Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine (2024)

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LEWJSTOS EVENING JOUKHAI MONDAY" APRIL 23 1000 Invited Pin Tree Usbmi Falls Lisbon and Snbatls Indgro to attend thrtr meeting next Tuesday night la Abou Her Adhera hall Main street Auburn Follow In th meeting there will lie an entertahh ment and refreshments will be served GENERAL AUDITOR A A insisted of Bangor Promoted to New A Dunforth Cashier jj 1 IjjfeHS i PVl'EVi TBj TELLING HIS NEEDS In the hantaarrman Is the brat way to get supplies to- ether Our stock ef Builders' Hardware ta complete not only to-day but every ny That's why builders home here In such number got exactly what they want on our premise It would use up an entire pairs to price-II it our Builders Hardware stork Invito the builders Instead guaranteeing In ad-esnoe a raving to them of ft per cent on ell bill Make us prove It subject of the lecture win bq The Tragedy of the Tea Talent Men" A targe number of tickets have already bean sold and Dr Hillla la assured of a good house' Tbe lecture la to bo given under tho auaploeo of the Colby Club and mors distinguished lecturers are ta follow Dr Hillla Coach Frank Shea of tha baseball squad io certainly making a hit with the men who ora trying for a place on tha team Mr Shea arrived last Monday and lost no time In getting Into ha roam At thla early stage on can see vast Im- erevan'iant lu the davlopment Ha giving the men a lot of Inside baseball Tho Said haa bean In good condition all week and a noticeable Improvement ban been made both In Balding -and lotting The team will have Its Brat real tryout on April Fast Day when tho Lewlaton Athletics com to town for a game un Alumni Field Tlw day following tho team wlU leavo for Mnaeerhu-setta where It plays four games tlw Brat game being with Amherta Amherst Aggies Andover and Exeter at Exeter Mr Sullivan of Cambridge prtrt Maas la coaching tha track man and is' doing good hard work with tlw material ha haa at hand Tha material la green and It la hard to tell Just what Colby will be able to do In the moat this year Captain Rose thinks that the tram will fco stronger this year than It wao last year when it oamo out 'third in the meet The members of tho Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity have decided to withdraw from tho Colby Debating society and sent in their statement to that effect which waa read before a masting of tlw debating club hold Thursday April lfti The reason given are that tha fraternity does not ears ta gift up the regular meeting of their society once a month bn Wednesday evenings The Colby musical dubs gave a very 3783 Middle Street L-ewleton Maine Including Drewer Commode Bed Stand 2 Cliaiw jnd lKooker St 8-75 13752375 247526752975 2975 3200 33753500 3750 and SOMETHING NEW 1 The Dull Klnhli Circassian Walnut CALL AND SEE 1TV Vv have ft fine line of Odd Drewew and Commode i ell tlia letret fininliM iirui Hods Metal lied end Wooden Bed at prions to meet your pocket boclc 7 1 Hendaome Set 8 Piece Empire Oak Finiiilij2900 REMNANTS BATES STREET SHIRT CO WILL OPEN THEIR REMNANT SALE Monday 8 A Ayril 23 -tat7 rill find a Glen wood in all the 'Modern Home beeanae people want the beat when they buy a Range All GOOD cook kick if they have a Glenwood to cook on Why will you bother withr your old Range anl waate fuel when: ran get a tlleuwoodat reasonable prirea? fee Wednesday paper fur full particular of the Glenwood Content gw 1 Caeh or Easy Terme iStore Girls Standing all day behind the counter lifting at arms length is very bad for store girls They soon suffer from poverty of -the most prevalent disease of wometi It is the prime cause of all female troubles and very few women ever suspect it If you are your ears lips and gums arc colorless instead of being pink if your face is covered with in the form of black-heads or pimples if you are getting thin if your bust is undeveloped if you are if you are weak tired by the least if you have fainting spells if your heart palpitates at the least exertion if you have a pain about the if you are nervous fretful you are sufferingfrom akakmia Then you may become a victim of female troubles ANAEMIA is soon followed by constipation headache and backache unnatural drains painful irregulariti ies and bearing-down pains Then you will have to take a remedy When you do take one make no mistake Know what you are taking Powder or comestic or rouge so wrongly used will only cover up the outside signs of ANAEMIA A specialty like Red Pills for Pale and Weak Women which cures ANAEMIA is what you want Red Pills for Pale and Weak Women do cure ANAEMIA that is what they are madd for Red rule for Pal and Weak Wo-oea are act A patept temadf- They haveao secret ingredients wa gjva their formate wfeiob as good as it is harmless to the medical profession or to on? clients span request Said in boxes only All druggists goe a box or six boxes for fis-go or moiled in plain wrappers upon receipt of price Free of doty msCOAftMIAtOM CHEMICAL CO Eft it Daria Ac Atherton Furniture Co 220 Lhbsa St Lewiston Hi NOTICE We have plenty of first class storage room to let Sleighs and wagons called for and delivered as usual NEVENS Auburn BANGOR Ma April (Speclal)-Or-ders were loaned today by tlw Bangor A Aroostook Railroad Company which pro-mots Ptelatrd of thla city for six years cashier of the company to th office ef general auditor Thla la a new office created to relieve Prea chum of many roaponalbUltlea A Danfort of Bangor auccerda Mr XTqlated a cashier of Uw company THE HACKNEY The United Ultra la emphatically th home of lha trotting horse Time thought and money buy been expended with prodigal hnnd lii order to hived and develop a horse that ean fur a abort time rush Ihruuph spare at a terrlflo speed In erder to uttu'n thla everything else has been sarriikej temper beauty and hardihood with tha result that tiler are any amount of misfits being peddled around tho country bred wholly In trotting lines they hava fulled to develop sufficient apevd or hnv broke down In tnalnlhg and are of lltti value as roadsters What tha general public wants and la prepared to buy at a high figure Is not a horse that can develop a high rate uf peed but one that is a good clean mover Just suflleiautly fast for comfort sad a good looker Of beta years tho Hackney stallion haa been aurcessfully used to produce such a ol tlx ng results are obtained While occasionally auod results arc obtained he dues not give uniform good material when mated with cold blooded mares Tha Hackaey la of all color hay brown and chaotnut lw la what map be railed a llttla Mg horns low set ovniport with the beat of feet and legs up-hoodrd and courageous never depending oa a ebeckllna to carry his head possessed ot wonderful staying power Intelligent and handsoma and above all a clean and The typical Hackney should not ho much IBVt hands high and weigh not much 1 aw The Hackney of lha show ring of hark has been trained to that abnormal high action that In so murk udmlred and while this high clean cut action Is a characteristic of lha breed a horse for use und that haa not bran so trained while he lifts clean and well up ought not to have that high pounding action that la no admired but that In very trying on feel limbs and tendon naturally Is a haa dooms mover traveling squara In front hind fret well under lha body head well up with no use for checkllne nor boot Across tho water the Hackney la es-tanslvaly nsed for crossing with pony maroa such ns tha Welch or Kxmore producing tho Cobb a compact hos 14 to IS hands high much valued us a riding horse to pull a trap or put on tlw streets before a delivery rig Zii America fashion calls for a bigger horse to meet which demand larger etalllnns than are ashed for In Great Britain arc sought after and too often moled with h-avler underbred mares the result being a horse of If or over that show the cleiin-rut Hackney action but lack the quillty and finish of their smaller but finer bred brethren more general use of Hackney sires on the breed mares of this eountiy would In a few years tremendously Increase not only the desirability but tha value of the light horaa stock of the country ISLAND TORTURE Is no worse than the terrible css of Piles that afflicted ma 10 years Then I was advised to apply Bucklen's Arnica Salvo and loss then box prs'manently cured ma writes 8 Nspter of Bugles Ky Heels 11 wounds Burns end Soros Ilk magic Me ot Samuel Smith' druggist A Sawyer ef Madison hae young stallion by Dandy Wilkes by Nelson's Wilkes that la a beauty He Is solid bey with dark points will three years old In July stands It hands and weighs In his present form upwards of Kt pounds Ha nigh clean limbs and gora to th trot with pure span gait This colt was bred by Mr Megan of NorrMgewoek and came from a Cushnoe mars Mr Bawysr who by tha way Is quit boras fancier and bos owned and driven soma fast ones In his day also haa a has taut aura byRroomal pacer that ran go very fast and Is fine reader hut hoe never been trackud 'It ha caused mors loughs and dried more teors wiped sway dies ess end driven sway more fosrs thsn any other medicine In the world Rocky Mountain Tee cents To or Tubist Wakefield Bros Lewiston Bumpus A Getchell Auburn Th veteran sirs Johnnie Wilkes MTU now owned by XL Skidmore of North Anson is In Ana form this spring and has already begun this ueueon'e work In th already begun this ueueon'e Work In th stud In proportion to the number of his get It is doubtful If any stallion now standr Ing In Maine has sired more apead then Johnnla Wilkes Beautiful woman ean hava the best things In tha world for there non so Inhuman as to refuse anything to pretty woman Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea make beautiful women If cent Wakefield Bros Lewiston Bumpus A Getchell Auburn EVERYBODY LIKES 6000 PIE There to se longer nny ex rum for poor trira on your table a a you should follow th lead of thousands asd us D-Zerta Quick Pudding an a Ailing far plea Try thla recipe: D-Zert Ckoselsto Cream Plo Prepare a package of D-Eerta Chocolate Ing ncc oiling ono-half eup i crust which has bass baked Cover with meringue made with the whites of two eggs Thla makes two targe pies or three small one All the live Lemon-Tapioca Vanilla Orange-Macaroon Chocolate and oa be used to the some way end bananas cocoanut etc added as desired D-Eerta Quick Pudding Is also used se a rake filling and for a pudding dessert Simply odd a quart of milk to contents of one package Bring to a boll onoi and aervo with cream and sugar Order from your grocer 10 cents per package AWFUL'-FISTUU CURED ffig I CO PlLCa gaoesotesd kr hsnnlsw yslMi whhratkulfs or llss 4iwmo For OverSixty ears HRS WINSLOWS S001HII8 SYRII? ussd far child rsa while loathing all pate surra urteA aoUg'iagulale the stomach aifi basrateand ta the heal remedy for diarrhoea Twenty-II vs stats bottle Bold by all druggists throughout lha wort JuaUMWrAwkjly WORD CONTEST SALE To tho Person or Persons who cun make the must words from letters contained ta the phras DID YOU EVER GUT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING we wtR give oou-yem good for OM tie part payment on on of our IGOO (rwgular price IS7S) pianos Tb offer ta too tempting to resist LOTIIROFS 186 Lisbon St toblK4utt Ernest A Crockett Iff Practice limited to th Throat Including String LU 11 AIL LM to 4J and to I PK WHOM Luwtatuu miRKVAly WANTED tree me for gewaral form work until If Must be good milkers Good wage ly to MAINE SANATORIUM Hebron Three Nov Apply spefttedtf pleasing concert at tho dty opera house Friday night before a good audience The clube wlll give a concert fat Belfast Tuesday evening la Caatlne Wednesday evening April and on In Brooke Thursday evening April ML Thla will complete the program for tho Tear Mica Alma Morrlosette ftf left thla week for New London whor* aho Is to teach a part of this term In Colby Academy Mias Morriuett will return to culleg tlw tetter part of tlw present spring term THAT BLUE EVENING GOWN "Never again win I give away my eld clothes" declared th Lewiston girl who was Juat back from a visit In tha country Her friend lookad Interested "Why this raah reaolvaT" questioned one young woman The girl from tlw country looked wnthy aa aha told her experiences fat posing as a good Samaritan In there are lota of poor white traah I guess you might call them and my cousins always give away lota of their things to those families Not to be outdone I selected a family and bestowed my ueelera duds upon them think I picked out tbe little girl beoauso she wore a red cloak and had fluffy yellow curls She sort of appealed to the artistic or the romantic aids my nature whatever you call it I never botheikd to Ax my things over before I cast them off I Just gave 'em aa thay left my back hoping tha family would do the remodelling act I noticed my coualna looked rather funny when I told them of my protegee They didn't seam a bit Impressed with my goodnera soon found oat why It seemed had picked out tho very worst family In town and nothing did them much good The awthar waa a shiftless ereatura and whatever was given th children eh wore herself if the garments lit ted after they war worn out she burned them up She never was known to Ax anything over I doubt If she know how to ar Than aha had flta and waa I lab la to go off In on most any tlmo Mamie my special friend appeared very thankful for what I gave bar and In spite of tho remonstrances of tho girls I kept on giving her my worn out clothes Tan'll be aorry some day warned my coualna but scorned their advice Among other things I bad summer waa a pale blue evening gown short aleevaa and low In tha nock I gut aomo paint on on evening and though I tried ovary thing nothing would take It off Bo when little Mamie next appeared on the scene I recklessly transferred th gown to her I had forgotten that her mother wee a stranger to tho needle and thought perhaps she could gat a dross out ef tha blue gown for Mamie I tail of that Rift of mins ew well enough my coualna would laugh at mo forgot to say that Mamla'a fltty mother waa Juat about my else and a Util way off wo resembled an another quite a lot Now don't begin to laugh or I tell you th root of It Than was a football game the next day after I gave away the blue dreae and we had alt planned to go a we knew tho men on both team and them waa to be a hop in tho evening You ean Imagine how cross waa when I woke In tho morning with a raging toothache and nothing did any good I couldn't make up my mind to have It out as It saamed to bo a good tooth and tho stuff tho dentist gave me to help It only made It ache worse There waa nothing for me to do but to atay bt hom*o I waa mad but had to ip especially as my face had begun to swell and taka mo altogether was a sight to behold got an Interacting book to read and it aoem but a little white before my coualna returned you've don It now' cried Alice aa they buret into tho room 'Whatever poasaaeed you to give that drees of yours awayT Every on thinks you were at tho game this afternoon and we haven't bean able to convince them that you didn't go attired in full evening costume It waa your dross all right and say did you aver give that dear Uttle Mamie of yours that red hat you wore test season waa too for gone to do move than nod feeble assent knew if eontlnued Alice triumphantly 'Well If were you Geneva Gray I wouldn't give any more ef my things away Just wait till tell groaned aloud whut was coming noxt Ton know Charlie Browne1 went on my relentless cousin 'Won he waa at tbe gam and Inquired for you and whoa wo told Mm you wore 111 with a toeth- Careful Housewives when getting ready to put awty your stores for the summer give each stove cost of 6-5-4 to prevent it from rusting it is Applied like paint to requires No Polishing 6-5-4 is better thsn six enamel for Stoves Pipes or Wire Screens it is easier to apply and dries in 10 minutes 6-5-4 Kills nf teBIl Wo Pay Freight Siwiei Machine Tan Watt dEarvad at tlw glvraBat cna'of thrae functions Tka m- and Dr Wilbur i Browne nd ttj pi minty proved themselves most efficient committee The entertainment wa furnished by Uw Bnta Quartet of Portland aaalited by Mr Trull of Bjddeford reader and It waa by ter the Jeynble of any given at a Brunswick club ladle night for many years Tha quartet consisted of Frederick A Kennedy tenor Mrs Hornet ud soprano Miss Martha Hawes eontmltu and Howard Steven baa Mra Robert A Tuothaker of Brunswick weslhe accompanist Following tb program lew hnd cake war served Allas yiora Mar Donald of Boaton gave an Interesting address ra Stained before the Saturday club soon at the Unitarian church If being the teat In tha aeries of Batarday club lectures Cor tha icuoii Nathan Goldberg waa before Judge Roberta Friday charged with receiving braw that had been stolen from he Androscoggin Pulp Kill ruin He was bound over In tha wa of ftftOO bonds Letter to Hoe Draw Lewiston Dear Sir: An your business la to get people Into 'and out ef trouble' suppose you consider their paint it makas am almost me much trouble as money except of course matrimony They buy poor paint good deal: they don't mean to they don't know nay batter they buy without thinking Bad M' Isn't good It looks good-enough year than begins to get maty but ghnnges aa slowly one don't notice IL Looking Isn't nlL Tb buslnaas of paint la ta hoop a house dry Inside tha wood and iron of It keep It from rotting and rusting Takes good paint to do IL Good and bad paint are sold at turn price or about that One by the price at all: aa with lawyers tha price haa nothing to do with goodnera or badness and costs are worse yet the painter and sheriff eom-ln for thair share But tha probability to that a man who paints Davoe will oome-out on topi Yours truly DEVON CO Eaten aalla our paint dyaprXSwkyoprM veeeeeeeeeeosaaoeeoeaeeeee AMONG TUB MAINE SCHOOLS eeseaeeeeeeeaeeeoeeeeeeees COLBY COLLEGE CHAT WATERVILLE Me April SI The following program of meetings for tho Young Christian Ao-sodation for tho spring has bean arranged: April Meeting eondueted by President Burr F' Jones April Self examination Myron BWrjr April la 'It worth while to pray Monroe Young May i A dd rose by Prof White May Meeting on Mlaoiooa May Spiritual Atrophy charter Chlpman May Addreea by Rev Geergo Sander May Be not simply good be good for something Isaiah A Bowdolu June Spiritual and Physical Training Charter Dwyar June Address by Prof William Porter Back Juno lft Honesty In Examinations Charles A Rush Tha ofllcara and committees of tha CAU choaen for tha ensuing year are: President Lubelle Hall vice president Florence King secretary Cora Robinson troeeurer Row Bovcraie memberahlp committee Florence King Alice Tyler Ethel Knowllcn Religious meat Inga committee Nettle Kunnele Nora Lander Nettle Crane Margaret A Clarks reception and social commlttea inra Bowler inaa Stevenson Mary Weeks Helen Hunt II nance commute Rose Beverage Ellen Peterson Grace Stetson Intercollegiate committee Ann Roberta Anna Cook Angrandeee Itecord missionary commlttea Bartha Bangs Annie A Harthorne Olive Taylor blble study committee Abbla Hague Alice Hen demon Maude Eaton Ella McBuralo room committee Wlnnlbal Gower Caasltena Perry Ethel Butler The written arguementi for the prise debate will bo duo Monday 'April Ik Then argnmanta will bo ranked 'by a commlttea from the faculty Thin aama commlttea will llaian ta the oral arguments by the name contestant on Saturday May and from the number who took port Ex speakers will bo selected for tho Anal contact Tho Anal da bate will bald about the last of May A large number of men are preparing for tbe de-beta Roscoe Hall and Malcolm Mower both of UM loft thla week for tho Phi-las whotw- they hava received ap-tmrata by the government to teach tbe tchoole of the islands They will sail from Srattlo to Manila and thay prill about six week the voyage The Junior Ownmencement artmleo win bo duo Monday May II and the Senior art tales Monday May The date eat for the lecture by Dr NeweH Dwight HilUa Is Tuesday night April si tho First BapUst church The BrunaIcS club Friday beat entertainment a Standard Rotary Slatlla state maine Us lb Governor A PROCLAMATION With tb ad vice and consent of th Exee Utlve Connell I hrrbr designate Thursday lha Twenty-eUth day of April Instant aa git Day GIVEN at tha Executive Chamtirr at Augusta thla twenty-third day of March Hi tha year uf cur Lord on thauannd nlna hundred and ala and of the lndcpendaneo of the United Bui tea of Amarlca tha coa hundred and -thirtieth By Um Ocvernor WILLIAM COBB BTRON BOTH BrerUry of Blot COEIHG KYEITSi April Meeting of Oorarnor -and Council April Annual mealing of Meta Btate Library Aaa'n Auburn April Indoor Bill Toareemcnt NGS Mm Portland April Btate Convention of Main Utter Carriers Itlddeford May Otata Convention of the Young Men'a Chruatlan aaaodatlon Portland June Annual meeting of the Maine Medical Aaaoelatlon Portland fun Field Bay and unaual meeting of ot the Main Ilka Portland fum Annual meeting ot Depart meat Council Patriarch's Mill taut It Portland JutM Poland Jewnul TefepkoM CaUm Raw burn xgg ornca wwm cm eunoR eeeeeeoeeoMe Anftamafim OmCI CALL mmmIIIO cm BDrroH eeeeeekoeeeeeowoowOMOOoO UM LOCIL nil Mlaa Grgee Hannon of Auburn found dandelion In the Continental mill yard Saturday noon The Auburn boya defeated the Park Hill boys at baaatmll by the eeore of 11 to 4 Baiurday Little Mary Mara of Lawlstoti tho vlo-tlm of the recant accident on Lincoln street bee left the Bister hoapIteL George Wad An of Canton who came to tho Slater hoapttal weak ago for surgical operation la getting alone nicely Charles Haley of Webeter alisat LowleCon who was taken suddenly on Monday la Improving eg well ea can be expected A masting of nil tka rami teachers of the Asbnra echoola wee held at 1 cl nek Saturday forenoon et the effle of tho superintendent Mr Smith ad-dressed the meeting giving tho teach ere instruction and suggestions In ngard to tho Work Friends of Mm Henry Lowell of Laurel avenue Auburn wlU bo delighted to team that aho In recovering nicely from her meant operation at tho Stator hospital and on Saturday afternoon her condition was as favorable for speedy recovery ns could possibly be expected Saturday morning Dr McBlvam nf tha Shnwmut at mat Congregational church Boaton left Lewiston after live da'y labor in thla citjr under the suspires of tlw federation of Churches His addressees have bean received with much attention by Lewiston people Friday evening ha spoke before a largo congregation at tha Main Street Free Beptlat church He talked on the five foe the Gospel of Christ and the gospels of poclallani education legislation and ethical suitors Previous Mr tha address money wee mined to help defray the exponas of tha meetings Rev Slmniands presided and prayer was offered by Rev Taylor Mr Rood who hue Juat coma from Fotmeylvanln to take charge of the construction work of tlw newly organ-lied LB A XL railroad haa made chofcs of Anburn for hla future home Saturday he leased a house of Chan- Nudd of that city The leeaa la taken for five yearn and Mr Nudd will break ground for the new build In Monday He has agreed to hava ft reedy for ooeupancy by the llth of July The house will be built on tbe bit noxt to the house oa Turner street that he recently rented ta Smith of Ohio And still the people of other a tales are coming to Auburn and Mr Nudd Is ready to build a house for one ell of them AH that he re quires is a five year lease BRUNSWICK CLUB ENTERTAINS BRUNSWICK Ms April Special The teat ladle night for the mason was Ilf ITS ADVANCED and chronic Nasal Catarrh Is tha meogntasd sou res of other dlsaaots Having stood the teat of eontlnued successful use Dyt Cream Balm la raaognlaad as a spaalAe for mambraaal diseases the nasal passages It ta not drying doss not produce engaging Fries 1C orate at druggist or by nmlL JOy Brothers Warren St Nbw York Give up prejudice and try Jt Maasr Ely Brea I have been afflicted with eatank foe twenty yearn It madam se weak 1 thought I had maeenipllim got one bottle of Bay's Cream Balm and lu throe days tlw dlaeharge stopped Ims the beat medicine 1 have used for catarrh Probwla Oat Frank Xiadlcapii IS be bo AGENTS WANTED To teepre sabscriptionfi for the LEWISTON WEEKLY JO(JR NAL For firat-oltse eanvnAeers good commission will be paid Apply at once with references to Liiistm Miha Calendars F0RJ907 The best line of samples ever showa in Lewiston Don't send ordon oat of town but gall and examine ra tuple! aft Lewiston Journal Office BftlMt Advertising Is not lux-necessary involute ble assistant to be paid for as logically as any other legifo mate expense DR ELDRIDGE SPECIALISTS IN ALu CHRONIC DISEASES 1B4 Lisbon St Lewlaton Room 1 Garoelon Block i Office Hours ft A to Lady Attendant NK Telephone fOt-H Automatic 1HA tnsrtuedl A FRENCH 387 Main St Lewis ton Me Office Hours: mSi Telephone New England M-k Telephone Northeastern 120 feMedtf I Grand Union Hotel Loom From $100 Pr Dny Vp Oppeelte Oram4 Central FftaMen THEATRE CHAIRS FOR A few Maple Theatre' Chair' Bargain Also sot ef stag orarary la guir nt JOURNAL BUSINJUki OIYICA BMrttedtf WANTED A coneern employing from 75 to 100 men end girl in a wood working industry looking for a location A factory with about 80000 feet of floor space and good power la required Communicate with Box 665 Portland Maine ft sprlledJw WANTED AT ONCE 600 Loads of Earth for grading Tel 816-8 Automatio 1895 sprlftsdtf HORSE CLIPPING with tha only electrical machine ta tha two citls Prlra Per Horse -Sftp FIRST-CLASS JOB GUARANTEED HUTCHINS Proprietor 42 It 10 Canal 81 Latfistos apriMW84w LeProhon Tailor Ladle' aad Flue Tallorl ag Lad lea' Carawata a Specialty xg8 Lisbon Street Roqpi xa Lewlaton Maine Telephone Connection npr21ftIW81m KEELEY INSTITUTE rOUTLASD ME Alcoholism and Drug Addictions Cnreil Also Neurasthenia aprtediy THEATRE SCENERY FOR Th set ef scenery In J-ur-al Hall Bui table for dramatic exhibitions Must be sold at ono Apply at JOURNAL BUSINESS OFFICE martedtf TRUNDY 74 Hals Street Askar We ran fit you with CUSTOM BADE BOOTS AND SHOES Repairing Specialty If you have trouble with your Boots call trouble with your TL DR INCLIS Veterin irlan AUBURN MAINE Mefialtal on graduate of Uw- oatarta Veurateary CMtegw All aalla promptly aw tended OFFICKi Bias House Stable WATSON Attorney-at-law Ml Mata at LwUKoa PROMPT PERSISTENT PERSONAL Attention Given to Oommerotal QeAtaetlon aprUedly acha ha said ha would call this evening You needn't look so beaming he won't coma now Right in tha middle of tha Kama ha loaned over end said in a horrified voice 'Can that bo your cousin Geneva What an odd costume to wear to a football I looked and sure enough there you were with a pale blue evening gown trailing about you a big red hat perched rakishly on one aids tha very way you always wear your hate and long white gloves on You- were streaking It for the grand stand and such an awful looking man with you Everyone was looking by that ttma and roallyGeneva for all I know you so wall for a few minutes oould have taken oath that person In tha funny looking rig waa you I heard that old hen Mlaa Babbitt who waa Juat behind ms any to Tom Lester ta such a peculiar girL No 'Juat aa waa about to turn on her there waq a rustle and quit a stir In our row where- nearly ajl your special friends war and I aaw that every on had got on to tho foot that you war present Nobody watched the game and I aaw some of tho man who playing stare at that awful figure Juat then Geneva you up and had a bt A regular old carer too The policemen rushed up and grabbed you before th boys with ui could get to ypu I wish they had been nearer then they oould have told who you were Llttla Bqd Perkins piped up In that fog born voice of hie when you were kicking and frothing at the mouth "There goes Geneva Gray having a fit" By tha time he sold that the tow people on the ground who had not soon you were fully Aware of your presence among them Jit was terrible Of course ere understood that It was Mamie' mother having on of her fltty spells but other people didn't I turned to tall Cbarlte Brown what tha trouble waa but that youth had vanished and I'll bet anything you -never see him again There wore taro reporters rushing about with their note books and we have sent tbe boys down to keep It out of The papers If thay ean Don't you aver ever over aa long oa you llva dam give that Hamte any more of your oast off clothing finished my cousin emphatically aa ah bustled ma Into anothar room while aho triad to explain matters to a newspaper man who would not be denied th house took the rest of my visit to convince paoplo that I was not th fltty mortal who had frolicked so gaily on th ball ground that afternoon and to thla day there are some who Insist that I waa there That cured me of giving away my old clothes and my acquaintance with llttla Mamta earns to an abrupt and" "Did Charllo Brown over eallf demanded -th curious young woman "No" answered tho girl of tho blue evening gown dejectedly "he never did" LOCAL SECRET ORDERS Noble Commander Mas Mar presided at Friday night's meeting leka eommandary of Lewlaton gsTaral guests were present from Androscoggin eommandary and great Interest waa nuuil-I rated In the order muck ot this enthusiasm being credited to tho work pot fat la rwtetim by Deputy Clement for tha grand On saw BMmbar waa Initiated Tha-program Included a plaaa duet In Mraltera Phillips and Mlaa Beulah Hack-att a pis no ado by 'Mlaa Beulah Kockatl and a roaring by Mra Nellie Hodgkins Aftra thentertalnmaat asks sad aoJtse On May IT Eurska will aatebrate Its twenty-fourth anniveroary 'IavMotlona will hi extended fs the four weal lodges to partial pate la the avsat Frimdahlp eoioay Pilgrim Fatkera has XfoU A Knight Hardware Os 8 Chora Ueyd Pratt and ft Ston (Sw 4- ft-.

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Author: Duane Harber

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Author information

Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

Phone: +186911129794335

Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.