaiy plank, copper fastened, yrs. old. Less '-i cost. I).
Kilkenny. Yacht Broker. RO.20OS WANT best 25 to 35-ft. cabin boat for clear 60x135 lot at Whitlier Blvd. Sadler worth $2000.
OWNER 1211 Citizens' Nat'l Bk. Bldg.TR Ositl iO-FT. -bottom cabin cruiser, galley, toi let. Can sleep four. Cheap for cash Photic Alhambra 27.15-W.
NEW It rebuilt inboard outboard motors. Marine Specialties. Motor service 1301 Flower WE 4001 100-125-ILP. Packard marine motor; lik new. A bargain.
asm BEVERLY BLVD. Exposition 4051. NEW 20 tt. motor boat, cost $2:00, price rn. Colorado mmi.
rasadena BOATS. Sea Sled Si-llmir nut. 700 V-bottoms, cheap Eastern Ave. WANTED BEST STAR BOAT FOR ALL CASH. OLympla fB74 EV1NKUDE, FAST WIN MOTOR.
$50. 1020 54TH ST. WANTED Mutfler to III 10 Eiinrude .1027 E. lt. AN'relus 11530 MOTORCYCLES, Bicycles 282 USED machines, all makes, lale models some $35 down.
Harley-Diividsou Agy. 1350 N. Western. Open evenings. BEST BUYS in used motorcycles, low down payments, easy terms, tt A RLE DIS- 1 1) TO RS, 2531 HARLEY Davidson side car.
A-l condi tlon. real bargain. GKatme OSSS. 11ARLEY-DAV1DSON SINGLE, 1020. A-l $75.
042 VALENCIA ST. UTOMOBILES 285 AUBURN Free Wheeling Custom Sedan, model tsiis-A very lale inai, driven yooo miles. Has 0 wire wheels, fend er wells, truim rack, wind wings. many other extras This beautiful dan Immaculate throughout Formerly owned by local party and will sell at a real bargain $2S5 down. Guaran teed.
18 month terms. 507 S. Flower AUBURN sport sedan, model 8-88, very late 1027. Fully equipiM-d. Upholstery and finish perfect.
This beautiful sedan taken in trade: will ea.Tifico at i real bargain, full price. $31)5. Terms 500 SOUTH FIGIEHOA STREET AUBURN phaeton aedan '28-SS, beautiful two-lone green, tt wire wheels, 4 new tires, motor overhauled, only $585. Give terms, trade, 2220 S. Hoover.
AUBURN 1031 S-0S custom convertible sedan, free-wheeling. Low mileage. excellent condition. Sacrilb-e. Musi sell before Mon.
Owner. Wll, 810. AUBURN 8 00 BROUGHAM, H2II. $.105 Fender wells, original finish. New tires.
$flf down. 534 Flgueroa AUBURN 1-0 apwt sedan. $500 cash A benuly. A-l. 1703 Glendale lllvd AUBURN '28, 115 speedster, sporty paint, new tires, terms.
HO, 8530. BUlCli S-cylinder sedan, model 8-57, 1031 series, uriven nines, tias wire wheels. fender wells, wind wings. trunk rack, many other extras. This beautiful sedan formerly owned by local party and has had exceptional caro.
Must see to appreciate. Will sell at a real bargain; full price, $01o. Guaranteed and 18 months to pay. 507 SOUTH FLOWER STREET BUTCK 102U 4-DOOR 27 SEDAN New paint, good rubla-r. upholstery perfect, mechanical condition unquestionable.
See this one and you will buy it. MURPHY'S LOT, 1124 S. Flower St. tipen evenings and Sundays. BUICK 1128 Six sport roadster.
third car in wealthy family and driven very little. Appearanco and performance. -A-l. Sacrificing (or $500 CASH. See J.
A. Clark (except Sunday.) at 5400 East lllh Los All-geies. Calif. Phone ANgelus 4111. HUICK convertible coupe, '20, repossessed assume conllnue contract at $31.35 tier month for 18 months.
Total cash price $5H5, HARRISON FINANCE CO. 2N20 S. FIGl'EROA OPEN EVENINGS A- SUNDAY. BUICK COUPE, loai. biggest 8-cylind'T model.
8-00. 5-pssentjcr. 0 wheels. I.e'ltct condition. By owner.
Run 13,000 miles. terms. Phone week days. CAlulnl 111 01. BUICK MASTER ti 1027 MROUG1MM.
Owner will sell at big bargain. Perfect condition. Good tires, trunk, with auitcases to fit, many accessories, cut for sleeping. No dealers. 1503 Woos-fer street.
BUICK, 1021) SEDAN That roomy 7-passenger in spienaw condition. Fine for largo family. Sacrifice. Liberal terms: trades accepted. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO, 1S20 S.
Flgueroa. WE. BUICK 8-1U31 COUPE 118 wheelbaso. sport model. Guaranteed.
Easy terms. HOWARD AUTOMOHILE CO. 1307 Ficncroa WEstmore 6515. BUICK 1031 8-00 5-passenger cotilie. 0 wire wheels, take $1575, ear in every way perfect job.
See today, 0157 HOLLYWOOD BLVD. BUICK 1028 Master tt sedan, special lea ther upholstery. Must be sold today No reasonable offer refused. 1315 No Vine st. Open evenings.
BUICK '31 8-57 siiian. 0 wire wheels, fen der wells. Trunk rack. 5000 miles, Owner going east. Sacrifice price $1150 Call OLympia 0507.
BUICK 1031 8-50C convertible, coupe, only driven 1275 miles. Sacrifice price $1200. 0157 Hollywood Blvd. Open evenings, BUICK 8, '31 sport model coupe, 60-S de luxe, equippel tt wire wheels, driven only ltjOO miles, circ*mstances force me to sacrifice. Owner.
CR. 13070. BUTCK 1031 8-67 sedan, very clean, Uriv en about 7o00 miles. Sacrifice for $1)75, See today at Ml 57 Hollywood Blvd. BUICK 1020 sport coupe.
20-S. $.105 Blocks, 1031. coupes, sedans, 25'S down. Trades 1201 Flgueroa. BUICK coupe, '30-47, runs and looks per fect, tiooa tires, $1011 down.
Price $050, easy terms, 1725 8. Flgueroa. USED CAR ADVERTISING COSTIKUES TO SWING TOWARD THE LOS ANGELES TIMES Here ors the figures In automn. bile classified advertising for the fust months of 1031, compared to tha same period lost year: Ad. .17.431 Lines TIMES GAIN 05.
Avijtion IW Yachts 28 1 Motorcycles, Bicycles 282 Automobiles. Trucks, etc 285 to 294 DETS Birds, Cats, Dogs Continued frnmjiJt.n5. BIRDS "7... 275 PARAKEETS. Finches.
Lovebird. II 25 Arcadia West Arcadia. CANARIES. 1', 17 aincr make offer 2022 VALIEY KOSEMEAD FIRST CUAI.ITV canaries, cinnamon. roller.
Parakeets, GKanite ti 1 1 1 CATS 277 FOR Pure-bred Persian Kittens. Cats, Studs. Hints. Blaeas. snaoea slivers 7127 Kesler ave.
Van Nny. KITTENS. Persian, nil colors Also main nt scrvl-P, 1704. KITTENS, part Persian. $1 lo good homes CA.
11503 hun. or a.m. fw WANT (tooil home lor nice killciis. EX position .150.1, BEAUTIFUL BLACK MRU. MALE PKKSIAN vr.rmont nw DOGS 278 4 1IKMDV.KV iSeotiishl terrier.
$25-l Chow pupa, real Realities, SehippcrKea (a coming dog. I $0550 Irish real micks. $15 In $25 Collies. 21 champion pedigree, English bulls sired by International ehampion. 'J5.
Eligible A.K.C. NOSE BETTER AT ANY 1'ltICE clean, novelty $20 Beagles, springer spaniels, wires, etc llnira irinned. defleaed. bathed.
$2.60 Boarding any breed 3 per week WE COLLECT AND DELIVER Registered stud dots. Big winner. HOTEL FOR DOGS Stone's, 5277 Valley A. r.t. 11814.
10 minutes downtown. vliikllAl.E itiinnii-s to adults, snipping clinoins. bathing to boarding: win eall for and deliver. DAVE HICKS, J1MMIE LINDSAY PEPPER TREE KENNELS 1121 E. Vallav Rnsemcad.
Alhambra S30S-W, BOSTON neke. woe. police, dasfhiind, tox terrier, cheap. Silt w. 71 II s-1 BOSTON pups, flashy markings, attractive 0722 Rugby Huntington 1'arK.
BOSTON lovs at stud, prize-winners. 4 W. 153 Oardcna, Ph. Oardenn ei BOSTON females, 2 'a nio. 1 toy a dream 10 mo.
KO. 6294. i77 nve. CAIRN Terrier Gould Lane, puns, Livingston. 101 6 Manhattan.
Phone 629 CHOW Big clearance sale, all puppies eni.ri Ili-eil lit less than hill f-PI'K'C. 4 CHAMPION STUDS. X-Quia-Jt Ken nels. 12701 Ventura Blvd. CHOW puppies.
Gorgeous coat, champion slock. (Rett Pedigreed. Slit) up. 420 N. Vlsla street, Hollywood.
CHOW pups, champion slock, very cheap. 1843 VETERAN WKSTWOOD. CHOW PUPS, champion stock, Allmintiia 48.14-J, 1008 Vineyard Dr. San Gabriel CHOW. pedigreed, young male.
Cash or trade lor piuno or what? EM. 171 co*ckER Soaniel puds, pure black, bcatltie: Pedigreed, reasonahle. o.lo ry Norton co*ckEK Spaniels, also pugs, reasonable 2X07 N. Lake, at Foothill. Altadena HILLIES.
HOME of the famous BLANG STEAD Champions 8124 Hoover si. COLLIE reg. PUPS, white, a line pals Prize male at stud. 380 74 st DASCHCND I'l FP1ES, 1STEKED 032 BEAUTIES. REG- 21 ST STREET DACHSHUND pups, pedigreed, lovely pels.
30? Mansfield. WHUwy gt? ENGLISH tetters, youngsters and pup beauties. $10 up. 072.1 San Carlos South Gale, LAfrivctte 9917. ENGLISH bull pups.
Casitas. AflHilcnn. nmlittreeil. 'i-' Nianara ENGLISH bull nuns doits, also at stud 1U1 E. Ave.
near Pasadena Ave. FRENCH bulldos puppies, peiliureed, 4Ui V. Wallace Hawthorne K.V.r GERMAN Shepherd puppies, line slock. MR17 Revere. MOrmnsside GREAT Dane puns.
Harlequin, blacks bvtndle. Pico, Santa Monica. IRISH Kellers, 5 months Kennel Club. Extra field. S'll AVE elielblo American fine lor bench or 40.
IRISH TERRIER puppy, MOrniimsidn 1030, champion slock. LLEWELLYN setters, a thorontrh-brpd bird doirs for sale, reasonable ISai E. 43nrt St. CEnliiry PEKINESE iiiala Uos Ji murvelous eat. Reasonable if given good home, 3S'S Wilshire.
Blvd. PEKE males, pedigreed pets, coats, yr. old. Cheap. TH.
Koiireous PEKE. pcdiifi'eeii pujis, flat faces. SCIo. stud $iotofie w. 7a, iii.c.
PEKE pups, show tyiie, $2o up, mat rons, on term. eoo lorn t5ivo PEKES 11 beautiful reds, also "Mit- Ton red toy at stua. lu.i.i. PEKINGESE. Beautiful, unusual, pedigree.
1 yr. old. GKanile 404. POLICE IT PS, splendid specimens very reaonble. Arch Drive at Ventura or HI.
11.11. Room POM toys, pedoii-eed puppies, rcg. slock. Also one Pom. at fit), no.
NfjL POMS, Toy Hlack Tans. Pckes. Also at stud. fl4n MiiniiiuMon inive. POMS.
oraliKC toys. Reasonable. At sunt, lee SKI. TMornwail POMS, toy pups. Oianscs, blacks.
lh. red at Hud, tee AG. SCHN ALZERS police, tenicra toy breeds a up. Granil at Slaiison. Til.
xnt. SCOTtH terrier puppies, unusually nice, list vv. m. SC0TTIE Wire, Sealyham. Show mospccis at pet prices.
Balnay Kcnneis. itv.o Mississippi West Los Angeles. SC0TTJKS, wlre-liaireil tejriers, co*cker spa niels, nedltfreed. jto up. jsconin npoi, 201:3 VALLEY R0SEMEAD iCOTTIES.
wires, Airedales, other breeds. Rlchter's. HSiiOl Ventura, van JNiiys. SCOTTISH TERRIER PUPS, $35 IT. BEST BLOOD LINE.
Al.bany P4IIO. ST. BERNARD puppies, hue slock, pe. rnu.nnnhla "OH New Av Monterey Park, Alhambra 4160-J, TOY EnitliBh Fox Terrier oups. co*cker spaniels, noon Broadway, th.
WlRE-hair fox terrier puppies, pedigreed. $20 up. Also grown male doe, siren bv Champion Haycliff-Varsity Captain, $35. 2001 BruHdway, Earle Rock, at Glendale citv Tlmits. ALbany S311.
WIRE HAIR FOX TERRIER PUPPIES. PEDIGREED 41 in nosewootl Ave. WIRE hair pedigreed pups, private parly must sell. Dunkirk 0317, WIRE puppies, 'J months, registered. Ii3 Glover Place, near Kiversnie nr.
AT STUD BOSTONS. LTitUj Mister Blink. also The tiroadcasin 15 dark seal. Feo or puppy. 1101 W.
2nrt street, PLeasant H1S2. TRAINING BOARDING HOLLYWOOD Doir Training Scnooi. Ventura Blvd. No. Holly.
126U PETS WANTED 279 WANTED German police dog, female not over yr. old. Must have, pediiriee. Send photograph and information. box HI.
Times. PUPPIES a.hills, all breeds. PEPPER THEE KENNELS, 1 I K. Valley Roscmead. Alhambra IRISH lei i'ier puppms, line specimens.
ar- wick l'et Hlinp, oil vvcBteill Ave. Dltexel WANT puppies grown dogs, popular Valley Blvd. PA. 11014 breeds, WANTED Dachshund pup. j.
Hill, la "oth San Pedro. IRPLANES, AVIATION 280 NO RED TAPE. I need cash. 3 students wauled for T. P.
course, itaumr in fUsses. Your ohancn to get a TP. license miller cost IOOO. DR. S37.V STUDENTS.
Return you buy a course in ground work, consult. Freeman Aeronautical School So, Los Auneles St. E. ODll DUAL solo time, ground rate. Insured Waco gar.
United Airport, school Irec kiw Waco Han-Burbank. STUDENT Instruction, solo time. Fleet airplanes, lowest rates. See Luke Minis, 1'nlled Airport. Bnrhank.
FLY Solo to dual instruction, per hr. Ro.a American gOATS CANOES 281 MOST beautiful. bet designed 60 ft. don his cubin cruiser in water -Sleeps Fast ecouoiulcal Sacrifice VVJoll Owp.T 411 iri FlMer 111 OH I'M'l FT. I'Hiwi I.
than inns, speed 14 mi. old II. ill hr Sleeps or acii'l'i Seolt eniliue It wdl terms Clt 'lor cash nl 35 1 i-FT 4-iswnuir ni.ilto.iov runabout hull, fully ciinipcd. 3'Mi Johnson complcluly overhauled. AN grins 3711 except Sunday.
ALWAYS thii Rest Buys in oew At u-cu Boats Motors HARRY C. WILSON A LI D. Wilmington. Ph. IgfiO terms.
Owner. 1774 W. ,17 st. KK.7.1Hfii. found on net page 4.