read my mind - yukitsunoda (2024)

jaehyun is funny once they get to talking, and as it turns out, their schedules line up sickeningly well. he's dumb as a brick and renjun is so enamored he doesn't know what to do with himself, having never met a more oblivious man in his life. yeah, sure, he's known jaehyun at this point forever, but they've never hung out beyond work stuff.
renjun shows up to the gym after him for the sixth time in four weeks and jaehyun is on the bench lifting like his arms need to get any bigger than they already are. renjun pops his airpods in and does his cardio, shirt too loose and shorts too small on purpose.

the fifth time, renjun asks him for his number with a smile.

the next, renjun says they should get coffee.

and then they start texting, swapping dumb memes that make renjun cry laughing.

one night jaehyun facetimes him with those dimples out in full force, and renjun is breathless from how earnest he is about showing him the thing he did in GTA online.

“hyung, did you call me just for that?” he asks when jaehyun’s finished chuckling in that silly jaehyun way.

“oh, uh, yeah?”

“really? that's disappointing, i’m bored.”

“do you wanna–” rolling his eyes cuts jaehyun off, and he continues, “what?”

“you don't have to ask me to go to the gym when you just wanna hang out, hyung.”

it takes like, four f*cking seconds to register, and the look that crosses his face makes renjun want to eat him. “you wanna hang out?”

“let me check my schedule,” renjun teases, tapping jaehyun’s forehead on his phone screen like he's really checking his calendar.

“wait, if you're busy–”

“you’re hopeless, let’s watch a movie.”

one movie turns to two.

renjun touches jaehyun’s thighs, renjun curls into jaehyun when he's scared by a movie. jaehyun orders dinner when renjun complains he's hungry.

renjun brings dinner.

renjun clings and cries and does his best to be f*cking cute, and each time, jaehyun just laughs and puts a friendly arm around him for comfort. he could vomit.

one night, he's had Enough. his face is in jaehyun’s armpit and renjun is so horny he’s about to tie jaehyun down and take what he wants.

“this can't possibly be scary,” jaehyun mindlessly rubs renjun’s arm, hushing his pained cry at how blind he is by what's going on here.

“how are you so f*cking stupid,” renjun heaves as he straddles jaehyun. “you're giving me a migraine, hyung. why haven't you kissed me?”

“you want that?” his cheeks are flushed, and renjun pokes his dimples.

“you're making me mad,” renjun leans in, ghosting his breath across jaehyun’s lips. “come on, don't you wanna make out?”

renjun closes the gap, and jaehyun doesn't push him away, so he takes that as a yes. jaehyun’s lips are chapped, and honestly it's kinda doing it for him. the slight drag of skin, wet when renjun licks his lips and presses harder. it is actually so f*cking beyond good when their tongues touch, when renjun gets what he's been dying for watching bad movies he doesn't like just to get the privilege of smelling his four in one body wash. he's disgusting. renjun wants to be f*cked by him until the stupid ikea bed frame breaks.

his hand reaches between them to find jaehyun rock hard in his basketball shorts, ego boosting into the stratosphere. jaehyun moans and his eyelids flutter, and renjun breaks off with a short giggle. “just from a little kissing? you're so cute, hyung.”

he doesn't waste time with banter, taking jaehyun’s stuttered breath as his green light to sink down the bed and pull jaehyun’s shorts off. his light blue boxer briefs with the cute little precum stain barely contain that big dick of his; renjun’s mouth waters. those come down as well, and he might as well stick his mouth on it.

“do you want me to suck it?” renjun asks with his lips already pressed to the shaft, dragging them down to kiss his thatch of hair, his balls. god, jaehyun smells like dicksweat and ocean breeze and he’s going to f*cking lose it. “or do you want something else?”


“f*ck raw,” renjun says, dragging his tongue up the vein on the underside. jaehyun’s hips buck up, he whines, and a dribble of precum wets renjun’s lips. cute, cute, god he's so cute renjun is going to eat him. “the offer’s only good for another minute before i walk out of here.” he wants an answer now.

“um,” jaehyun rasps, holding himself up on his elbows. “what?”

spitting on jaehyun’s co*ck, renjun uses his saliva to give just that little bit of wet that makes jaehyun shirt circuit. “wow, you really are clueless hyung, your dick is literally in my hand.”

“yeah i know,” he seethes out with a moan. renjun can see his stomach contract, so renjun lets him go. “what the f*ck.”

“you were gonna cum just like that without getting me off first? i didn't know you're so selfish,” renjun pouts, beginning his faux retreat.

jaehyun reaches out and grabs renjun’s wrist with, “wait.”



“aren't we gonna,” jaehyun claps his hands together like that means anything.

“what does,” renjun copies the smack of palms, “mean? ask me properly or i’m leaving.” does this count as manipulation? probably.

“you know,” jaehyun says, clearing his throat when renjun tosses a pouty little glare at him. “i didn't know you wanted to f*ck.” so painfully blunt for being so flustered.

“this still isn't asking me,” renjun says, politely removing jaehyun’s hand from his wrist so he can stand up. “you've got ten seconds to get me back in bed before i leave startiiiing now- -”

jaehyun surges up and pulls renjun down, making him squeak. “if you wanna f*ck you have to tell me.”

spitting a laugh out, renjun grabs jaehyun by the shoulders to pull him on top of him. “i’m not here for your taste in movies, i thought you would've figured that out.”

“i can't read minds,” jaehyun says as he hikes him up the bed. renjun’s never been so hard so quick in his life.

“why not? feels like something you can do.” he helps jaehyun take his shirt off, then his shorts, so considerate to even take his glasses off for him too. there's something so charming about slightly fuzzy jaehyun it makes renjun feel crazy – he's really doing all this just to f*ck a coworker?

“read minds?”


yeah renjun wants dick so bad it makes him feel stupid. part of him wishes he’d just stuck his mouth on jaehyun’s co*ck and let him f*ck his throat then retreat and block his number, but this is just… exquisite. he doesn't have to do any of the work, jaehyun has him naked before renjun can formulate a response.

“unless you have a different superpower,” he finally says while jaehyun fumbles through his side table drawer.

“i'd hate to hear what other people are thinking all the time,” he decides, tossing the lube on renjun’s stomach.

“even if it would've helped you hear my rancid thoughts concerning how nasty i need you to f*ck me?”

“when did you get like this? you used to be so sweet and polite.”

as it turns out, growing up makes people slu*tty when they stop being paralyzed by childhood’s expectations.

renjun pulls jaehyun down again to kiss him, because he needs this like three months ago. “already prepped, please just f*ck me.”

“mm, no.” jaehyun pops the lube cap and renjun has two fingers inside him so quick it makes him keen in embarrassment for how easily he opens up and relaxes. “you've got practice all day tomorrow, i'm not getting in trouble just ‘cause you like when it hurts a little.”

sniped from f*cking orbit.

“did hyuck tell you or something?”

“don't hurt my feelings,” jaehyun hums in renjun’s ear while his fingertips glide effortlessly across his prostate, “i pay attention to you, y’know.”

whatever, god. renjun is leaking like a bitch in heat and he’s done for. every slow drag of his long fingers is torture, this is torture to not be immediately gratified and sent on his way.

“o-oh,” renjun squeaks, the sound caught in his throat when jaehyun’s fingers jab into his prostate.


and again

he can't control his volume, moaning a high, spoiled tone. oh f*ck he's gonna die, isn't he?

“you sound cute,” jaehyun says against the side of his head, breathing heavily. “you drive me f*cking crazy junnie, you know that right?”

one long whine rips from his throat when another finger slips inside, while his hyung nibbles on the cartilage of his ear. that's not even fair. “nn-nhhh,” he tries, but the sound punches out of him without anything to follow it.

“always touching me and texting me cute things, do you have any idea how bad i wanna f*ck you?”

do it already,” he cries, clenching around the fingers deeep inside him pushing against his prostate over and over, he's gonna scream if jaehyun doesn't.

“you act like you wanna be taken advantage of, you really want me to be rough with you?”

yes,” he whines, trying to ride jaehyun’s fingers as he hits a pleasure stride that makes him see stars, so close that when jaehyun pulls his fingers out he spurts pathetically, unfulfilled and mad about it.

“get on your stomach,” jaehyun says like renjun has any control over his muscles. he watches jaehyun sit up and dig in his side table.

taking a shuddering breath, renjun shakes his head, “no.”

jaehyun gets this grin on his face that makes renjun feel wet like a girl, dripping lube from his hole while clenching around nothing. he has to suffer watching him pull out a condom and rip it open with his teeth. part of renjun is disappointed he's not going to get rawed into dust, but it’s not jaehyun’s problem his breeding kink is out of control when it's better to be safe.

“you're not getting ji*zz on my sheets,” he says, rolling the condom on renjun’s co*ck- -


the moan that leaves renjun’s throat is too loud, dick throbbing as jaehyun f*cking manhandles him into laying on his stomach, hips propped up by two pillows like a f*cking princess. the blunt head of jaehyun’s co*ck teases renjun’s hole so good. he might die here.

“we’re not doing this if you can't be quiet,” he says, slapping his bare co*ckhead on renjun’s sloppy hole.

“yes we are,” he wiggles his hips and reaches back with to spread himself open like a whor*. “you’re gonna f*ck me hard and fast.”

he pushes in a moment later, and rejun bites the air, choking himself up so he doesn't make a sound. f*ck, f*ck, jaehyun’s co*ck is thicker than he thought. a couple of shallow thrusts make renjun drool. slow, safe, until hyung’s co*ck is all the way inside and their balls are touching – his own hairless, jaehyun’s scratchy pubes make renjun clench and moan, pressed down into the bed so good. what the f*ck.

jaehyun groans above him and it's so f*cking hot renjun leaks into the condom. “relax,” he breathes as his body covers renjun’s, “we’re not having sex if you don't relax.”

what the f*ck.

“i said hard and fast,” renjun complains, clenching again just to be petulant. a shallow thrust, twin grunts. slow out, slow in. slow slow slow, renjun is going to go insane.

jaehyun stops and rubs renjun’s back and shoulders in a successful attempt to make him boneless; he melts into the pillows and mattress while jaehyun’s blunt nails drag across his skin every so often. a long, quiet moan drips from renjun’s lips when his hyung works on the back of his neck.

it feels good, his back sore anyway from practice today. jaehyun works all the knots out of his back while balls deep, renjun is in another dimension. there's shivers going up and down his spine as he's soothed, floaty.

the first thrust shatters renjun’s bones (real, not clickbait). jaehyun is hot and heavy atop him, groaning in his ear on the downstroke. renjun's gonna die. “good boy,” he hums, kissing the back of his neck, “stay like that.”

how is renjun supposed to relax when jaehyun’s co*ck is as thick and long as it is? he tries though, because otherwise he's gonna be edged to death and then they're going to get completely roasted to death and renjun can only handle so much mortification before it's

“at least kiss me,” he huffs to silence. every time he clenches up, jaehyun stops and runs renjun’s sides, his hips, rubs his lower back and makes him arch into a better angle to melt what's left of renjun’s brain.

slow out, slow in. heavy breaths. the rocking push of his body into the mattress. renjun’s glad for the pillow keeping his hips in the right place. jaehyun’s lube-sticky, hairy balls squish against renjun’s hairless sac every other breath and it's making him insane. the slow burn in his belly is making his whole body fuzzy, eyelids fluttering as he bites the corner of the pillow to muffle his slu*tty little hiccuped moans.

he can't handle it.

renjun’s gonna f*cking die, loudly complaining when jaehyun abruptly pulls his co*ck out. he writhes on the sheets, consumed by the disgusting feeling of ejacul*te at the tip of the condom without proper release.

“shhhhhhhhhh,” jaehyun hushes him with a kiss behind his ear, voice raspy from exertion, “you’re okay injun-ah, ’m right here.” his fingers slowly trace each bump of renjun’s spine starting from the bottom all the way to the top. “you’ve been teasing me for months junnie, you can wait ten seconds.”

“can i?”

“you're being difficult on purpose.” there's something so viscerally f*cking humiliating about the drizzle of cold lube over his fluttering hole, but renjun is so into it he doesn't care. “you’re so f*cking wet.”

“just for you,” he moans, clenching around nothing. “wet for hyung.”

“yeah?” jaehyun chuckles as he drags his co*ckhead through the mess, jacking his tip off against his ass. “wet like a f*cking girl, i should f*ck you like one too.”

being flipped is exhilarating, as is the way jaehyun presses him down into the sheets while sinking that big co*ck into him. of course it's big – of course it is. deep and huge and jaehyun’s face is in front of his with sweat pouring down his temples.

his whole body rolls with jaehyun’s slow thrust that stops on a deep grind, making renjun gasp and bite his lip so hard he's surprised he doesn't taste blood while. jaehyun lean to lick and pepper wet kisses onto renjun’s sweaty neck, helpless when jaehyun holds renjun by the jaw, thumbing his swollen lips apart to press down on his tongue with two fingers that renjun sucks down his throat without a second thought.

“you act so innocent,” he rasps, snapping his hips back and forward into renjun’s guts, “but you’re not, hm?”

renjun needs it in his throat so bad he can taste it. he moans unashamed, shaking his head no, no - - the fingers pull out and renjun pushes his tongue between the two digits and makes jaehyun hesitate, hips coming to a stop.

“you’re so small junnie,” jaehyun shakily breathes, stomach clenching against the soft backs of renjun’s thighs.


renjun wipes any complaint out of his head, whole body sparking with pleasure. his hands are grabbed by jaehyun’s sweaty palms and renjun has an out of body experience touching jaehyun’s co*ck through his own stomach. the shiver that wracks him brings the disgusting feeling of oozing in the condom.

“oh my god,” renjun’s eyes turn down his own body while jaehyun goes for another slow thrust that makes him feel like he's gonna shatter.

“that feel good baby?”

jaehyun grinds torturously gentle for what renjun is used to from other partners, whimpering when the bastard pulls his dick out again.

“i’m gonna kill you,” renjun huffs pathetically, curling onto his side in annoyance. “i’m gonna–”

“you’re gonna be quiet is what you're gonna do,” jaehyun reminds him and points toward the wall; in the silence, renjun can hear the presence of his roommate in the hallway. “he knows not to come in for another ten minutes, so you can either shut up and take what i'm giving, or you can get dressed.”

“you didn't have to–”

the cap pops on the lube bottle and renjun finds himself folded sideways by jaehyun’s hand pushing his leg up and exposing his hole. the obscene way jaehyun pours the cold stream across his gaping hole makes his dick throb, leaking again into the condom.

“want you wet,” jaehyun squeezes the bottle hard and renjun accepts it when he sinks back in with a snap. renjun’s hands flying up to his mouth to stifle his sounds and jaehyun laughs. “unless that's what you want is the whole floor knowing i’m in here taking your virginity.”

rolling his eyes isn't enough, renjun needs to kill jaehyun actually because they both damn well know neither of them are virgins. but it's also such a hot thought, being virgins on their wedding night… just married, and now they're consummating their bond.

what kind of stupid thought even is that?

“that what we’re doing?” he says, clenching to keep the lube inside as he sits up on the pillow. “sit up and let me ride you,” renjun demands quietly, because this is gonna be the only way he’s got the leverage to keep going. it's the only efficient way to cum in less than ten minutes here.

jaehyun just does it, thank f*cking god. he likes a man who can listen.

there's no preamble, renjun just holds jaehyun’s co*ck and let's live drip out of his hole onto the tip as he sinks down. what felt cold becomes so hot renjun thinks he's gonna burn up. the stretch is incredible, renjun doesn't want another dick ever again.

they don't speak, touching each other to rile themselves up. renjun pinches jaehyun’s nipples and jaehyun nibbles on renjun’s ears which is so weird but so good. it's somewhere between the slowness jaehyun wants and the brutal pace renjun craves, hard until renjun leans back with one hand on jaehyun’s thigh and the other holding jaehyun’s hand on his own stomach just to feel his co*ck together.

renjun comes apart with a swallowed squeak, biting his lip as he curls in on himself and empties into the condom, bouncing until jaehyun flips them and pins him to the bed to f*ck him brutally, hand over renjun’s mouth. renjun would beg to be choked if they were anyone else. the hot splash of cum inside sets renjun off again, yowling like a wounded animal in the crook of jaehyun’s neck.

they lay together panting like dogs for a couple of minutes, cooling off, laughing as the aftershocks subside. an abrupt knock kills the mood in an instant and the two of them freeze in place.

“f*ck off,” jaehyun shouts back.

“you've got five minutes,” jungwoo’s exhausted voice filters in.


f*ck,” he groans as he gets up and immediately wobbles on his legs like a newborn deer. “you’re really mean in bed.”

“why do you want me to treat you like a cheap slu*t?”

“i’m not sending you hole pics,” renjun complains as he bends at the waist to grab the shirt closest to him so he can sop up the gush of lube and sem*n as he finally lets go against the fabric.

“that's your shirt,” jaehyun says with the worst grin in his voice that renjun doesn't turn around to see.

and, it f*cking is.

groaning, renjun wipes deep and drops it in jaehyun’s hamper on the way to his closet to grab a shirt to throw on beneath his hoodie. it's the least jaehyun owes him, as far as renjun is concerned.

“you better return it.”

not a chance; renjun picks a powder blue long sleeve sweater that he swims in when he puts it on, then steps into the rest of his clothing with cum leaking out of his ass and with the condom still on his soft dick to deal with when he goes to shower.


read my mind - yukitsunoda (2024)


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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.