The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

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The Buffalo Newsi

Buffalo, New York

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4 1 i BUFFALO EVENING NEWS: WEDNESDAY APRIL 15 1931' MOATS AND LAUNCHES Employment Employment AUTO PASSKNOZR CARS tOanllaeedl AUTO PAMENGEK CABS I toot lo nod AUTO PIUENOU CABS UnmA fvwi ifinUM ftn) icraitousi sarasra wasted at watting Far quick Latoyatto letaa Cl CITDRE (ar teat aftaa atari at dattcal N14 Mata aL He umpctMtra rime ealUhle tor beauty ELF WANTED MALB eMrereh to ut uSrtrihnter toSMMe area predari an threagh tomber treetace an hllmte end a ameh sslee farce I mesen gggq ftnoera eince boo Fheaa WA 4S4L Line 1B4L ter ra taterriew BARD bay ever IT Chlppews USTIMATOS familiar with tahtos quaatltlm (mm bunding mnrtriietira Mu eria Is: newer In own handwriting tUUngorei aepartraea aM jelaiywWIwq to rtart al lafareneu required write a 7L Btwa riftu T7tnTMATOR wanted tor ellwatieraA Ate aaUtoa Hah Sra'taM 'tarifa*g Fa and vlctoltlaa Write Brihratar SL Haws efflea JUNIOR EXECUTIVE 3rd Ftoar Annas DalMtog ADAM CO la COUCH sdaeatten dmlre alu aigh achori required: mail ta ahto to mart people affaaUwljf tor poalllu ri trual alre hiU Stephau number Foalllu Nawa rifles MAN with ur far Him he sills fled with MO wart to atarL Apply at race 1134 Walbrtdga Bldt- TI'AN apaclal Bates and mrica nav i eat he aapileae i I icinlty utlta AT vicinity colte- mBOMPMM Marmald IS-tt bosL S-paa-X aangtr apead ar ptaoaere with 4 Sea MenL align Ur uaad uareataad Job S37I Multan atari hull 11 IL with Ban Harm quad 1254 a real hay rawbeiL Id ft with light twin aaedlant coodlltaa at a bargain Iirtintun Bra Mam Id twin (aaw in tack win aacriflaa baton aaaL Stetaar'a Oo-rage OewmndL phone 43 na 43 4-vhari trailer ndtahte ta carry (L boaL attached to pkeenre ear Stetaar'a OangL OewaadL phone 343 raatdenaa 43 4 Q-foot ruakeeL Part mater XO aheap tor qulth aala CL 730L 07-feat 4-cyhndar lunch cheep Tally Porter era ud cuak WA 3441 MUILSINa AND hDILDINO MATERIALS TJEMGMEM A CO expert urputara Uhl-X art Jobe aad mill verb a apec tatty 4 Tarraca WA 230L barselaa wallbaard 3a per qean foot ptaaterbeerd Itaa par aq ftf palaL par (illu rneflnt si par quan ake bargoina la ecw aad uaad lumbar daora aad wtadawn Fbaoa pi IS3L Buffalo Houacwraakliig Ca 459 Waldaa era TJUMEM wallbaard tar ell purpniL 1 eaati A a aquxn feet eU ataiL Marina Lamhcr Ca FI MOL GARAOM toon new ud uaad lumber and mill work hardwire palaL well board! Adclphta House Wraeking St Lumbar Co Ine 31 Sulk Dlvlatea at JE 039L ru Alt AO El eomplafs material al tpcctal Aa prlcea tor I and Stair Ft 340L Data-vsn aw oppoalta Chavrokt pUat GET our prlcea lumbar rsaflai paper point end pteateihoardL 19N 1 Detenu tty opposite Chevrolet pIsnL FL 340L IUMBER new ud laid rraindiHng ma-J tcrtal tnrlidlng dean win dowa palaL wallbaard screens earigea summer hum stseL beams pipe vslvsa stone brick radiators plumbing fixtures roll roofing asphalt and wooden ahtnglaL kitchen cabinet! wood and marble raids Uribe r-Laaatot Nouaew racking Carp IdO Martel are RI 3313 TO man trouble with (arogs doora gat i everheed hardware way la InetetL uee tha eta dean bring yea garage up ta date Elmeurmua Lumber Dm all pheau JE 0204 ijiLUMBINO and healing bargains largest AT assortment of A grada ptumbtag la city: aaw tolkt caabtaatloaL 91750 Vaata heaters ON get ur prleaa ad iutallatta special borgslna la nightly used fixtures bolters rsdlstors ate Phaoa FI 1SSL But-tola Houacwraeklag Ca 4MB WtUn ms RDSIMESQ CHANCES UTO solas ud service agency handling papular law priced car establiahcd 10 priced right ailiraia thla opportunity Write 131 Nawa AXERT Fine lacalloa hualaam ratlri AX lag eaah ae exchange tor good alngla clear ar aoull mortgage Flynn AR SCS3-J T1ARBRM S37ta Rtmaread good' kuaT AX bsm wry raairaibli owner leaving rltr Barber shop ter ack axoallaal stand DN 0051 1 IARBER ahap tor sate 3-chalr $450 AJ Fhaaa CR 3193-E TJARBER $hop far lata wry cheap 701 A william aL BATHING beach tn ram tourist ramp health mart Lika abort at Wilson arm with bacutlful shade ud trait Iran atata highwayi prlea S1L009 huUdlaia liras warth prlea fine ehaaca far ramiena Taigart Stevaas Wllaoa TiRAUTY shop tor aala aood location rent cheap Cell PL 9040-W BILLIARD room muat ba arid also mall dawa paymcaL 1T4I Clin tea (TARDY aha If grocery atatlra la connection: air gnus nek eaah register 3 Nis ears Falla bird? rut CIS monthly price MIL Lafayette Seles 300 Lafayette Bldg UARLTON 31 near Mela soft drink pisM vary raasraeble Inquire SIS Wcshtngtra 'TOAL ud In business at a sacrifice In-X quin MS Frutt iL UONFXenONERY gum refruehawnt A elands ges sutlens 1100 9200 1300 down ill sect tool af city or country Ar-quIL 47 Huron 304 Hunt Bldg UONFECTIDMRRY sheli grocery Hua-J boldt dtatrist lent IM aualh with rooms gsrscs an eld wtikilrtiid nonw maker prlea 63500 tuy terms Haniq aaltor 410 Brtokana Bidf WA 6649 TONFECTIONBRY Cu pay 33 Can Mr Todd TU 1003 TOwygCTIONERY atara ka creun porter -e cigars shelf groceries eandy good to-estlen modern fist Phans JB 0599 TOXnOTIOMEKYrifUcstMSin slwif BTO- ssrp 6 rooms both ssrsss tens stock bssuitful fteturss: wsskt istes 6950 only no tskss possssrion Lsfsjstts istes 906 iisfsysUs Bldg 'XWPECTKmEllY opparite school 90 pssrs tvniv win rwi stars OB 6696 ptONFlcnoNERY end shelf North Mein eeatlen real only 40 dsndy nstghbwhosd stars 61000 terms CL 4939 Chsmbors 116 Brlsbsna Wdc C'tONPECnONEBY for asM with fist Owner 166 Brsefcsnrldis Confectionery drimiaan rent Including flat seed kuriarm Inventory brat M4L aeecpt STM lavsatlgeta Write Owner I0L Newa office ONnCTIONERY loner location ever-' flowing with frtah ilaR fnaeau $330 wackly rant 44 with gania ud atlrae-llva Owbig rooma laoaa prlea (3540 Oram-r TU 1543 TONFRCnoNBRY aad shall grocery -J South Farit ultra: good fixtures Including rash register mast Hirer refrigerator display raw aad tea has laundry agency averaging better than $300 weekly runt SM oorner stare car atop 53500 oa terms Weyand BaHitica Buchangs Elmwood: TU 450a 'vONrECTIONERY Stares with reaau SIM te UM down seed tanUeas Las 43S poHFBenONERY Mela ri preaent ewa-er yrera good beaineaa S70L uay terms Las 4N Brtateu WA M5L (UONFECTIONERY ihai'f greesrias big sleek rent SM living reoma SSM au this Las 43S Brigtena WA SSM AIRY knriaeas geodlocaUco peylei XX rail ill new reason tor mUlng- TTrlta Dairy 14 Ntwa office IkELICATEhSEN AX eta opportunity exetnalra aala ri toad products la aaa of Buffalo targast apart-aunt kulldlaga praaent awner ytere rant IM mrafh lncludlu llht- teal end re-frlgcratlm ewaar win Abaelutely prove as ralaa: price com plate ateefc end Daturas MS4L taay terms Hunt Hultar 410 Hrittena Bldg: WA 5343 TTEUCARBSEM confect lenary and cigar AX atari busy carnar laeatten rent STL including flat and gunge: aataa 1350 ud anr weekly ea unusual opportunity ta ba an except local paying glare et Inna-lory terms HunL Heritor 414 Brisbane bldg WA 5C43 TESSEN neat aids real (3L to-Ita reaau additional rami era be ehtrinad sales 11000 monthly axcallent ha ntSSOOL tern IIS Drlitenc Bldg CL 4133 Chamhirs 7'klNIMG Beretri reeradltleaed et AX toweet prices rad moderate payments Inq Ward to Dltblnnm DM Mira Hirer Creek TbREBL miUiury and nrilu ahos AX ur Mat aide thereaghfars good to and nice stock rent STL lncludlu 7 room flat: will aril at lawatery Way Garage CIom te Mala at buoy eram-tewa themshtora dowutewe aectlea tolly equipped twe wish recks goa pumps jraar straight learn a buy oil Look Weyend Bruin am Elmwood TP MOL GARAOB accessor mo gtere and storage space tor rent often exceptional opportunity Bernard Byrnes 445 WuL bridfo Bldg- CL 3155 f-ilwinB naulpla right fimr fim irt owner leariu town end will (urlftoe tor 5354L terms (er qetek uta CL 4133 Chemtere 515 Irtahrae Bldg TAB stations line and erroiinrlas tolly eqnlppcL plenty MacL Itetaf rums buy aectlen rieknem causa sacrifice hoe Frederick's dto Hurra WA 29SL GAB atatlra end iriruhamnl aland for rent: tolly equipped: bargain DR STSL station main highway ta Ruherier 7 pomp Italian Dig In midst ri nlre part with ahrate ud tenehm 00a ri art attractive rood (IN dowa ArquIL 3M Buret BldE 47 Hurra AS gtatlra wanted ta Sa taut dt-reot (ram turner oneoi wlll eencld city or country Phene Mr HU CL S11L 1 ncMTlAO 1S3T reach a very mrylcaabte Hr sriglaal Fenltaa Hu flalah Flahaf kady pewerfol meter tbeuaende af ml tea left In thia car anly 1135 Oraam 13M Mala at Bryant JCO 137 caupa tbia aturdy flying Claud by a non jit im ff dif whara neaaneryi erlaiaml' flalah Uka saw: clean thrsughMl with new topi fins tor 5545 Oraam IBM Main RBO Flying Claud coupe tale aeries only rue 13000 mllea mielaol dues excellent tlraa aaw mechanically A-l bargain Barbcr-Ree 1111 Mile STAR cylinder apart caupa IIM Jiial Iheraughly racandltlaoed aad ra-Ducocd a maroon with waraUllen red wheels n-chramiuaMd ndtalar and heed tempi the ala meat appearing end amaothleal nenlag Utile ear that money cos key far aaly 91M wary mall down payment- Brest Used Cora 1027-21 stale aL REPUTATION xs YOUR AO leu aisdria af ledabekerr and ether mskaa Thoraufhly racandltlaned Quer-eatecd nd auhjaet te I daye' trtaL Xx-eeptlaaeUy lew prlcea aad vary rcesaa-ebii tenaa MEYER MOTOR CAR CO 4 MORfBASlFTON BTRBST tJIMBlAXH Cam mender Vic term good palaL new tlrrx fine machaelcally greatly reduced Eagan St btrang lac 335 Main at Laray apea Sunday a OTUDEBAXEM condition fee quick Allan SC Oarage ace IN Allen al ruditer seed running coadlltea far quick aula SH IN dawn fc TUDEBAKBR ISN aadan la good ruanlng ardrr 195 tarma Ferguaen-Lyth Inc UM ielteaan ava jjTUDHIAKIBtlSMComaibndcr lVtei3ria autar quiet hrakei raUacd thia 4 paa-ccuicr empa haa rood tlraa sad la priced far quick iota S37S Slepheaa Vied Cara 1259-55 Main CL TUDUAKEUb ta fit awry aaad nod purae in our atork before buying low-rat prlcea la city Eigen St Stress Inc 33M Main at Lcray open Sundays TVDSBAKIR Frealdcnt I da luxa aedaa it new 0193 330 dawa Robtaa-O'Connor 2350 Dataware STUDBBAKRR 1U1 Dtatator goal 5000 mllea thia car la aa exceptional buy cannot ba laid from new auiat acll far nab thla waab Ml PracpceL utSdnRAKBR aadait ea nipped tor Uzl mater lint ctaaa coadllloa U7L 43 Chtdduek CJTUDEBAXIR IIM Dlclltor atdu taw mllcaga and car tat wry fine eeadltioa throu about MBS Barber-Ree fill Unix tala 1S37 caupc uecllant nail dlttan seed rubber fine appeennoe Ine 235 Mala CB Dick WUtata 3300 open cwnlnga 'HIPPET 19N eoacb cylinder alia food Altea payment Oarage lac IN Altea ISN aedaa a aaap 1337 Mala W'XLLTS-KNIOHT I eandltloB tala IBM aedaa A-l 34 Bmer aw CR H3S-W per fart 11TILLYS-KN10KT 7 thrauatwuL 340 down releta 3550 Delaware it'ILLn-nlbHT IKt roodater thla flaa roadster hoe Bed the beat ef rare erll-asl flalah Ilka aaw a flaa Lafayette blue guaranteed Uka new aphodld motor $471 OraooL IBM Mala Ti W'lLLyS-KNIOHT 7- 1 perfect enedltlon SIN email paymcaL Allan SL Oaraia Ine IN Allan 7 AROAINS 20 coupiL eabrlotels acdaaa X5 ceaehaa raedatara CaU avcnlnga 33 Paekham GOOD Ford acdia for aele et bargain CR31 N-W 404 Woodbtldge USPbesBBSKD IMS Ford apart roodater alas IBM Fart touring: alas Studa-baber readatet: kargalna each 3M Walden $17 Jewett ceaclCl35 aood running ') condition 3449 Bailey aw Lata 1330 Plymouth aadun low Tlllw mlleaea Ilka new CM B7U-J AUTOS WANTED ABSOLUTELY a batter prlea far your tale amdel ear mortsasad or not Bali Auto Sake 47 Balcow BI 4414 AUTOS bought for eaih ngmrSae mortgage- EraetdL 03i Oeneaaa liter cash price tor your ear etottgegea paid ell money leeacd ea lata modala Boblns-O'Coanor 2JS0 Delaware Uaaa bought lor eaah 1337 Mela It PCS CTCBlBIL TARE bought la any condition porta cold ta price 3543 Mala at CR 19033 I XASH tor your car- Cuba Court Oarage Carlton at C1AIH far your old ear any condition Jatfaraan Telephone JE OSIL 4M CASH tor ISN lS2t ism amdala Saneea AS 0114- 1394 CITY Oaraia tOl Proapccl aw Flehtar Brea haw apenad a uaad ear exchange: your traubtea ara aver: If yen haw a ear for aata wa will buy It or find tm a buyer Ine atoraae for ell cere tart for eel on con-aitnment (at la touch with ua at coca wa hade away preapaatlw buyers TU 3551 OOD uaad car far each Write Cash Nawa afftea JJIOHMT price aa uaad can parte Unl- rcrsal Ante Wraeking 503 Ntasan TU taaaad aa autoa white you driw 3341 EfONET iU- them: autoa keeght outright ua rommteitou O' Deane IL 1070 Main I I lata modal light coach or tedau 7 atmte lowaat eaah prlea muat ba no-Phone DB 0104 ILL exchange palnUns end decorating 1 tor Ught track ar touring gar BN Eagle WA 0(31 ItTLL pay eaah tor year ear any lien 330 Broadway JE 9391 7RECKED tad hunted cars bought Ante Morgue II BL Pent at EASY CARRIAGES STWOOD-Wakcfkld atroller without top AX lo fete reatoaa Iff BED baby carriage 7 Alexander pl FI BICYCLES AMD MOTOBCTCLEB TJAROAUIS In slightly nsed kleyclra and AX trieydea repairing Bleb 743 ltetn Harley davidsonTITu new cheap nr cash Ache Her 3M Oak iL -VEW ud eart AT cycles Cumbarbuid-Xn llartey-Darldaon Ins 1414 Kiln at open arenlegs (J LIGHTLY uaed bicycles and trlcyclaa re-pairing Hick 743 Mala iL BILLIARD AMD POCK IT TABLES BERNHARD tables new tad used easy terms supplies repairs 713 Jcfferaon JILLIARD end pococt tsblies naw ani roi ki reprire rad supplies Berk to Wagner IM Braadwux JB BML I7XCEFTIONAL etuuua ta buy 3 peri ta-X Mas 4VixL Call 1131 Knalagtra are CR M7 rpABUL new mid used farms uppllas re-A pairs Wm Dcthtart Co 120 hraodway BIRDS CATL BOOL FISH AMD BDFMJES A LL kinds ri paplas ate Always ga ta Ah old Reliable DuKrio Bird Stare MClraa- il: prices raaaooablt guuraataad aiock CaHOW puppies lit aad IStay 13 21 Stanley at JRJS4L 1XMI SALB Flnt pnea pedigreed Ruaalan A waif hound months FI 3547 1JOLICB dag auls S10 hauaakrska A nerve Tea Bacas 3404 Mala at Wat- ritltOROUGHBRED toy amaoth ha trad In A terrier puppies Apply South Cayuga WlUtamiriUc haired fes terrier puppies 143 Han- i tharaa are off Kanmare are BOATS AMD LAUNCHES CABIN launch tor ul equipped wwrhmulrd 1 33 ft' fully 345 Florida at (TAMOIB wanted la aa condition ones Write Canoe 31 Mawi efllca T71VENRUDS outheord meter UMd me A-a ami alee 11-ft spied teat bath In eserilant condition: bargain TP MIL TftOR Hacker built last runabouh mahogany ronatruelloa pawned with SM HP Kali Beott motor perfect era" tied Phone TP 4154 after 1 'JUTBOAXlb wohreany niaabouls 5103 up TX direct tram builders urea half jJISI 'BED meters wanted aoceptedli trade Horses mitbeard was Marlas halts Ce Svia phene CL fli TX aqujppad: jaalR htghwqy fully Hvlag rant SH arathty raly S350 rath act quick Lafayette Salas JSS Lafayette bta ra Ftea nut Mi ptlu Fheaa Niagara Fullt S300 writ AN atatton vlltaqe ef ef prettiest atatleua ra stmt teem tad bray earner rant tN elca living raean era ha had at SIB par arath eluding riertrielty atatlra aomy aquippad mahegany fixtures aaw air pressor wary attract tw pica la giraada with tables iwlngs and large eraage and Mock uakrrilai aad canopy Saar ua hen any kind of see ha wants TUs ta net controlled by any eU eoeapanyi apaclal terms file IL ArquIL 3SS Hunt Bids 47 Huron GAM Italians hat studs (art ges parking statleas S30L SUB urn eann ays I Rlmwoed open aw'gs TU 002 TOO eta alwi GAB "Soper driw la" ra Malley pram now pumping 30 gilleaa daily here la a "kaock-outl" $600 glwa yen pmaaaalra ef thla said mlas Rational 454 Bfauwesd open awnings AS station pram with bat ataad carnar mala rood ta Kamel lifetime tog eeupta: SMS Sfwa pngaawlen am te "goa atatlra hdqrs" tha rid rwlloMs Nstlenol BnalnaM Exchaags 454 Elmweed open awalags (' atatloa aecaaaary Hers far rani Mala IL NxtlenaL 454 Mmwcod TAB stattaa wlltaga af Madina Main at electric pumps completely aquippad In awry wa cottage an property ta lira la a week: plus la geld mine for Uw wtw your own terms ArquIL 3M Bunt Bids GAB atutleaa Several beeaUful Itittaas ra busy earners at prleaa fram $500 te 540000 HuaL heritor 410 Brlshua Bldg WA 5043 (15 station corner tauttom pumps 4 yew keae rant S50 net aentraltad by ray eU cempaa Price 9WM terms Phone Niagara Frill I44L (INOLMI station main hlghwa sera-u line pumps refiwhuunl stind rant ML tons kera hay year ground income S5M weekly price reasonable (trammer TU 1141 EOCERY Owner Rea darirabto atari with living ramna cheep renL CB S9L GBOCBBY boy cut ride cornar doing MOO bnriatee weekly hut equipment and heavy stock SldOO terms Nfrita Btan SL News Btllee Mala sL near Buffale II roomd hath irataurraL dura haU its rent awathi grins aoowtata at S1S0L terms HunL Realtor 410 Brtehane Bid WA TOTEL 43 roaote atoam heated hat aad AX arid rtmatag wstei i lahad BI 1340-X HOTEL FIusTu Ms Wudar-ful eppertuntty far right peopts FI Till MEtaTi at abort hears MOL 3200 down Las 4M Brtabanc UNCH rows goad corner far ails Coll -d WA SI4L AM BT effica ar aslaareem for SIMS th Ught aad brat tacluded a great opportunity tor a goad bualaaas Inquire fs it Ws Kruger Market Anode S17 fEAT market Vary enusaal locatlra ue "Arat eamputltlrai ftssut equipment In-cludlns Frisldeln uka 1400-1450 weak rant only 540 month: will aasrlflca If aeld ImmU lately at practically rae-helf value easy terms HunL Heritor 41S Brisbane Bldg WA 5943 BAT market an gracorlcs Elmwood SM eld utabllahed hurintss BI S73L MILK business wonted state number of anas Write Milk 2L Maws efflea TJARKINO itattaL wash rack ud goa Ito-X tlra aaa af tha bualeat ptaaaa In Baf-fria race Ip la M0-4130 dally win nil ta raaponalbla pwrfliaaer an stay terms HunL Rea Her 414 Brlihana Bldg WA 5S43 astafeUahad I yuan champ tor rash Fhmm FI HS-W IBM to run Ig-ocra poultry nb-Mt track tana ra lharas In Florida lanatlsatek Frtngta Oraaral Da livery Refreshment mid ready aowTIiwy heavy truffle Revte SB State naL near Mari and profitable men ud wife needs two people S350 cash tor nesen awasr itch Write Bore 113 Howe eftka AV nith na slattern la fannutlan on all Ighwaya we taadlBS hi tlOL S3SL S30L S40L 330L ate aavarol hanrias wa bad where ethan lot low Ls-fayatta Betel Os MS Lafayette Bldg EBTAUUAMT register in tor uls tabba etelra ul 6ffic9 fumtun ta J1 6669 ESTAURANT basy etiuet suitable fur life doNi hndiTi tai ntfhu rent SM: vltrulita ftitunu kawing city May 1 rooms If desired CaU JB 10471 me agents ESTAURANT Bear buy latenscUu da-Ini dtaa buslnsos rent BN talk equipped aaate II paraana 454 ban dial It Waned Builnaiu Excf TU 450L ESTAURANT and lunch nans goad au-Iml aptaadld equlpaMrt utla people ltrlag rooms rent 170 scorifies SSQL Frederick's Mtb Hurra WA MBL ESTAURANT end eratoetleniry dawn-town factory location near newspaper build lag excellent bualncaa epportaally-Write 7L Nawa afftea 8' ERVICR ItattaL eatobllahad trads For detail! write nis Bras Dm Bprlas-wllta 8 8BT msUl ahap A to 19 BOOBe aOTTa ctHOB stare for eele at mu ta don ee-O tale: lea eetehUehed ahu huitnoaa wall tantad la good tawa atara up-te-data deck wUl aril at Inventory a ittenllu to teefe-ni Write Bex 14 Cantatas Jailor raa tor aois call jb sml TAILOR ahop tha bait In booth Buflota AB 344L Til elallHni In atauk and efetaku din nils hkhwaRjMMj Pella aquippad with tha equipment threufheut Ui ahawar hath living quartan (or tone parkins uaea Niagara Falla 544 raly S4M required Fh Niagara 1 IUSINEM wanted In sxchaAgs tor la AX -eme propurtF A IT Bawl efflea wanUA--Mttrt 6i A-l I t640oa im vilf pv Write BWIBU 97 KtW afflm AAUpiM tec tun itoek nztorta cur ArqiUts 47 HUW CL 9679 afcmuu DEBTS uUutcd sa coltactloa na chargs Primal AdJutBMht Co 41 Niagara at Boom 3 CL SUL axtanalra BIB coitoctad everywhere gat aw "ae care aa pay" alter Codvalladar's 170 Franklin at rvo yen want ta at 11 yaw kuslaaaa qiilck- AXjyt cn Orammar TP 1S3 ZCEFTIONAL upertunUy nataunrt ud raly hams bakery la tawa near Buffalo 13504 farms ar trade tor Bultato propart 71 CH M73-B- 1 TOH Aa IS-hoto mlnlatura ioD plate at aa part thereof Phene CL 0403 7XJR SALS at rant grocery santosttonary X1 etare dawn town kcattaa Write SL Nows rifles i Fwwirewifnf'a ho ehatao Ha tine ri factlonertes dcltaatamans factlonertes dcltaatamans stores lunch re nan reetaureats Call 4to HIOHLT patos flab erarkaL Urge trade requires 3 clerks Findlay White BMg if farad before a tow gaad taea-tlooa avails hia tor axahariva trenshlaai fa epanfe eaa er a chela ri the Emu DewnryDeka Dowghnel cemfetaettan riiepa aver 400 afeau new epereUeg tbrenebert the eeuntry making a handiama profit fat the awner raly pert lea Dneariiior raepen-alkla eangldered ttit Mlawlng lowna available ta thla vicinity: Niagara Falls Dunkirk Batavia HamaU Corning Iinan Jamegtawa ud many aparinm FennayV-vanls Fhaaa WA B3M ar coU TN Mala at JROMINENT corner atara at Grant and Military (L tar rent reliable tor men's at lad lea1 wear abacs drugs Hart ta Mated and lew real Phone BI S33L Opportunity am te jau la at rapid MUltai ergeatuetlra daeUn ta preduet maklnt aliidm Buffalo ahewe greet paari-Further la forma tlra a writta a 113 Newt rifles RESULTS count sell 1 thl rough Weyand ndTO 4500 Iff OCHERTXR and Ruffaie trucking llac and 1 trucks tor' uta freight handled bath ways era hendla uta Write yearn I nuke STS per day qalrit SELL your burl ness ta 34 hours throegh "Buffs la's juial The NetlueL 434 Elmwood TU 4002 lilgaLI warnin' tar nil paying bualness 4J wnall InvsstmenL living Included Write 5L IKS flaiab Ilka flnlahcd Usneral bcary duty tint a km sain for StSA Cadlllie Agency Barth Tan-a wand a phene ns 130 TriMCOLN Ad bronchi fARMOS UN 71 ill wheels UHL SIM dor awadatar In wboaliL SNA taw doom 47 Salcon iruonim UN reach beautiful U7A aAL SatkaOftnn 2300 Dataware ABQURTB lajo redan vary law nin-rU a jo aad prletd far aclow tu ralaa Woonry Matan I3N Bailer tab UN 4-poaacnsar eaepa chaniciltj partotl appcoranca Uka arw 303 tenaa anr other fcsrgalna WUtata lac 333 Mala CH 3300 Bleb Vasil 1933 apcrlal aix coupe fin win wheels eriglail flntah Ilka mo aaty ran 10000 nun and la A-l threagtaul Darker-Scat- Ills Slain yasH special paaaenscr enp lata XI t2f drlrci little by on rldarly lady: clran aa new cheap will taka a yard to trade and amaia lama 33d Baaaai in S063 KA311 1021 light aadan aood aa action tioo reih Tonawanda 2471-J yaill 1037 Advanced ledoa win wlieeE 5M- tern 47 Baleen rtsk IKS Ppuniar coupe la sual-lent toadlllaa aaly $303 rackud Cat 133S Haig VrAhk 1137 tadaa aauat call no raaiaiv it able oflcr nlmad Inwoatlcaia today St dtrsag Inc 335S Main at Leroy open Bunders VfASli 121 alaadard coach scad snJ XX fan S37A Call FI 730-W fACfTTn rakrlolei wire whcrla rary goad rubber malar nice ud quirt and ftt'l of pap riataat flnlli 1225 anall dawn paymcaL Allen SL Oaraia be 13S Allen at OAKLAXD nack thia car baa only ban driven by ana af mir company nan rarriea full new nr snirantco pawarftl pl malar Fbber body ertflnal dark Mark Dura (lalah brisham atraw trln tpa-clal at SOTV a roam 12M Mala OAKLAND ISN eadcli thia flat llTb whcelbaw car la In wonderful condition oriilnal Lafayette blue finish labor body chromium plala IbraushouL bnud new Urea ear fully narco teed fine mater ape-ctel fcl3A Prawn ISBd Mate SAAK LAND ISN aadan now paint ani na-" ehanleally to day Ruarantaa SU dawn Llpowlca Malar ins Broadway OAXLAND UN ardan sood car for the family re conditioned all arrcaaonra lead nator 1115 Oraam 13M Mala OAXLAND apart coupe 192 A painted anmppy alia man and all Pntad equipped wltb 4 tone practically new tlraa ud perfect thia benaia aannot ba matebed la Buffalo far law than UTS far today and tear arrow only $2SA Used Cara 1827-21 Mam at thia flu bit aoupa with arlilaal flntah la apaclal Oakland blaa has exceptionally lira aarry-Ins capacity rear dark fully equipped 117-Inch wheel base A-l water carries full guo antra U3S oraam 12M Mate OAKLAND 1(N If you ara ta tba marital for a aaad car In quite rawark-abla condltlaa with Ibouaanda of mike af trana partition bit In 1L aca thia teday new tlraa fiaa autar only ISA Oroom 1310 Malm OAKLAND UsTcaupa Chorouihly Ooodvlli racandltlaaaA entirely reflnlahed tai a beautiful Brewster trten Dura bread acw llrrL an sareUrnl mater S34A Oraam 133d Main OAKLAND-3 apart caupc thia la a alx-alra wbrcl apart caupa with fender vrlta trunk rack aid lira laeka: apaclal print Jab wary low adlcasf an thia air which earrlca full an car luarantcc pewarful malar capable af riltea per hour nakte aeat easy rldlay line ear SS4A Qroom 1286 Mala at Bryant OAKLAND UN wdu thU la a tpkadld Mg car far tba amity oriqlnal llalah black grara Irian Inc ear carrtea full aaw cur Ruarmataa apaclal at S4BA F--Oiaom 139S Mala at Bryant OAKLAND I UN taupe S5B5 SIN tawo Koblna-O-Oomur 33W Dclawaru ypipryd OAKLAND 1137 aadan newly new Urea law nlleaca S3S dowa Nut for Chawralru 35M Dataware OAKLAND ION Mach teas Juat Uka aaw 2300 Dataware OAKLAND l-eyllndcr coach law thaa montha Bailey OAKLAND IBM Mach ueelleat caadUlaa fine family cat 1150 sa Hauler rd near Taunton Dl 1155 AKLAND UN Mach In good condition! 0AK Lyth Inc Una ITL terms UU Jtfleraea awe OAKLAND AU-Anarkan B-paaaaagir aa-dan a real bay at S4SS Faakaid Aata Co 1331 Mala YXNtMOBM 1M7 coach a flaa Oaaarcl matara car Oaadwlll yaeondltlaaad arid Inal gray Dun Uta acw brand new Dun-kip tlraa A-l mater SITS -Oreoah IBM Mam 0LDBMOBXLS UN hu pa leader watte 1445: ISN reach parfact S4SS 13H aadan 343 IMS dawn 47 Bataan 0 LDSMOBILS IBM caupa can't STtall fram an UN Otdamablta Buffalo Carp 1341 Mala apu awcnlnga LDHMOBILX aeTtrai 1330 1929 UN aa-daoa rebuilt and reflnlahed fully uar-antaad Oldimoblla Bullalo Carp 1341 Main avanlada kLDBMOBXU UN eaach tbia car aaa traded ta ta ua anly tecauaa tba awacr had to ban a larur ear orllnal Dam flalah tn Olda tnaa Ilka new flaa Una law mileage alma throughout guaranteed 1415 dream 11M Main 0LDSMOW1IE the AM eTtba fa Smith S3S Oanaeee East side dletrlbutar 0 LDSMOBILS lata UN coaeh naaaaaria 51 Kc nmore car Hyman near Malm OVERLAND caupa a real buy et SISAL Kurtx-Patue barilla lot 3350 Silky at Mlaneaola 13ACKARD-S 7-paaaenacr aedaa Juat Iba car for livery wart aaly sail Packard Co 1355 Mata TIACKARD I apart phaeton excellent eaa-X dlttan Trim Service tattoo 117 truhlniten 1 tACKARD 19N I I eellcnt eeodltlaa will eneriflct Ing city TU Trig 7 JACK ARD mdster 19N do luxa madd Call WA 343L titer 7 kar- i tACKARD UN cuatam do luxa 7-paam-X gar aedsn Juat ska new only 1I5L Pickard Co UN Mata T)HRCE 1N7 Mach model SO parteS running coadttka with beautiful nareau DtlCd finish flaa bmadclnth uphatatertad and excellent tlm MIL Codtllaa Ajaary North Tonawaada yhoae DN 0750 7 IIERCE 1130 medal aadan S' poaaanH driven I000 nllca alnce leal July and cmnaot ha trid from brand new eer apaclal heavy duty tlraa Cadillac Agency garth Tonewmnda phaoe 1750 TXKRCI 1HT MriM Mdftlk fa A coRdltlon MsaM vttb in that MHBte1 6460b tema NUaara-Chmriit Hit Uwd Car Stera 1953 Mata at apa mwtoM and Baaday 1 intRCI-AMOW" 6-paiaenger Clua afdaa Brriw 60 1636 Mdtl aplaadM fially car in necUcat caadltlea aa ta tea and paint Jak a iraat bariatak CaU avanlnta at 1971 Mawara ava IIERCE-AJUIOW 1630 CUI i vcrtlUa coapa vlifc da luma aqalpnrat lav kUmrvs aacrilnU cmidltlon raaiaaaUjr prtevd Pterca-Am Buffalo at Jawatt I PLYMOUTH 1931 apart roadater 6366 A Robin a-OXausMT S960 Dclavara ita 3bor cMcHrinSTitv rubber A-l eaadimn 966 Writ an mykOUTU 1030 coach tbia ear bn than a year eM original flnlah Mr-aeulb blue tike aav clean upholstery all aeeeaeorlaa uaraatecd splendid aeten Oreow 1566 Main iONTXAO 13I roadsterv7whccf Irak wire wheels 546 tanas 47 Rtee TlOMTXAO 1039 csackg aaccllent cendUloa lav mllaan 6436 Dick WlUats las Hudsen-Kwea Dtaiar 2956 Idain Cl KHt ViidwfiAO 1939 casch Uils te a vary pep ular madri vhiek is always la dewaad original flna Mm Halsh splendid Hater fuel aeecssory ailyarat fraaraateed 6395- Oraate 1366 Main at Bryant i yONTZAC 1696 stack runs and teaks lib a new car 6161 Beene Bailey Beene Meters I960 Peatlaa 1131 amah 1931 than 1 nan tha eld need a company danaortretor ehowa whstaoevar aarrtm Ml naw ear guarantee for aata at a aaaaldafabla laving 139S Mata UOtrxiAd'lMN Mach: motog aad uiS A good im Mute at VjOXTIAC lut spart coupe with rutkla A seat meter tlm nihalaterlna van aood: mly Iwty eleaa thiersbmiL eer fully pusnetead I sptendtd metarL MW Gnem13N Mstn meter tlm eih ala taring wry thla aar haa barn driven very cate- muat mb fbaua FI eaod-w TJONTIAC IMS aedati: a General Katert A big alu arlelnri fhtiah In dart Mil ivory etrlplnt: Mill la lady flrtem ear A MODELS We kin iarys atcft af Medal A IMM Tudere MMn ud Focdara all recondl-llmd and tony aaaranucd $185 and Up AIM amrttlHtmlou nakea at tow prlcea thcae cars Wfm pw buy whara lav Tmaa Eveatafa and BandAyi MBLDRUM'S USED CAB STOKkCS 55 East Ferry St Ball Park 1587 Main near Ferry 11030 1KI passenger aedaa excellent condition far aala cheap CL T-iORD model can 11 Ifpa US ta (45: A kargalna la alhcr mekaa Mink Motor Can- SH Fllhnera eve 1WOHD ISM apart roadster thia car aant had hud asasa baa been Goodwill reconditioned axcrpUenally food motor 5213 a room 1294 Main at Bryant IlORD Tudur IMS kiu uiilaaic an ex- ccptlaaal car lawestlsate 4SS Rlag- an a pea craning aad Sundays TVORD ipso Mar driran SON miles esn-X not tall from ara car atpedally S38S ternu MS Abbott id apea areatara 1SORD special coupe 1030 perfect rautt-tion priced ta acll quickly 4M Klig-ara at apea am teal and Sundays I'lOED apart coop 1920 rentals Beat chroma plated radiator and brad lampc: tharautbly reeoadUianad a sparlty nappy and'apctdr llttlo car try to duplicate Tvlttr for aatp SKA Bract Used Calk 1927-M Wain at 1' iOBD coach lift 1391 built altar youra aren the eihera coma in and ate tbia ana onlr aa loiprrllan of thla targmla can Justify the description af this car: BO day written cuaraaiee 1323 Bract Vied Cara 1 027-2 JUsla at 140110 192FiMar laden finish Ilka new mceMnlcs'Iy a rutter $325 terms klalara a Deed Car Let 313 Belter at Perr7 IaORD iPNTMar Ilnlahsrftahlwa klacL lew daileafc nrchanltally pcr'ari aaa thia buy A Kictoan'a Uaed Car Let S1SS Bailey at Ferry 1-lORD ISM raiubler actual nlleija an thia ear anly 3T23 mllea Jnat Uka new flnlth uphalitery aad Urea anew na wear wbatsanr far tbia lna ear onlr S3U an It and aant XI room IMS Hals at Bryant -itORDU30 IMar juat Ilka new S3N 1 SIM dawa 7 Baloom 1TORD ISN TUdar yen wlU want ta tea thia ear krfora keylnf elcewhen: nlla-Uhed In beaatiral arm brand new Dunlap tlraa fine autar S3N Oreon UN Sfau at Bryant roadster 1S3S baa had test af lioBT A can can new Una 1250 SOS Mayan apan crtnlnsa andSoadaya iim tawa sedan snarantacd Ilka a i new nr S4SA SI 21 down trade 311 Delaware Iowa aadan 1130 da luxa snipped maroon ncenaalcilly parfact: nuat Sa arm to be ippeKlaled: day written tuar- ntae IB tenaa dawn payment price far today anly S14A Sr oat Uaed Cara 1S37-M Main at Ford 1930 Tudor Uaed by company yapraaanUtlre FORD SOIOS COMPANY MSS MAIM STREST eaeiptlsnally 3S71 Drlawara LX)RD 1KM Tudor dean DM IIM dawn ItCHtD INI apart coupe new cenditlea thraushout UTA SM down 3U1 Dels- VtoRD Ferdat U3A parfatt caadltlao USA I tasy tcrau a Taylor 300i Sallay atl aaa Mr WUkaraen IeoRD 1121 atandard caupc ortslnal paint and upholstery lino aondltlan: reconditioned and luarantead Taylor 30M Bailey QTl XtORD 113 TUdar aadan pcrlcct condltloo i- StiaruteaA S22A SM dawn IS11 Dal-bwara I' XRD TUdar 1M low mllaaia liras m-- tab upbalalery show ear haa had little naa machanlam la parfact runnlns order N'A ef Ita potential mileage alill aauaad the Initial dapractetlan written aff: It la a rant buy from any print af view SS1A John Qlbaon Da- lneH I333-3S Main at VtollD ISM Tutor aatraofSlnary flu coax' dittos Uka brand haw S42B easy tenaa Allen at oarage Inc 131 Allan at I limb ltMTudor aadaaTlaalil nr t2ti STB dawn 371 Dataware T-iORD 13M caapa uaad vary Ultla eaa 1' hardly ba taU fram aaw ear 0425 Allan CL Oaraia Inc Ill Altea al tarma I- WORD 1U3 Fordor aedaa uaad UtUa SNA tarma and trade 3371 Drlawara IlORD 1SM aadan run 7000 milaa fully aquippad day fuaruntca: tarma Far-Suaon-Lyth Inc IIM Jailer aou TtOKD modal A apart coupe aaaly rellu-X1 lahed mater completely over hauled good tlrad S37A any tarma Allan SL Oaraia Inc 13S Allan at IitORD ISM apart roadster drirra very 1 uttlr toria and naa Ilka acw aptdal pries S386 auy tarma Allan BL ftaraga Die 131 AUra at fiORD late IBM roads tar carafuOy ad X1 cumulate ty tvertiauted (33S: easy terms completed arartuulad 3235 Allan St Oaraia Inc cent 131 Allan at I'iORD ISN TUdar repainted nd chromed aeat eovwra S3SS tabaa A Quite Motoc 2505 Main BARGAINS FORD lfODSL moo CASH Roadster Tudor Mr Ton Trasks Dump Tn Track Pmn H-Too Trask Open Express BUCK 249-259 Broadway VvuKXJO a nice ariaauen of medal Ate re-C caadltmaad Ilka acw guirnntead UN S5 urma Burgard Matara 307 Haras at imiara apan araabua and Sundmya T-tORDd SU aad ip 40S Ntafan apaa avanli avanlnta and gupdaya 1 WORDS medal A ceapaa 3 parfact cars S22I to t37 Tt dawn 4 TWORDS awdal taurloia caupca aafla-X darn tit tu and S2S MaMram'a Uaad Car Stats SI Ferry at ball park WKANKLIlf Alrmaa Ltd apart aadan bought saw ta March 1S2S haa saw tlraa: pa lot and apbatatcry Ilka acw alwayi had beat of cara miat mil ta rloM -talc aacrlflea price Phone of sail 1SS1 Martel CM 002S-M GMAHAM-PAKH UN aadan a karsata for USt mart ba aren to ba appre ciated Quale Meter 2505 Malm Valaa uaad car atora BlRiara lac 1337 Mala and 15U Mata Ff 3000: apan anataiu 1 RAHAM ISM Medal 613 g-aedaa: sain at S500 Plarea-Arrow Sates Mata at jawatt kar- nUDBON I brousham tally luarantaad reflnlahed 4245 tarma Dick WUtata Inc ISM Mata CH 3300: apan amUasn HOI tlm new mechaaleally at 450 BarWer-Rca 111! Main DDOON UN Cuatam Vic lor la duca ud karsata 1 UDSOMTt2l madri caupa parfact tlon 1425 luo Caw a 47 I UPF IMS Ckatury cabriolet thoroush--ly neeadlUaaN and backed by a new aar luarutaa thia medal ta Mill am af the muarlcat laaktag lira an tba atraat fin-lahad in maroan said tlraa: a aturdy car far man aatlafietary than light new can but Ha price NIL Saha Olbaao Ca Ine 1 233-51 Mata aL 'ttWF 1327 I aedaa thia car wu liven XX ml ears by tba arlilaal awner tba arlflnal flaiab It la axes lleat condltlaa aa la the upbolatary vary aaad tlraa a car Ilka thia Mill haa ef Ita mllaaia unused machanlam reconditioned aad guunalcad 373 John 3 Olbaaa Ca Ine 1333-33 Mala nUFMOBILI 1IN aedaa perfect tnalda and auL 1431 UN dawn 47 Balcom nDPMOBILZ ifi aadan i paaautarH cylinder wire wheels ctnnol ks toil from new esr: priced very reaseiuMy te move dtilek Belck Aitacy North Tons-vxndOa phene DC 6750 npyMOBTtTSUte awdal racaadltloiied slxea and rlfhtl curnln a fu9 new ear guarantee daaliaad and built right the' May right the icaL wfeat mnat acoooailca uaed trasapartatlau the market honeMIy teeudltldaed arid and guaranteed by a reliable BupwobUe dealer are ua for thu heat Rupmakllaa at the richt Irina Mm Olbaaa Ca Inc Hupa trlbutora 1213 aad 1335 Mala it TtwhT for its 13N couch tbia car te Ita pewarful meter urlilne areee flalah dtaa wbaaU trank and all extras reconditioned splendid shape only 9133 Oroom IBM Mata A BALLB Madri 3U phutsn lew mlte-Xi age and prlea Fierce-Arrow Meltale galea Sfela el Jewatt JA BALLS rmdiler 1S3S ramble aeeiT eleray Will aar aa good aa naw fee will be creed te ewnneed the amnry end moot eelL hm make aa offer I A MALLE IUL audit 3oJ coupe 4 pes- aenger Ocedyear Double Engle tlm perfret merhsnlea ropdltlea win taka cmallrr rsr In trade OsdUlaa Agency Perth Thnawsnda HE I7ML ZAL tuM wort" 1974 tt kNMmki Ur 116 4616 UUiVtokuhU 9niBtaft to for ihlU 9 BI 6666 aad Call OH 437L i ri shlldren 1 1 end after 7 VutL for houuworX Cell at 3ST Hayass earaar HlrL IBL tor house work aa aaaktag at lag ay Richfield ns CulBL far ganeraTluasweriL Ganna pre-T tarred In family retorenaia requIraL 43 Braalmarldsi 7 1 1RL whits tar graarel hoesawarb thru child ree CH 4441 refined relights far taqaawarh aa 431 Dataware ere whits experience far general heueewarh and eiwblnq 701 XMtayatta epar BI 5444 GBL wutoL general alfhta I arlns upper Ej IM Lev- GL to urirt with iaana I retara tor seed home IBL far gaaera hauaowarX Ul Bunttof-tu are CH TTSS-J TIBLL why ka snrtt Baoy mathaL n- dactaa 3 pranda weakly 434L Ba particular abaci what yen eat Deu eerwu nothing bet the heeL and at reeaeaeble prices Good AX wages CaU 1-L 7 Delay pl Tf OUSEHfcEFSR iuGd to aMthaflam AX heate 1 children In family mare tor good haeta thaa high wages 354 stout at a tiOUMWIVBi Wtto Xlvto ta Add wkh ta add ta thrir it to their advantage to writs ar uU tor eutltaa ri a prrilUhia aarupattoL 435 Oorrena Bids JUNIOR EXECUTIVE Peslttea ivailoMa dor ra awlatant feuyar to ear Brash Fabrics DspertaMnL Piriar age 3S to 3L and with experience directing work ri aaleapupte Knowledge ri the tdlaa caaontlxl Apply Employmant huparlntandant 3rd lieu Aanu BuUdtog ADAM CO JJAID eempalani for gsnsrsl house werX I he goad eeefe ue phaoe (alls Aahlud ere £AID far seneral feeuaawers Cril CH 1MI-W sfter If AID alngla far houamck to epartaunL JAA edulta beau nlghta rullra letor-incaa Write Ann 17 News efflea 1 ARCELLhR and finger waver A-i ax-II prrtaaead raly naad apply a eat phene Apply Bare Tarry SSM Datowere ere 1JABTBY seek experiences Apply Ray ero(t jJAIJBiBY axparlcnasd an eoreat fit-O ting Newman Shepps 1313 Jrifenra ere CaU FI 3441 for appatalmort aiwianw Catholla: yen can totemt 1 pririe we hare a peelttaa that peye 921 ta Ml weaL CaU hetore IS A 514 (J AIXSLADIES At aau feed pay! tai Mr Snyder warth hetri ALMLADBL eapertenaaiTtor draw an2 8 lUlacry departments Apply Battler's Breedwey ALRWJtWEB-ltaUeble 1 the ntvlm ri ette wbe hu feed axperi-enu chUdren'i book aeuca te hanu er buatotaa ta act In argentotos nleetadiae excel tent cu tract to right party Sea Mr Oer-reU Boom 100L Ml Waahtoston aL with heua ta henaa nd-lag reperlancr: na unrearing wa tarnish tha laada Apply 331 Firry it Deem 3 Mr McCurry SALUWOMSN house te hauls salary cammlaslsn: good prepealttea DBM4L ALES WOMEN ta solicit ouUUadlng ar- sonata ri marehuta: muat fesre ear end aoau euperlenu arikUtog and tares-tlgsting ueaunta 523 Brlahau Bldg 'ATnuaS wenuL uparicnaad if I pheaas CaU after Ml Mala it reatcurant fTAHHP-dirP tor guerel haeaework Wi nfiNMH 14 OhipH pkvj Phone SI 4466 Vi Framers ra rilk draaiaa Dai-ter Dry Ctosnlni Oa 4ST Saaaca MlddtmgcS keeping work ta country family ri 3 Curl BurLB Cuttareugus 1 glrla to ahuw display cards to merchants Call Room 57 Treat Chlppawa il Furkride ere Girl for general housework do wiahtog at aenkhig Inq at 13 VtTOMAM SMddla acsL tor llM kauu-llkaapllit: sued hems TU MIL toman fu bauMwork stay nlghta wages SL TTrlta Maid IL News Utica Vi TOMAN af ability sxcallaet spportunlty pteedld aornlngi In highly a inmaltoL sn ft to AL wUlins to weak nargellaaUy end purpaaetaUy- to make real ptou tor hinalf end earn above tha amiv au eamplria ee operation and Ihaaragh training given: permittee! eennectleni with Ideal vintage I 10 Nswi riltes see eur Erely Bara suing 1 7 dream wh-ch era he arid to yew friends acquelnUncu tor experlance nn-naeeaiary eaaeUral commtea tens Dram tribe tars Os Deem Ul Oerreaa Rldg OUNG girl tor light work end sera ri baby: 13 good heme 94 News office Tl kinds tas scarfs ehefeere (L IT (IS ep smaU deperif weerwe erert kal-m ta weekly SeetLdM WeriUngtra HNOUNCINO Clee Shepard's anneal xktiii Fsraunant ware B4JL eamplets 10 days uly TOO Male CL SS4L BEGINNING and advancsd soursas In iherthsnd Call rear IS atari are rNAFABLB girl 3L with aeautartol -LX perinea end etoaesrsyfeyi ettroctlva paraonsHty good educatlra end background asm till Write giving retoreuus ris aeretaty TL Haws etUes riOSWHNI law atauagrophar MS BIB-Vx utt Square pOMFTOMBTBB Gregg shorthand touch typowrlllng nd kUltag maahtoa cloaass aUrt any btanday Uka up this aemelats cauras end la a tow mraOu yoe win ha earning a good salary: day aad errata aaa-signs apan all ramamr Write sail at phona Cb TIM far free ca talas Buflals School ri Oamwares MS Main aL EZFXRT aureaUar with saner al knawl-edge ri other beauty work JB IB4L IiXPERIENCEb womunter niad ream Apply Bayerott Pul East Aurora fyfnBBSTEWd girl far heuuworfe Ate smell tomUy plain eeetl YRMOUBH speaking white girl with ally Ate iriarem refaraeeas tor ganarel doc tar's horns na ceoklug: naad apply atom MO Jritemra are da fUVl young ulmlodlaa wralaL Apply I ta 14 A- 11 Morgan Bids QBBIBAL molds end eoupte Highland Ageney 77 Blmwoed GERMAN widow art ever 40 hmimkaip- tog retereneed Banara IL G5 pay and heme genera! housework retoieueu IM Breuawlah bird WANTED Shore tu rebuild ue tod lea1 ban arias TSa critics repaired Standard Shoe Repair Oa Weal Chippewa 3 Was! Bagla al bid Oanaaas MBaat Betto 3M Kris auto tadlM sales children'! sss men' Tls rimaa dyad an eaten Lafayette Shu Bepelr 57 Broadway earaar Oik ILF ANTES MALB TJARBER ahap autllL while chair Uka Raw XJ cb 4365-J 33 Warwick are TjiRBBL American steady JM yaar XJ aieesdi wtgas par cut atata ara qqsllflca liana 33 Ntwa rifles TJOYL 14 to 13 pure rtL to aril aawa-XI popare al downtown ursar Apply Oily ClwutoUu dept Bnffale Bvantog News riANVAMBBB- asrals Saws to hum im profit Brens IM Osimae as TASKIER tor arilk dairy efllcs able to Vx gpanta Bnrwagha mleulater 'Writs (huhlar 3L Haws afftea puisy tor dtatos aar art ri town atas Vr nlghl eeuatarmiL gome ptaes Maatoto BmpleymraL 17 lb Frank! to lOFFCB mu aoUcIL tor IX WrA rad Than 'F IAS Origata TOUBUTOB with at wltfeasl aar tall ar LX nart Urns 714 damns Mdg uaa loading Brockton afeaa nueeroe-lurer Mlllng dlracl from futary to wurar hu open Inga Bnftato aad Waetere New Yark rilitiicti 35 atandard alpha na Invaot-mcnl asked Write Personal 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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.